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Save me if I become my demons [Icarus] - Printable Version

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Save me if I become my demons [Icarus] - Eon - 12-17-2022



Where life as an unwilling angel starts, I end
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[span style="font-family:times;color:#eee;font-size:12px;width:230px;text-align:justify;"] Sariel had learned more about his past.. He was learning to be confident and proud of who he was; the angelic blood swelled through his veins, the large feathered wings that could carry him out of a winter's storm, and the glowing crown (antennae) upon his head. But one thing on his mind still stirred like an oncoming storm. One thing he couldn’t understand.

What had happened that led to his fall? Why had his trusted family and friends chased him out, stripped him of his divinity, and left him here with nothing? It just… didn’t make sense. Had he done something wrong?  It had to of been really wrong to lead to this outcome. He wasn’t sure what it was, yet it still heavily plagued him day by day. It defined who he now was, the shape he now took… even if he wasn’t actually aware of the situation. It plagued him heavily. There was guilt - it had to have been his fault, right? There was frustration, frustration at himself for forgetting.

Deep in thought, the angel would gaze skyward. Clouds floated just above the tree line.  The horizon was was grey, and visibility was poor. Felt a lot like his memories. He had found out more, including his proper name but… it left him with more questions than answers. It made him question, did he even deserve the name in the first place?

Forgive my intrusion but grace is won with friends

[span style="font-family:times;color:#eee;font-size:12px;width:230px;text-align:justify;"]NOTES


Re: Save me if I become my demons [Icarus] - Casphian - 12-18-2022

The mutt carried himself through the area, head hung low as his ears pinned back. His chest was hurting, or more specifically his heart was mourning. He had been shoving away his feelings these last couple of days but it was finally starting to catch up him. Icarus missed his sister and he missed his nephew, what he wouldn’t give to be able to see them. But he had made his choice and he needed to stick to it. He had left so he wouldn’t hurt them because knowing the blood that raged inside him he eventually would and that was the last thing he wanted.

But that didn’t make the choice any easier especially here in the after. Icarus hadn’t been paying much attention so it came to no surprise that he would run into another body, causing the half demon to stumble to the ground. “Ah shit, sorry about that I wasn’t paying attention,” he said with a groan.

Re: Save me if I become my demons [Icarus] - Eon - 12-18-2022


Where life as an unwilling angel starts, I end
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[span style="font-family:times;color:#eee;font-size:12px;width:230px;text-align:justify;"] Another sigh escaped him. He was too obviously lost in thought to sense the other approach from behind. He didn’t realize he was in presence of another being until they crashed. The other stumbled to the ground and Sariel quickly jumped to his feet. “Are you alright!?” he’d gasp, glancing over the figure “Don’t worry about it” he’d reply to their apology.  He’d reach out a paw in an offer to help the other up.

His azure gaze remained fixated on one particular feature on the mutt, the horns that crowned their head. Sariel couldn’t help but cringe slightly, though he kept it on the inside - his facial expression remained emotionless and hard to read.  Those horns… they remind him of something. Something not so pleasant from his past…but why? mutations like that were quite common among these parts - he shouldn’t be jumping to assumptions.

Forgive my intrusion but grace is won with friends

[span style="font-family:times;color:#eee;font-size:12px;width:230px;text-align:justify;"]NOTES


Re: Save me if I become my demons [Icarus] - Casphian - 12-23-2022

Icarus would take the offered paw, using it to help push himself back up. Once he was righted again the canine would shake out his fur, ridding it of any dirt or dust that lingered from the ground. “I’m alright,” he mused, gaze finally flicking towards the creature he ran into. He happened to notice how the other seems fixated on his horns, causing him to step back and lower his head to the side a bit. “Er, the name’s Icarus,” he mused, figuring he’d introduce himself. “I just joined this group a little bit ago so I haven’t gotten the chance to meet everyone yet,” he hummed as he studied the smaller creature in front of him. He took notice of the wings, his own scars itching on his back the longer he stared at them until eventually he forced his gaze away. His chest tightened with longing but he quickly shoved the feeling away.

Re: Save me if I become my demons [Icarus] - Eon - 12-31-2022


Where life as an unwilling angel starts, I end
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[span style="font-family:times;color:#eee;font-size:12px;width:230px;text-align:justify;"] Sariel would give a nod, glad the other was alright. He mentioned he had just joined the group shortly prior, which explained why he hadn’t recognized him. Sariel supposed he better introduce himself too.

“My name’s E-” he paused, almost giving his old name. He had decided not to go by Eon anymore since he had managed to recall his angelic name, though part of him was still used to going by his previous name.  “Sariel” he’d quickly correct himself. ‘

There was no doubt the other would probably be confused why he would stutter on something as simple as his own name.  Sariel wasn’t sure he would be able to come up with an explanation if asked. Nervousness began to wash over him as he took a few steps back.

“I’m glad you’re alright.” he’d say, attempting to change the subject. His eyes went back onto Icarus’s horns before he realized he might notice him staring. Instantly he forced his gaze downward, to the grassy terrain below him.

Forgive my intrusion but grace is won with friends

[span style="font-family:times;color:#eee;font-size:12px;width:230px;text-align:justify;"]NOTES


Re: Save me if I become my demons [Icarus] - Casphian - 01-08-2023

Icarus settled back on his haunches, a soft hum slipping past his muzzle as he moved. "It's nice to meet you Sariel," he mused with a small smile. He could see how nervous the other was and so he tried to do the best that he could to ease the other's nerves.

Icarus let out a soft yawn, ears pinning to the side for a moment. "I haven't seen you around here before, are you new or just elusive?" he asked with a soft chuckle. His tail wagged a bit as he shook out the mess of long fur the rested atop he head, strands falling into his eyes before being moved away.