Beasts of Beyond
The Night we Met // Kold - Printable Version

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The Night we Met // Kold - Olalla - 11-22-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla sat hunched over with his shoulder blades protruding from his skin, looking at the ground in a disgruntled gaze. He sniffled lightly, shaking his face free from flies that buzzed around his goopy eyes, his running nose, and ringing ears. He felt terrible, but he was managing at least for now. Although these flies were not helping at all.

Olalla secluded himself into the further reaches of the Jungle, away from the elderly and away from Clove's now wandering children. The beast sighed sharply, his voice whistly and hoarse as he stretched his back and shoulders out; joints popping quietly. The rumor that Bai Jing Ai had spread didn't help the matter, although it hurt only his pride. But then again, that was what Olalla ran off of: pride. So in truth, the rumor hurt him. A lot.

The behemoth watched lazily as the small lizards and ground insects scuttled off to do their daily business, and wondering what life would be like as an insect. No duties, no responsibilities, no life-or-death decisions. Just bug. Scuttling bug, flying bug, jumping bug, fat bug. Bug. Olalla grumbled as he swatted away the buzzing bugs that assaulted his face and sniffled harshly as he went back into his idle sitting.

Re: The Night we Met // Kold - Kold - 11-22-2022

The rumor seemed to have done it's job. Kold was tired of it, of the childish words and giggles that still sounded whenever she approached a group. That, paired with the family issues that had risen with Icarus' outbursts, she really needed a break. And she had noticed Olalla slinking off to some place and, in a brilliant moment of wisdom, decided to follow. Anyone could tell that the Ardent wasn't doing good. Someone had to check up on him.

She lagged behind to catch a couple of fat rodents from the forest floor, and to try and dissuade any thought that she was following Olalla. With the bodies in her jaws, she started to trot. As his scent became stronger, and ever so slightly unbearable, she slowed to a gentle walk, ears flicking and eyes downcast. The rustling of leaves above made her look up. Oh. A parrot. Quaint.

She was hesitant to step in the open, to show herself. But perhaps her scent had already given her away, or the fact that lizards and bugs scuttled away from where she was standing in cover. But eventually she nosed her way into view, gaze traveling up toward his face and becoming that of mild shock at his appearance. He looked... horrible.

Gently dropping the rats before her feet, she blinked. "You look terrible. I mean, you always do, but.. today you look downright horrid." She spoke flatly, then took the bigger of the rats and tossed it toward him.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: The Night we Met // Kold - Olalla - 11-22-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
The beast had not noticed Kold trailing him, and had not noticed when she emerged from the thick brush of the jungle as his senses were too clogged with illness to be considered functional. But he was thankful that she had, and thankful she wasn't in one of her moods. Olalla sniffled slightly, flicking an ear in acknowledgment of the new presence.

"I feel horrid," he explained, swatting away the flies. "I feel as if death herself has slithered her way under my skin." Olalla would never admit it was Kold he spoke of, not to her at least. The behemoth sighed as he looked at the rat carcass that stumbled its way from Kold's jaws to his paws. "Thank you," he said stuffily, offering a subtle smile.

"I'm a bit surprised at you Kold," Olalla chuckled, looking at her now with a dim gaze. "Offering me your time- and a rat. I figured you'd be off with Boy somewhere." He turned over to lay on his thigh, moving with a wheezy grunt as he made himself comfortable. "Why is the high and mighty Kold mingling with the tyrant today, hm?"

Re: The Night we Met // Kold - Kold - 11-22-2022

Kold flinched as he described the feeling. She felt bad. Just a little. She nodded and took her own rat, going to sit near him. "No problem."

She let out a huff, a plume of smoke leaving her nostrils as she did. "Boy's spending time with my brother." she answered simply, ear flicking. A grin cracked in her face and she looked up at him with the facade of an attitude. "Because the tyrant is ill and if said tyrant dies, I'll drag his soul up from hell. And thats tiring."

With a low chuckle, her grin dropped. "No..
I  just need a break. I've got a lot going on in this rotten head of mine."
She nibbled on one of the rat's feet. "and I wanted to make sure you're doing okay."
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: The Night we Met // Kold - Olalla - 11-25-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
The behemoth chuckled lightly, his voice whistly and hoarse ever still but he managed to bark out a few words. "It seems Boy has a new friend, aside from LivingDead." Olalla hasn't had the pleasure of meeting Kold's brother, but if he was anything like Kold then the Pitt was in for it. Perhaps he was a bit calmer, or a bit more level-headed.

"Oh, how very tiring it must be, taking care of me like this," Olalla joked, elbowing Kold as he let out a dramatic groan. "How very tiring indeed!" He smiled a bit, biting into the rat with a soft crunch as the warm blood spewed into his mouth; the sweet taste of meat and bone he wasn't able to taste. But, Olalla would never pass up a meal, however little it may be.

