Beasts of Beyond
december mini-meeting | 12/27 - Printable Version

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december mini-meeting | 12/27 - SHERBET - 12-27-2022

Sherbet heaved the longest sigh in such a long time, the male ice cream cat was shaking off remnant snow from trudging outside, making sure all the residents were bundled up and their huts mostly back together. His pastel green eyes were bright and alert as he raised his head and called, "ALL TYPHOONERS HEED MY CALL!"

Instead of plopping down in the snow, the rainbow sherbet tabby kept on his paws, small shifts as he started speaking once others had arrived, "I would like to wish everyone a late winter celebration, whatever you celebrate, to start with." Swishing his tail, he exhaled, "In other news, the HP/SPH are still open; you can go HERE to sign up. We are still looking for a Soothsayer, a Sage, an Officer, Reavers, and Privateers."

"I don't think I have to point out that reconstruction took a bit longer than we thought, and I am happy to announce that things will be going back into full swing soon enough. Between lumber trading from Tanglewood and our own small pile, we've been working on being close to finishing our more substantial buildings while also working on some boats for Tanglewood to use to explore their swamps." Looking out over the crowd, he added, "This is just a mini-meeting compared to what January will bring. I have a lot of thoughts about what we can do! If anyone has any questions or any important news, feel free to tell me or ask for it to be announced at the next meeting."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?