Beasts of Beyond
Boundless by the time I cried || Exploration/Discovery + lost (1/?) - Printable Version

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Boundless by the time I cried || Exploration/Discovery + lost (1/?) - Casphian - 12-06-2022

You'll never takes us alive
We swore that death will do us part
She needed to get out of there, just needed a little time to herself. She had been cooped up with the cubs for what felt like years now but was only a few months. She wasn't meant to be a mother and all of this constantly being around them and being hounded on by others was starting to suffocate her. Honestly she just needed a little time to herself, just enough to clear her head and be able to go back without the urge to bite someone's head off. So Clove had slipped out that afternoon while the cubs had been off playing with the others. She took off in a random direction, not really paying attention to where she was going.

She walked for quite some time, enjoying the peace and quiet and the fact that she was finally alone, even if it was for a little while. Her mind was somewhere far away, her gaze not really seeing the sights around her until her front paws slipped and she was sent sliding down a rocky slope. Once she settled at the bottom a groan slipped past her muzzle. Clove pushed herself back up onto her paws, shaking out her fur before moving to look around the area. Where the hell was she? She seemed to of fallen into a sort of ravine type pitt and it was clear as day she was in the Pitt anymore, yet it didn't seem as if this area belonged to any group.

Clove turned back towards the way she had come, peering up the slope and realizing very quickly that she wouldn't be able to go back that way. With a sigh the jaglion turned back around and headed off in the only direction she was able to go, maybe she would be able to find a way back up by going this way.
Boy was she wrong. After hours of walking in a single direction, she never did find a way back up and instead only got herself further lost. She was about to give up she stumbled across a small pond with a small waterfall. Clove bounded over to the water, happily drinking the cool liquid and quenching the thirst that had settled inside of her.

Once she was satisfied she stepped back away from the water, admiring the waterfall for a moment. It was pretty nice to look at and the sound of the water hitting the pond below was rather calming. She settled back onto her haunches, taking a moment of rest while her gaze looked around the area. It didn't take long for her to spot a way up the rocky walls, giving her a way out of this ravine finally. So with that in sight the feline pushed herself back up and made her way over to the path where she would finally make her way up and out of the area.

Clove still didn't recognize any of the terrain around her as she traveled on. Man getting lost had definitely not been on her list of things to do today. Alas it was a little too late to go back on that now and she was just going to have to play the cards she had been handed. So the feline carried on, the rocky terrain growing rougher as she went on.

First slope she fell down

[div style="background-color: TRANSPARENT; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; height: 20px; max-width: 500px; text-align: right; font-family: times new roman; color: #EC5656; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never takes us alive!
