Beasts of Beyond
Mother Mary // Joining - Printable Version

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Mother Mary // Joining - DEVILDOG - 12-09-2022

The soft, moist soil made DevilDog cringe, his lips curling in a harsh growl. He couldn't see, but could definitely tell he was in a damp ass land. Stained teeth clacked as his nose twitched, ears flicking as noise echoed. It seemed like a second had passed before he lurched forward, colliding with the furry rodent -- some rat or maybe a capybara, he couldn't tell and couldn't care. His black tongue curled around it as his lower jaw split, making enough room for the rodent to fit neatly in his mouth before he crunched and swallowed. A small meal, but a meal nonetheless.

Black saliva stained his piercing white fur around his muzzle as his lower jaw snapped back into place, tongue curling back into his mouth. He shook himself, then moved his head around. He probably passed the border. Shit. Mom would be scolding his head off if she was here... that was some time ago, wasn't it? His body hadn't really aged, but he did. And he remembered her voice all too clearly. He shook himself again. "I just realized I might be trespassing. Terribly sorry, I have issues getting around with no eyes. Uh... my name is DevilDog? And I'd like to join?

Re: Mother Mary // Joining - Casphian - 12-09-2022

Icarus had been checking out the boarder, once again trying to explore the group's territory to get a feel for the layout. Luckily he was starting to get to know where everything was and he was finding the places to run off to when he needed time to himself. And today he was really needing that alone time but fate just really loved to hate him and he never got such luck. So when he stumbled across the male, listening as he spoke, it didn't come to much of a surprise to him to see the other there.

"It's fine you meant no harm," he said, finally making his presence known to the other. "You're on Tanglewood territory and I'm sure you would be more than welcome to join us," he mused, moving to settle back on his haunches while he studied the much larger canine.