Beasts of Beyond
Goodbyes aren’t forever they say || Departing - Printable Version

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Goodbyes aren’t forever they say || Departing - Casphian - 12-04-2022

They say there comes a day when everyone must leave, wether that be for good or temporary. Everything must come to an end. It was the end of a chapter for Icarus, he had been debating on things for a while, wondering if he should stay or if he should stay. The only attachments he had here was Kold and Boy but neither one of them needed him, or at least he felt that way. Kold had Olalla now, and anyone with common sense could tell the two liked each other so he doubted it would be long before they became a thing and start their own family.

Icarus was never meant to be part of a family that much was certain. Between his mother trying to kill home when he was just a pup and then his father up and leaving at some point in his life and only just recently finding Kold again, he just he never got that found family not like she had. He’s happy she got that though, got to find people who actually cared or at least he hoped they did but now she had the Pitt and Olalla.

He really wanted to make life here work, truly he did but he found it hard to step out from her shadow. He could never make a name for himself here or become anything more than another Darcia sibling. And he didn’t want to be known as Kold’s brother, he didn’t want to be known as the ticking time bomb of a demon. He wanted to be his own being, his own identity and so he needed to leave.

He awoke that morning, the sun still down and the birds still asleep. With a soft huff he pushed himself up into his paws, groaning at the thought of having to wake up and get going. But it needed to be done, he didn’t want to run the risk of someone finding him before he could slip out. He packed up his satchel before sliding it onto his back and then grabbing the note he had for Boy. Stepping out of his home one last time he stopped and looked back, admiring the place and the comfort it gave him if only for a brief time.

Finally he started off towards where Boy was, quietly slipping into the home without waking either him or Kold. He placed the note beside Boy, peering down at the nephew he had grown to adore as of trying to memorize his face. After some time he found himself in front of Kold’s sleeping form, a soft whimper slipping past his muzzle. He didn’t want to leave her, he had only just found her once again. But he had to do this, he wasn’t meant for this group and he didn’t want to some how ruin what Kold had made for herself here. With a sniffle he placed a crow’s feather beside her, tears pricking then corner of his eyes before sliding down his cheeks and falling to the ground.

With the last gift left he retreated from the home and headed off in the direction of the border. It didn’t take long for him to reach the edge of the territory, stopping before he could step across the invisible line. He turned to state back, the wind ruffling his fur. He tilted his head back and let out a howl, the sound filled with pain and a sense of mourning. It was a final goodbye to the group and to his family and with that he would turn and disappear into the night.