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Voyage of an angel [return] - Printable Version

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Voyage of an angel [return] - Eon - 12-15-2022

[size=18pt]The moon will sing a song for me -
I loved you like the sun

Eon had found himself away from home again. His own thoughts pushed him away to isolation as he had done prior. He had survived the vicious storm, even in solitude, lucky enough to have found high ground and shelter. Now, the storm has subsided, and enough time had passed. He figured it was about time he head back to Tanglewood.

Still, thoughts from his time away swirled in his brain like a storm on the inside.

The clink of a rose quartz chained around his neck would thump against his chest with every step he took. A sigh would escape his breath as the tangled grove finally came into view.

Home… yet he was unsure what the storm had done to the place.  He supposed it had changed. Much like he did on his journeys.

He had managed to recollect old memories during his time away. One of them being his old, forgotten name.  s an angel, he had not gone by Eon.

We wondered, now knowing that in full - he should change it back to its original angelic tune.  He was, after all, on a journey to come into his power once again.  Re claiming his old name was perhaps a big step into doing so.

But… would it be worth re-establishing himself in a place that already knew him all to well as Eon.

Re: Voyage of an angel [return] - Seven - 12-15-2022

Eon. A name she was familiar with. She hardly forgot the outlines of anyone she met, anyone she helped. When she heard that he had departed again, she was a little nervous. as per usual for her to be. But he was young and strong. And in time, the worry left her. She never thought she'd see his outline again, but...

Her large form pushed through foliage, blind eyes cast downward toward the vulpine outline. [b]"Welcome back, Eon." She spoke, tone warm and welcoming. "Have you any injuries that need to be tended to?" There was amusement in her tone, and a gentle smile on her face.

Re: Voyage of an angel [return] - Eon - 12-18-2022


Where life as an unwilling angel starts, I end
[br] [br]
[span style="font-family:times;color:#eee;font-size:12px;width:230px;text-align:justify;"] The familiar face before him was comforting. A slight smile would grace his features as he took a few steps towards Seven. He’d give a slight bow of his head in greeting, and his long bunny-like ears would perk slightly as he listened to her question, his attention drawn instantly to his old name.

“No, thankfully I have returned in good health this time. You don’t have to worry about me.”  He paused, weary debating in his head if he should tell her he was going by a different name now.  First, he would have to actually decide - did he really want to go by that name?

He felt so confident when he decided to travel back to Tanglewood, but now that he was here, he was second-guessing himself.

Still, the intention had been clear. The resistance was simply out of nervousness, one he knew he would have to face. So, he decided, it was better to face it now. It would be only more awkward to not do so and decide to change it at a later date, after all.

“Actually.” He’d pause before continuing. [b] “I recovered some memories while I was away. Eon isn’t actually my name, as it turns out.” [/b]

Forgive my intrusion but grace is won with friends

[span style="font-family:times;color:#eee;font-size:12px;width:230px;text-align:justify;"]NOTES
