Beasts of Beyond
I'll WRECK THIS IF I HAVE TO // O, PAINT WAR - Printable Version

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I'll WRECK THIS IF I HAVE TO // O, PAINT WAR - Roy Mustang - 06-03-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
In the territory, Roy had two large bins of paint filled water balloons. One bin was filled with blue paint and the other red. It took Roy a bit to get all of these balloons filled up, and it had been a messy process. Some red and blue paint already stained Roy's black fur, mainly at his front paws. It took Roy a bit to complete the task regarding Hughes; he was still pretty grief stricken about what happened. It had been hard for him to volunteer himself for a task, and then even harder to organize his.

A sigh escaped the Flame Alchemist's jaws, and the male made his way to camp. He knew that not a lot of people are out in the territory, he won't get a lot of participants if he just yells out to whoever is padding about. As he padded along, he left a trail of blue and red paw prints. Thankfully the paint is washable, so with some rain, his paint paw prints will wash away.

Padding into the Observatory, the male spoke up. "Ascendants! I'm hosting a paint war out in the territory. If you're willing to get a little messy, then meet me outside." He called out with a flick of his ear, before turning around to return to where he left the bins. He hoped that this task would distract him from Maes, even if it's just by a little bit.

Re: I'll WRECK THIS IF I HAVE TO // O, PAINT WAR - Suiteheart - 06-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart had accidentally fallen asleep inside the Observatory. She was emotionally drained from all the goings on of the past two weeks, and the exhaustion in her mind had melted into her bones and entire being. One moment, she had sat down to watch everyone milling about, and the next, she was being woken up by Roy's call.

A paint war?

Holy shit. Count her in.

The white feline scrambled to her paws, following at Roy's side. She cracked a lopsided smile as she headed towards the site of the paint war. She had been involved in a color run once, so she figured this was kind of similar - at least in the mass-color aspect. "You're gonna get squashed, Roy," she teased when they happened upon the crates of paint-filled balloons.

Re: I'll WRECK THIS IF I HAVE TO // O, PAINT WAR - august basil - 06-04-2018

august was still trying to get situated in the observatory, walking the winding road from the main area to his room back and forth, just to embed it into his mind. needless to say, nadir wasn't very happy with this constant pacing, and had opted to take a seat on august's back, tucking his beak under one of his wings. august had just arrived back to the main room and was preparing to turn right around to head back along the twisting path - he hadn't quite got it right yet - when he heard the call of an unfamiliar male, announcing that he was holding a paint war outside. august's ears pricked up in interest, his eyes sparking eagerly. that's something i could do, he thought, lips spreading into a grin. he hurried after suiteheart, who was following after the person who'd announced the paint war (from what she said, august had to assume that the guy's name was roy).

nadir had been woken up when august loudly exclaimed, "i'm in," practically quivering with excitement. pelting people with paint-filled balloons maybe wasn't number one on august's list of 'favourite things to do', but it was something that appealed to the trickster. nadir cocked his head, letting out a small caw of agreement. well, at least it seemed like that. nadir wasn't flying off - in fact, he seemed quite content on august's back, despite being just jostled around while august had run after suiteheart and roy - so august assumed that the crow was in for the long run.


Bastille used to take comfort in seeing Suite every fucking where he went, but for fuck's sake, he was getting tired of being unable to escape her. On the bright side, the pleasant hum of vodka was doing its job: dulling his senses and emotions just enough that he could still function but not really care. He didn't even look at her as he joined them, and felt close to nothing as he eyed Roy's set up. "Yeah, I'm in," he said, lazy, before adding, "S'long as I get to throw some at you, you know?" He gave Roy a smirk, but didn't seem to carry heat. His suspicious against Roy had died at about the same time as... well, Maes almost had, the first time.

Re: I'll WRECK THIS IF I HAVE TO // O, PAINT WAR - Character Graveyard. - 06-04-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
A paint war? Luna had heard Roy's call and she shook her head, a frown on her maw. Paint wars weren't the Starstruck Guardian's thing to do, so the female had decided to stay inside while the rest of her fellow Clanmates head outside.

"I'll pass." She said softly.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