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here we are ;; playing - Printable Version

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here we are ;; playing - Agrimony - 12-25-2022

wanderer of cotc
penned by cobra
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    he was still not okay after all that happened. the loss of his family. being taken in by another child, though a bit older than him. at first, he clung to her side and was to nervous to go out and play alone. even now, he stuck close to zuri's home. afraid that he might get lost or killed alone. he was just sitting in the front garden. a leaf between his paws as he batted it back and forth.

sure, it wasn't the most fun thing in the world, but it was fun to him. wasn't that all that mattered?


code by teef

Re: here we are ;; playing - Brutei Tsune - 12-28-2022

It was an unfortunate fate that NeonLove's family faced -- and though Brutei did feel bad, they didn't quite feel like showing sympathy. Perhaps it was their cold nature showing through, now that their children had mostly grown out of the house. Or perhaps, since Brutei already had a dour childhood, they felt no need to feel for a child who lost his entire family. Either way, it was cold.

The Oriental shorhair gently walked along the frosty ground, heading in no particular direction, when their eyes caught sight of Zuriela's house. And NeonLove. An ear flicked, and the ice demon continued onward.

"Hello, little one." they spoke, not quite showing affection in their tone as much as they did with their own kids. But their eyes were gentle and tail low. "How are you holding up?"


Re: here we are ;; playing - Romulus - 12-30-2022

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
The tragedy of being an abandoned child was unfamiliar story to Romulus. In fact, his parents had raised him to be the man he became today, whether for good or for bad. They influenced his decision-making daily, keeping him on his toes and making sure the Coalition of the Condemned did not fall into the hellish nature it was once was. Romulus could only let the thought grace his mind as he walked along, merely noting Neonlove in the distance. His stoic expression faded, coming into a frown. They were occupied, but was the child happy?

As a family man, the lion had always tried to make others feel homely. Today was no different. As he approached, his former frown turned into a soft smile. A swinging tail indicated his warm, welcoming attitude. Nevertheless, he could already hear Brutei saying what he had in mind as he approached. Instead, he merely offered a dip of his head as he came to a halt.

Gentle eyes looked down at the other, only to look back at Brutei momentarily and then back to the child. "I think you might find yourself more entertained if you read a book or asked the other kiddos-" Yes, he said kiddos. "-to go out?" Maybe they were a recluse like him. Even so, he learned with time that mentally he needed to push forth to keep his social circle healthy, especially as a kingpin. Neonlove could learn from that.

Re: here we are ;; playing - Agrimony - 01-12-2023

wanderer of cotc
penned by cobra
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    frankly, the cub was surprised to be noticed at all. the little male let his head flick up and eyes lock onto brutei. tail swishing slightly as he took in the words and his heart racing slightly. it was not long before he realized there was no danger and he offered a shy smile. hello. he offered back with a slightly unsure voice.

it was clear he was not sure how he was truly doing. i think i'm okay. its a lot to get used to. he admits softly with a faint tone. it was another that joined that made his ears perk slightly.  eyes flicking to the other and head tilting slightly.

i can't read.. but other kids sound fun. he admits with clear interest. eyes flicking between the two adults and his leaf long forgotten on the ground.


code by teef