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BEAUTIFUL IS BORING! // Solsken - Printable Version

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BEAUTIFUL IS BORING! // Solsken - JOSIAH F. - 12-26-2022


This felt like fun already. Sneaking into another group to give someone a good thrashing, to make his face known. To start a terror that would, in time, rage across the Island. It felt invigorating. Righteous. Purposeful. His partially furless body moved along the swampy earth, piercing red eyes scanning. After a while, his nose picked up someone's scent, and he dove into a nearby brush.

Just a little longer, he encouraged himself. Just a little longer and then the world will know of The Covenant.

[member=23339]Corrupted Flower[/member]

Re: BEAUTIFUL IS BORING! // Solsken - Casphian - 12-26-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
The night was quiet, almost too quiet for the young hellhound’s liking. He had been awoken not too long ago by his own screams of terror as yet another nightmare plagued his dreams. He had slipped from his home, head ducked as he drifted out of the main camp and into the swampy area surrounding them. He needed a breath of fresh air to clear his mind.

He continued along his path, kind anywhere but here at the moment. So it was no surprise that he never heard the sound of another or caught the unfamiliar scent that surely drifted past him. His mind was too far away and filled with many unwanted thoughts and memories.

Re: BEAUTIFUL IS BORING! // Solsken - JOSIAH F. - 12-26-2022


It was easy! Way too easy for the wolf's liking, but easy! He watched as Solsken walked by, letting him walk away for a moment before trying to follow him as silently as he could. He was as pale as the moon above, sihlouette broken by shade. And in that shade, he started.

He tried to leap onto Solsken's back and force him down, attempting to bite down on the helhound's neck. It wasn't enough to kill him, but he wasn't aiming for that. A vicious, almost feral snarl erupted from his throat, red eyes glinting maliciously.

Re: BEAUTIFUL IS BORING! // Solsken - Casphian - 12-26-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
He should’ve noticed the presence behind him, he really should’ve. But he didn’t and that would be his fatal flaw. He was thrown onto his side with teeth clamping down on his neck. He let out a snarl and tried to bite at the attacker, hoping to latch onto anything he could reach. He would attempt to wiggle underneath the other, hoping to shake their body off of his.

God he was such a fool. Who in their right mind goes walking around this late at night? And without a sound kind at that! Honestly he deserved to get attacked like this, maybe that would teach him to think before doing shit next time.

Re: BEAUTIFUL IS BORING! // Solsken - JOSIAH F. - 12-26-2022


The growl became a giggle, and as he released Solsken the giggle became a wild bout of laughter. He stumbled back, laughing for a solid moment before calming down. Josiah shook his head and readied his stance. He leaned on one of his front legs, then shifted to the other, eyes wild and focused. "Come on, fight me. Let's make this fun~!" He cooed, lurching forward. His lips twisted into a snarling grin, and he started to circle Solsken. Tail wagging, he looked unnervingly happy about this entire situation.

Re: BEAUTIFUL IS BORING! // Solsken - Casphian - 12-26-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken quickly pushed himself up onto his paws the second the weight was off his body. His eyes locked onto the figure in front of him, head tilting to one side at the laughter that came from the man. His ears pinned back as he listened to the words, lips curling back in a silent snarl.

“You’re a psycho if you call this fun,” he snapped out, his gaze never leaving the man even as the other began to circle him. His body tensed up, lowering a bit to the ground as he watched and waited. Finally he pounced, attempting to land onto Josiah and clamp his jaws around the others neck, claws attempting to dig into the others shoulder as well.

Re: BEAUTIFUL IS BORING! // Solsken - JOSIAH F. - 12-27-2022


The grin grew wider as Josiah listened, teeth glinting off reflected moonlight. Looks like the kid had some spunk. Good. As teeth dug into his neck and claws scored his shoulder, he attempted to shake Solsken off. "Finally, a fight!" He continued to thrash around like an angry buck, though the wild grin on his face made it apparent that, truly, he was enjoying this fight.

//Low muse + Neck hurting AUUUGH 

Re: BEAUTIFUL IS BORING! // Solsken - Casphian - 12-28-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken leapt backwards, landing on his paws a safe distance away from from Josiah. He let out a snarl, shaking out the fur on his neck as he lowered his body towards the ground. "What do you want from me?" he snapped out the question, curious as to why the other was here and why he attacked him of all people.
//low muse ;n;