Beasts of Beyond
Another Arabian Night // new jewelry - Printable Version

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Another Arabian Night // new jewelry - SAKURA R. LINGRÉ - 12-03-2022

Sakura was settling in quite fine within the Pitt. Having such a dual alliance had it's perks, they found. With enough trading with the locals, Sakura found themselves with quite the collection of trinkets and jewelry and baubles. The basket they came with, that was once filled with goods from the cold lands of their home, was now full of gold, silver, fiery bronze and glittering gems. Materials won their heart, shiny things captured their mind like a hypnotic trance. They simply could not get enough.

They stopped under a tree by the edge of the jungle and sat down, using their wide and large paws to sift through the goodies. Necklaces and earrings, some rings, a small pouch with new claw caps. They were going to be decked by the time they got home. Their golden claw hooked on a ring that was unlike all the others. Deep black, with a blue gem in the middle. It caught their eye, simply because it reminded them of a certain lion.

They danced it around in their paw, humming idly while occasionally looking around. Their tail curled around and covered the basket as best it could.