Beasts of Beyond
Close the door to open a window // Joining - Printable Version

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Close the door to open a window // Joining - SirDio - 12-25-2022

The beast lumbered, his bear-like front paws dragging away underbrush as he walked, and his wolf-like hind legs moving along with him. His teal fur was highlighted in dappled sunlight from the trees above him, and his wolf-like ears twitched as birdsong rang out. Cold as it may, it hardly affected the giant. Only when a cold wind would bite at his exposed muscle around his barren skull would he ever make one notion of complaint.

He halted, red eyes staring across the border. A group. Hm. He looked around, letting out a huff as he lowered his head to inspect the ground. Cold, for a swamp. Swamp. The hybrid snorted and rose to his hind legs, letting out a roar before having to drop back to all fours. Liqueor shook out his teal fur and adjusted his footing, keen on waiting for someone to come along.

Re: Close the door to open a window // Joining - Casphian - 12-25-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
It was much to early in the morning for the Hellhound to be up and awake. Aka it probably wasn’t that early but Solsken was more of a nocturnal creature so any time that the sun was up was too early for him. And thus he was grumpier than usual and quickly decided that dealing with people was too much for him at the moment.

So the Hellhound made quick work of slipping out of the main camp and heading deep into the territory to walk about, taking the time to clear his head and try to wake up a bit. It was during that time a loud roar filled his ears and caused him to let out a low growl. He changed his path to head in the direction of the noise, head lowered towards the ground with his head flat against his skull. “Aye buddy what’s with all the noise?” He snapped out the second he stepped through a bush and was standing in front of the new guy. “It’s too early for that shit,” he said with a huff. 

Re: Close the door to open a window // Joining - Kiara Kokytos - 12-26-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

the noise alerted the reaper - sprawled in an uncomfortable looking position grooming the short fur on her underbelly enjoying the silence of the peaceful morning apparently wasn't an easy feat for tanglers - who pushed her way through the bushes to find solsken facing off with a stranger. "solsken, shut up." she let out a loud yawn. "be polite, will you?" she turned to the newcomer. "you look lost, you need any help from us?"

Re: Close the door to open a window // Joining - Eon - 12-31-2022


Where life as an unwilling angel starts, I end
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[span style="font-family:times;color:#eee;font-size:12px;width:230px;text-align:justify;"] Sariel had been resting peacefully in his cottage. Even in his sleep, however, he remained semi-alert. Even the faintest hint of sounds would wake him from his slumber. With the sharp hearing of his long ears, it was no surprise the sleeping angel would pick up on the loud roar that came from nearby.  Azure eyes would blink open. “What the hell was that?” he’d mutter as he stretched his front paws out in front of him. Soon, he’d pull himself to a standing position. He supposed he better go check it out. ‘

Swiftly his paws carried him across the frosty terrain toward the sound.  A small gathering came into view as he approached. His eyes instantly fixated on the stranger, though he said nothing and let the other do the talking. He was too exhausted to deal with this right now.  He debated in his head if he should just head back and continue to sleep. Others were here to handle the situation, was he really needed anyway?

Forgive my intrusion but grace is won with friends

[span style="font-family:times;color:#eee;font-size:12px;width:230px;text-align:justify;"]NOTES
