Beasts of Beyond
Why can’t we laugh now like we did then? || Joiner - Printable Version

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Why can’t we laugh now like we did then? || Joiner - Casphian - 12-04-2022

Days turned into nights, and nights into weeks. Icarus wasn’t sure quite how long he had been traveling and honestly he couldn’t remembered which way was where. He was sure it had only been a few days since he had left the Pitt, the scent of the group still clinging to his fur but he had faded heavily. He had barely eaten during the last couple of days, his appetite gone as his mind screeched at him for leaving. His stomach growled at him yet he continued to ignore it, choosing to carry on the path that honestly he wasn’t sure if it was leading him to somewhere.

After a few more days of wandering he finally caught the scent of a group nearby. He stopped in his tracks, head lifting as he peered around him to try and find the trail. Once he had the scent again he trotted off towards the group, stopping once he reached the border of the swampish area.

He lifted a paw and hovered it over the border, his heart pounding as he stared out into the group’s territory. Was this something he really wanted to do? Did he truly want to join another group? What if he was just cast aside again, left to rot and be forgotten about? Or what if he finally found what he longed for here, the thing he so desperately needed? It was a risk he had to take and one he was determined to take.

So with that thought in mind he placed his paw down, a shiver racing down his spine. He padded over the border, moving to settle down in a spot as he waited for the approach of others.

Re: Why can’t we laugh now like we did then? || Joiner - Seven - 12-05-2022

Sometimes, Seven felt as though she didn't belong anywhere. After she lost Moth, one of her main ties to the world, she felt lost. Most times it restricted her to her house, or the town. On rare occasion was she properly out in the swamp, blindly fumbling for herbs she needed. And it was out in the swamp, fumbling for herbs, where she saw an outline, broken by foliage, stained the slightest red. Well. That couldn't go unchecked.

If she was able to see, she would have been a bit more quiet. But as always, her large frame fumbled through foliage, crashing through leaves until the outline was visible. [b]"Hello." She said, awkwardness in her tone for a moment. "You're on Tanglewood grounds. What are you looking for?"

Re: Why can’t we laugh now like we did then? || Joiner - Casphian - 12-09-2022

Icarus looked over at Seven when she spoke up, eyeing the tigress up and down before deciding to speak up. “A place to stay,” he said, getting right to the point. Something in the mutt wanted to protect the tigress, shield her from the dangers of the world. But he shoved the feeling down, shaking his head a bit as he focused on the task at hand. “I can leave if desired”

Re: Why can’t we laugh now like we did then? || Joiner - Seven - 12-09-2022

Seven smiled gently, nodding to his explanation. [b]"That can be arranged." she said gently, tail flicking behind her. When he said he could leave, she shook her head. "Nonsense. Tanglewood is always looking for new faces." she grinned, turning around slightly. "I'm Seven, the Shadow Regent. Come, i can get you checked up."

Re: Why can’t we laugh now like we did then? || Joiner - Casphian - 12-09-2022

"it's nice to meet you seven," he hummed. "i am icarus," he said, returning the introduction but choosing to keep it nice and simple. he didn't feel comfortable giving out his family name, honestly he didn't really want to keep the family name the more that he thought about it. coming here is supposed to be a way for him to start over and have a fresh life and so maybe he should give himself a new name, finally rid himself of the darcia curse. but that was a thought for another time, hopefully after he finally settles in.