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There are so few here that know // Drinking - Printable Version

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There are so few here that know // Drinking - GAWAIN - 12-06-2022

we must away, ere break of day
Gawain was not a man to show emotion, even before his draconic curse had taken form. It was rare for him to ever smile genuinely, or to cry, or to become seethingly angry. And whenever he did do such things, when he did grin and laugh, or cry, or become angry, it was not something he liked. A knight, especially the leading Knight, was hardly supposed to show such things.

The cold air bit at his nose, body feeling almost weightless aside from the metal cuffs on his wrists and ankles, the only things he would rather wear from his armor when the rest was in Kiara's house. As he moved, the scarring on his body stung with the cold, though as per usual, he showed no emotion as he lumbered across town. His destination, the tavern, had what he really wanted. A good ale and warmth. He needed a distraction.

He pushed open the doors, coughing gently as he did. It rattled his lungs slightly, but he cared little as he walked to the counter and simply muttered for some alcohol from the bartender. He waited patiently as it was poured, and when it was given he pushed over two golden coins. Perhaps the tender could find some use for them here. He stared into the glass, watching the orange liquid swirl. And for a moment, he reconsidered. What would they think? What would she think?

He grumbled and started to sip the beer. To hell with them, if they weren't around, and if she had better things to do, then to hell with them. The tiger took another sip, more or less a gulp. To hell with all of them. He wasn't their leader anymore, if they were all gone. He could do what he wanted. He had no reason to not show emotion, to not drink, to not curse or say anything out of line.

Before long he found that he had finished the drink. Almost seamlessly, he waved the tender over, dropped a couple of more gold coins, and waited for his drink to be re-poured.

Re: There are so few here that know // Drinking - Casphian - 12-06-2022

The last couple of days had been hell for Icarus, between joining a new group and the constant nightmares that awaited him once he fell asleep. It seemed like he couldn’t get a bit of peace right now, even if he resided in a group that seemed to be rather calm, or at least calmer than his last home. He had heard whispers of a tavern residing in the group but hadn’t gotten much time to go check it out but it seemed like fate was giving him a bit of a pass at the moment so he took the chance and meandered his way over towards the tavern.

The hybrid pushed open the door to the building, stepping inside and taking in the lively atmosphere. It wasn’t much to his liking but it would have to do if he wanted to drink his worries away. Padding over to the bar, waving over the bartender and placing his order before dropping the gold coins he owed.

The second the alcohol was in his grasp he downed the drink in one sitting, placing the now empty cup down and waving over the bartender once more to request another drink. His gaze flicked over to Gawain, taking in the tiger’s form and debating on his choices. “How long have you been here?” He asked, finally deciding to speak up and try to make small talk. But man was Icarus bad at being social.

Re: There are so few here that know // Drinking - GAWAIN - 12-07-2022

we must away, ere break of day
By the time he was given his drink, the tiger had noticed Icarus sit nearby and order his own drink. He took a careful glance to the wolf/rottie and said nothing as he started to drink. The other had never left his line of sight, and Gawain watched him down the alcohol. With a snort, he slammed his own glass down and coughed. And when he had cleared his throat, he let the faintest amused face show. "Just under two months, I think." He rumbled, taking his glass and downing the rest of his liquor.

"Y'seem a little young to be drinkin' like that. When'd you roll into town, kid?" He tilted his head slightly, pushing his glass to the side. He wasn't even all that buzzed -- Icarus just proved to be an interesting person at the time.

Re: There are so few here that know // Drinking - Kiara Kokytos - 12-08-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she padded into the tavern - this wasn't a place she visited frequently but she had heard rumors, something, that her siblings were still alive. a cruel trick played by whoever but if there was any chance they were she would do whatever it took to get them back. she knew some hadn't come with her to tanglewood but instead had headed to other groups, but that was about it. she spotted icarus and gawain at the counter, seemingly in communication, and decided not to bother them. the golden-furred female found a spot in the corner and rested her chin on the table with a heavy sigh, staring blankly into the distance.

Re: There are so few here that know // Drinking - Casphian - 12-09-2022

Icarus let out a snort at the comment, rolling his orbs before taking another sip of his drink. “I might look young but I can promise you I’m old enough to drink,” he mused with a soft chuckle. For not caring to be social or liking others that much, he found talking to the other rather easy.

“I’ve only been here a few days, but hoping to be here for a while,” he mused. “I only heard about this place through whispers but hopefully I can learn about what all this group has to offer soon enough.”

Re: There are so few here that know // Drinking - GAWAIN - 12-09-2022

we must away, ere break of day
Gawain risked a grin as Icarus spoke, red eyes glinting with amusement. It was a rare sign, his grin and expression. He tapped the counter with his sharp-clawed paws, chuckling. "and i'm as fresh as a spring bean." he seemed to like the joke he made, his chuckle growing in volume for a moment. It was interrupted by a coughing fit that he quickly forced down, clearing his throat.

"This group is quite friendly, i think. and I'm not a social man, so that's saying somethin'..." he let his gaze wander, finding the golden furred coyote all on her lonesome. "But i'm never one to pass up helping others i know." he rumbled, before raising his voice to try and reach Kiara. "Kiara! C'mere and meet the new kid. might cheer you up."

Re: There are so few here that know // Drinking - Kiara Kokytos - 12-10-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

her ear flicked as gawain called for her and she turhed her head then body to find him. she had spotted the newcomer and hadn't really cared much for icarus being here, her mind was just preoccupied with.. other things, like tall, dark and handsome armored men, her siblings. it was nice that he invited her over though, at least he remembered who she was.

she trotted over and dipped her head in a greeting, nostrils flaring to inhale his scent. "is it really that obvious that my mind is busy?" she joked, sitting down next to gawain and tilting her head, mirth dancing in her optics.

Re: There are so few here that know // Drinking - Casphian - 12-10-2022

Icarus chuckled at the joke, a smile dancing on his muzzle. He shook his head gently before looking towards his drink, swirling the liquid around in the cup. “They do seem nice enough, definitely something I’m not used to,” he mused. “I’m not usually one to be social myself so I’m not sure if that says something about you or the group,” he said with a teasing tone. Amused orbs drifted back towards Gawain and he listened to the other speak. His attention drifted towards the female once she’s called over, studying the coyote as she wandered over to him. The canine fell silent as the two spoke, choosing to not speak up and let them have their conversation. Plus he just wasn’t sure what to say.