Beasts of Beyond
IN THE ARMS OF THE FATHER // Solsken - Printable Version

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IN THE ARMS OF THE FATHER // Solsken - Byriath - 12-18-2022

To be entirely honest, Byriath was stressed. Romulus was, again, feeling unwell -- and he didn't mind stepping up, doing what needed to be done, all of that. But his body seemed to mind. It moved achingly toward the border to tanglewood. And while his body was tired, his mind was not. It ached for his adopted son. He hadn't seen Solsken in so long, he felt as though he had abandoned the pup. It ached him. Tore him apart from the inside. What if he never forgave Byriath? What if he wanted nothing to do with him? What if-

Before he knew it, the Xenosmilus was at the border. His stoic face showed a hint of wear, new wrinkles on his face. He was starting to age. His body was starting to show age. It felt weird. But the thought was torn away at his realization. He was here, in tanglewood. He was at the border. He straightened up, shaking his mane gently, and let out a gentle hooting noise to announce his arrival.

[member=23339]Corrupted Flower[/member] 

Re: IN THE ARMS OF THE FATHER // Solsken - Casphian - 12-19-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans masc — COTC — Wanderer — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken had been longing for the person who pretty much raised him since he first arrived in the Coalition but he wasn't about to speak about these feelings. No the hellhound was going to continue to suffer in silence, he had never been the type to speak to others so this wasn't much of a surprise. But these feelings had started to affect him, countless nights he was awoke with nightmares, each one repeating the day that he was taken from his father and his group and each one grew twisted more and more. It was leaving the hellhound exhausted during the day and practically a walking corpse.

He needed something to distract his mind from everything so Solsken had decided to go on a walk and hope that it would clear his head. But instead in did the opposite. He had caught a familiar scent that reminded him of the man he missed and honestly he just shook it off thinking that he was just sleep deprived. It was then that he heard the call, causing the pup to stop in his tracks and stare in the direction of the sound. He knew that call anywhere. His paws took off before his brain could catch up, dragging his body quickly across the terrain. Sol finally skidded to a stop, his gaze widening at the sight in front of him. "Dad..?"