He cleared his throat lightly, sniffling. "Regardless of how tiring it may be," the beast began in a hesitant voice, trying his best to find the right words. "I'm glad you're taking the time to even consider my horrid state." Olalla looked at Kold now, giving her a curt nod of appreciation.

Olalla's head tilted slight, taking another bite of the rat. He laid down, large paws crossing as he made himself comfortable. "I've got all day Kold," he began with a nudge. "What's going on in that rotten head of yours?"

Re: The Night we Met // Kold - Kold - 11-28-2022

"AlwaysDead. I think he's a bit unnerved by the cheetah and her cubs." She corrected him, sparing a glance before she continued to crunch on the rat carcass. She had to swallow her mouthful quickly as to not choke when she laughed. It was a ghosty tune, whimsical and yet a little eerie. "Oh, yes, so very tiring." She chided, then fell silent as she tried to finish up her meal as the other spoke.

Swallowing the last of her meal, save for a few bones and the tail, she smiled slightly at his words. "Pittians have to look after one another, right? And you're leader, which gives you priority." She wouldn't dare mention that he was an object of her concern for a while. Along with several other things..

Settling down into a laying position, angled so that she could get a better look at Olalla, she hushedly sighed. "It's... it has to deal with my brother. And my parents." She could feel the lump forming and she swallowed harshly to keep it down. Composure was key.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: The Night we Met // Kold - Olalla - 12-03-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla chuckled as he was corrected. "Oh LivingDead, AlwaysDead, same thing," he babbled, rolling his eyes. Afterall, the names were so similar, and he hardly knew both of them. And although the felt her glance, he let her have it, idly taking another bite of the rat with a CRACK of bone. He loved every second of it, every glance, every look. It made his blood run hot and his face red, but he'd never say it.

The beast then raised his brows, digesting what Kold said - and the rat - with a surprise, looking at her now. "Well, I'm honored I'm someone's priority," Olalla joked, nudging her with an elbow and a coarse laugh. He cleared his throat a bit, taking another bite of the rat, smaller than before.

"I've never had the pleasure of meeting your brother, outside of glimpses I suppose," he admitted as he wriggled, pushing a stone or two out from under him and shooing away the little reptiles that jumped at the flies around his face. "And if he's anything like you were when I first get here, I don't think I will." He flicked an ear, hoping she wouldn't take offense but if her brother was enough to upset her, he better not meet the bloke. "As for your parents, what's going on?"

Re: The Night we Met // Kold - Kold - 12-03-2022

Kold let out a huff, lips lifting in a mild snarl before she relaxed. It wasn't in her right to be mean, even if he was deserving of it for not knowing the difference between a zombie cheetah and a little cat with a missing leg. She instead shifted slightly, grinning when he nudged her. Yes. Priority. For a few reasons, he was her priority. She felt a wing twitch, and her grin faltered.

"No. He's nothing like me. He's better than me." That much she was willing to admit. Just that little bit. But the question about her parents made her face twitch gently, and she shook her head. "They're dead." Was all she wanted to say for a moment, but she glanced at him before continuing. "My mother died when I was young... and dad died because of me."
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: The Night we Met // Kold - Olalla - 12-04-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla couldn't help but chuckle, though he didn't mean any ill-will. "No, no," he insisted with a smile. "I don't think he is, after all it was you who came to check up on me. You who built the welcome center, and you who keeps everyone happy and healthy within The Pitt. Not him."

He shrugged lightly, picking off a piece of rat and popping it into his mouth. "But he seems nice," Olalla continued, trying his best to keep the conversation going. But it soon came to a stop after Kold spoke. He stopped chewing, looking at her with wide eyes. "Oh, I uh-" Olalla stuttered, looking down. "I didn't know, I'm sorry."

The beast swallowed the mouthfull of rat that sat within his cheek before sniffling. "My parents are- They're dead as well - well my mother is at least." Olalla began with a sigh, he supposed sooner or later he'd have to face that fact. "She died from a disease my father called "The White Rage". And after the flood that destroyed my family home, I never saw him again."

Olalla looked at Kold, brows tightly knit. "If you don't mind me asking, Kold," he began, voice light. "How did your father die?"

Re: The Night we Met // Kold - Kold - 12-04-2022

She wasn't expecting the compliments. The kind words that, coming from anyone else, wouldn't mean much. Coming from Olalla, the man who had everything she wanted, they meant a whole lot. Her breath came in hollow huffs, though she did whisper a 'thank you'. She shifted again, this time she had unintentionally leaned toward Olalla. That stupid subconscious need for comfort.

"I never bring them up. No one knows aside from myself, Icarus, and you, now." She rumbled, voice hardly above a whisper. She fell silent and listened to him, ear flicking at the mention of the disease called White Rage. She tried her hardest, absolute hardest to not look at him, but she did. What a damn coincidence that he'd look at her as well to ask the question. "I killed him.. out of rage. My first Blooding."

Anger seeped into her for a moment, and she got it out with a few words. "He dropped me here when I was a pup. No words, no assurance, nothing." and her gaze softened, and she looked away.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]