Beasts of Beyond
I'll take your place behind the mask || demonic feral - Printable Version

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I'll take your place behind the mask || demonic feral - Casphian - 12-18-2022

Low growls rumbled through a dark furred chest. inky black, tar like liquid dripped from his muzzle, the metallic scent filling the air around him. His eyes were void of pupils, the normal peach color overtaking the entirety of the orbs.

Icarus drifted through the camp, no clear direction to his walk. His ears were pinned back against his skull, hair brushing across the top of his muzzle and threatening to hide his lifeless gaze. If anyone even dared to look at him it would be clear that the normal canine wasn’t present but another creature stood in his place.

His demonic blood boiled in his veins, taking over his mind and leaving him nothing more than a feral creature waiting to attack. His muzzle ripped open and teeth lashed at the air, not coming into contact with anything and leaving the demon even more frustrated than before.

Re: I'll take your place behind the mask || demonic feral - DEVILDOG - 12-18-2022

He couldn't tell if it was the freaked out animals that got his attention, or the scent of blood. But either way, with Icarus being the subject of many a frightened whisper, DevilDog was a little concerned. The large hellhound carefully loped over to where he assumed Icarus was, and sniffed. Blood. A stench he knew all too well. It hounded his memory. Slowly, he spoke. "Icarus? That you, buddy? You, uh... you doin' alright?"

Re: I'll take your place behind the mask || demonic feral - Casphian - 12-19-2022

Icarus stood in his place when DevilDog spoke, snarling loudly. He shook his head, the inky liquid spraying across the ground when he did so. His gaze lifted and locked onto the other, staring him down as if he were prey. Icarus took a step towards Devil, still having yet to respond to him but it was debatable if he could even speak. "Diabolus.." he finally spoke, voice gravely and harsh. He now padded towards the other, movements slow and gaze never leaving the hound.

Re: I'll take your place behind the mask || demonic feral - Kiara Kokytos - 12-22-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she had been strolling through the clearing when she saw the commotion between icarus and devildog. icarus didn't scare her, not many did, especially not a drooling demonic nobody. the sin flicked an ear as she watched icarus advance on devil who was only trying to do good. how lucinder would have a field day if they came across each other, she thought. she sat down and lapped at her paw, optics never leaving the pair.

Re: I'll take your place behind the mask || demonic feral - LUCINDER XIU - 12-22-2022


the noise drew him, flames bursting along his back as his gaze locked in on icarus as icarus fixated his on devildog. ignoring kiara and stepping right past her he began his own slow advance towards the pair, tail hanging low and a small snarl lingering on his muzzle. claws out, fire burning on his skin. "icarus, what are you doing?" his voice came out a low rumble and he shook his mane out, sending harmless firesparks into the ground.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 2 years & 5 months

Re: I'll take your place behind the mask || demonic feral - Kiara Kokytos - 12-22-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

almost as if her thoughts could summon said person, arrow and elsweyr's son lucinder himself strolled past her, fire running down his spine. this would be interesting. the femme decided, rising to her paws to pad somewhere where she could relax and watch the entire thing unfold at leisure.

Re: I'll take your place behind the mask || demonic feral - DEVILDOG - 12-22-2022

His ears twitched and he stood his ground expressionless as he listened to Icarus speak. It sent a mild tremor down his spine, it reminded him of what happened those years ago. "Icarus." he said, halting as he smelled others arrive, nose twitching. He lifted his long tail to try and block Lucinder from getting closer. "Don't. You'll make it worse."

Even if Lucinder didn't listen, the blind canine took a step forward. "Icarus, you need to listen to me, okay? You need to calm down. You need to breath, think."

Re: I'll take your place behind the mask || demonic feral - LUCINDER XIU - 12-22-2022


with a flick of the ear lucinder acknowledged the fact that devildog tried to hold him back, but the male simply sidestepped the blind and stood to the side, silently watching. devil seemed to have this situation under control', but lucinder really hoped he didn't. he was itching for a scrap, to be frank.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 2 years & 5 months

Re: I'll take your place behind the mask || demonic feral - Casphian - 12-23-2022

Lifeless orbs flicked over to the newcomers, eyeing the two for a moment before returning towards Devildog as of the two didn’t exist. He took another step closer to the blind canine, head lowering a bit as his hackles raised. “Diabolus..” came the gravely voice once more. Claws dug into the ground, body tense as if ready to pounce at a moments notice. “Non est Icarus,” he spoke, his voice trailing off. “Move diabolum, noli me obsistere.”

“There is no Icarus”
“Move Devil, do not get in my way”

Re: I'll take your place behind the mask || demonic feral - Kiara Kokytos - 12-24-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

it probably was her time to step in now that lucinder seemed content to watch and attack when needed. as much as she was thankful for elsweyr's son, she still outranked everyone there. the reaper got up with a sigh, padding forwards with the fur on her back bristling slightly. "devildog, move." her usual soft tone was replaced by a harsher one, flat, void of life. the sin shoudlered her way past the blind, stopping in front of icarus. greed bared her teeth, a snarl bursting from her throat. "icarus, behave." her claws unsheathed and she watched his every move. she had never seen anyone in tanglewood behave like this before. preparing her stance in case of a fight she waited. for him to make a mood, for someone to figure out what the hell was wrong with him and why he was only speaking latin.