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LOST AT SEA ? F(o)g & a newcomer - Printable Version

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LOST AT SEA ? F(o)g & a newcomer - jerisidie - 11-24-2022

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THE WAVES WILL BREAK! -- hellhound. regent.
There were times that the weather gave him reason to remember just how he hated it, how he hated the images and memories it brought him aside from the aching bones and settling cold. He hated fog. But it wasn't what he hated the most, that was reserved for what it dredged up from the depths of buried memories. It was times like these where the temperature had dropped so suddenly that fog and heavy rime frost crept into his mind and dragged out images that he'd rather keep private. He knew that though the fog was bad, it would be twice is worse by the time the sun rose and cast shadows over the land he called home, frozen hell as it was.

Standing in the halls of the Keep, gazing out through a whole glass panel with the look of a long suffering man passing over his visage, a bear's fur coat covering the smaller hellhound's form and its warmth giving reprieve to old and aching wounds. Breath misting around his muzzle, he watched as the forests and valleys beyond the Keep's foot filled with thick fog over an unknown span of time. Gritting his teeth together as he watched with a strange removal from the weather phenomenon at hand, knowing he would be slowed down by the drop in temperature and it's effect on his body. Out there in the cold, he watched as night began to close in on the forms of his groupmates cutting through the fog as it rose up to swallow the ancient Keep and its inhabitants across the hours. Squinting at the banks of fog beginning to roll in, the shapes of his groupmates' silhouettes in the fog as some went out to retrieve the rest with lanterns in jaws. Moving to turn away, the Regent paused as a motion caught the corner of his eye, starting his heart to thunder, jaws agape as he turned back to the window with a sense of hopeful urgency. Did he see that right?

He didn't want to find out if he was right or wrong but out in the fog, he swore that he could see the familiar shape of someone he hadn't seen in years, that he had grieved over for so long, that he'd come North to get over. Breath catching in his throat the Regent would tear down the hallways of the Keep, old wounds forgotten in his haste, voice welling up in his chest as he pulled open heavy oak doors to all but tumble down the stairs of the Keep, golden eyes alight with a hope that he hadn't felt in so long. Would his children get to meet their father? He hoped so. He truly, truly hoped so. Calling out into the thick fog he couldn't see through, taking a lantern from a returned guardian and shaking himself free of the powdery snow that clung to his form. Trotting into the fog, unheeding of the voice calling out in concern behind him, the Regent too fixed on the memory of his deceased lover and the past they had shared.

Breaking into an open space, or what would have been without the fog, the Regent tried to catch the familiar scent of the blonde hellhound he'd married so long ago, calling out, "Fallen! Is that you? Where are you?", trailing in circles as he searched for his long gone other half, unaware of the tears tracing down his face, calling out for the dead and gone mindlessly until he was hoarse. Where had he'd gone? He'd seen him below the windows of the Keep not long ago ...

The Regent was not in the state to be out and about, but he couldn't avoid his heart and its demands to search. A gasp left him as his paw caught on a frozen root and twisted, throwing him to the ground. The feeling of the ground rushing up was familiar but not one he liked, squeezing his eyes shut and holding his breath as he collapsed. Laying there and opening his eyes, he gave a low growl of pain, pins and needles running along his body with a cool sensation following after. Lifting his head, he took account of himself and looked back to his hind leg that had been caught, pain radiating from it. He'd have to get someone to look at it later.

His fur nearly left him the moment he heard a low growl and watched as in the suffocating fog around him a light appeared, a figure approaching him and his wayside lantern, his own ears laying back in a sudden sense of fear. He didn't recognize this scent. This wasn't Fallen, was it? Squinting at the form that appeared, the sight of blonde fur crossing his vision made his heart leap to his throat. The strangled hope was quickly exterminated by the sight disappearing, his gaze tricked by the fire and fog, rewarded instead with the sight of a hellhound standing before him with a pair of piercing golden-red eyes. Swallowing as the fur along his spine rose, an involuntary snarl ripping out of the Regent with more force than he could have accounted before. No, he knew this scent and face very well, a former servant of his husband's.

"Don't be taking my face off, Queenie.", the other beast rumbled as he stared down at Jerisidie, the former partner of his master. What cruel fate it was to meet him again, hearing him calling out for his master. Swallowing down a sigh, he took in the Regent's injured state and his back paw that he already knew would be swelling if not sprained. Offering him a paw, Tenebrous would move to help Jerisidie to his paws, the flames upon his paws providing more light.

//too lazy to respond with Ten in another post so feel free to respond whenever //

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #606A83. -- EVERY CHAIN ON ME !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: LOST AT SEA ? F(o)g & a newcomer - SAKURA R. LINGRÉ - 11-28-2022

Sakura disliked fog when it came to walking about in it. When it came to looking at fog, at the way it obscured everything, softened the air, Sakura loved that. Their golden claws tapped along the forest floor, a frustrated grumble leaving them as they walked. The black bear skin they wore hid most of their body, aside from their golden eyes and bejeweled snout. Muffled sounds of anger and then words hit their ears and Sakura started in the assumed direction.

"Who's there." They called out, snorting as they halted some feet from Jerisidie and this... stranger. A wary growl left them, and the sihlouetted hellhound peered through the eyeholes of the bear cloak. "Who's this?"

Re: LOST AT SEA ? F(o)g & a newcomer - JADEIRE ELLEFSEN - 11-29-2022

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 3 years | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

noise, movement. sound through the fog. an angry growl, the sound of a lantern clacking to the floor. she landed on the ground softly, flattening her wings against her back. their regent was there, she could smell him. yet another unfamiliar scent lingered and jadeire walked past sakura to stop on the other side of jerisidie, watching the stranger as she walked. sat down and studied him with a tilted head, not saying anything. waving her wings to clear out the fog a little.