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JUST LIKE SLEEP - - Six's Storage - Printable Version

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JUST LIKE SLEEP - - Six's Storage - Luciferr - 06-03-2018

Character storage for all of 'Six's' information.
art is mine unless stated otherwise.
please do not post.

Table of Contents
1. Basics
2. Personality & Conditions
3. Appearance & Inventory
4. History
5. Relations & Relationships
6. Gallery
7. Aesthetics, Words & Quotes
8. Playlist
9. Thread List
10. Quotes about her.

JUST LIKE SLEEP - - Basics - Luciferr - 06-03-2018

[Image: 1a730393de49b23c9b98b1d8beb05271-dcd1q7a...height=456]
[div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; font-size: 10pt; font-family:arial; text-align:justify; line-height: 16px; width: 470px;"][color=black][size=10pt]▲ BASICS

FIRST NAME Ashley 'Six' (changed her name to Six)
NAME MEANING {Ashley - an English baby name, Lives in the ash tree grove} {Six - the written form of the number six} {Aiden - The name Aidan is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Aidan is Little fire, ardent} {Call - the act of calling for someone}

AGE 16 years.
DATE OF BIRTH 12th may.

SEX Female

JUST LIKE SLEEP - - Personality & Conditions - Luciferr - 06-03-2018


TRAITS Loyal, quiet, strange, intuitive, intelligent, apprehensive, night owl, fiercely protective of those she cares about, will hold a grudge for a very long time against someone who wronged her badly.

Six is a timid person despite her often feral demeanour, she has been alone for some few years now with only Chief recently for company - her losses have left her often subdued and quieter than before, there's always an air of quiet sadness to her. Six is slow to trust, in her formative years before everything went to hell, she was considered an odd child and often picked on by those who saw her as an easy target - often calling her a 'freak' and the like, it's due to this she has trouble trusting those near her age the most, fearing being hurt again, it was often due to this name calling she felt like something must be wrong with her, despite her parents telling her there was nothing wrong and to ignore the other kids. She misses her family something terrible and prefers to avoid the topic if only because of the bone deep ache it brings back, Six will likely gravitate to strong parental figures because of things like this.

- she actually has a really dry/sarcastic wit but given her usual mannerism it's not come up a lot yet.
- she has an overwhelming fear of being abandoned, though this is hinted at.
- she has a soft spot for savoury foods like crisps (or chips as they're called in America)
- it's in her bio, but she's actually British/Irish, the Irish is on her dads side.
- always laments that she hasn't got a grave or anything for her family to place flowers on in respects.
- is actually pretty brutal in a fight despite her thin anxious appearance, this surprises most people.
- had a single best friend once, he taught her a few take down moves since he knew a few.
- hates asking for help, because she doesn't want to be a bother but also because asking for help back in school made her appear weak or dumb and thus a target - this kinda messed up her way of thinking so that she considers asking for personal help is bad (though she does feel comfortable sometimes if it's someone close to her)

- WIP, will be added to further.

- makes random sounds every once in awhile.
- constantly toying with odds and ends, helps concentrate.
- likes being /around/ people she's comfortable with, though doesn't mind talking - will only really get annoyed/angry if she's hyper focused on something or does not like the person in question.
- likes to wear concealing clothing, hates leaving her arms bear unless she's with people she trusts since she doesn't mind them touching her (basically slight touch aversion)
- tries her best to conceal her facial expressions, unfortunately is pretty much an open book, her mask helps with this though.

LIKES Quiet, cosy spaces, dark, sound of rain, dragons, strange creatures, animals.
DISLIKES loud noises, crowded areas, open spaces with no cover/corners, confrontation, bullying, slavery.

FEARS being alone,
DREAMS a stable home.

DISORDERS/CONDITIONS Autism (Aspergers), as listed:
- trouble with socialising
- building relationships
- behavioural: anxious.introverted being common
- often obsess when they find something they like (I.e Six's obsession with dragons/Xenomorphs is reflected in her clothing)
- noises when replying to a question in place of 'yes', 'no' or 'idk'.
- hyper sensitivity to noise/touch/taste/smell/light
- aversion to touch due to sensitivity.
- dislike space being invaded, get very uncomfortable.

Re: JUST LIKE SLEEP - - Appearance & Inventory - Luciferr - 06-03-2018



- Pale white, almost unhealthy looking.
- dark brown hair, long-ish length
- hair is usually tied up, strands always stick out.
- Dark brown (almost black) eyes.
- Scar over left eye, scar on lip, scars across her back from lashes.
- no Makeup
- black, sharpened nails.

NOTE: these won't come into play right away, as a way of transitioning she'll slowly gain them (everything outside the scales she already had starting to crawl across her back when she first arrives here)
- nails turn into thick black talons.
- scales that crawl across her back and start spreading to pattern arms/legs partially and eventually a row of small spines across her vertebrae.
- some smattering of scales will grow in on her cheek/lower jaw
- two sets of canines upper and lower.

- most of her attire is black in colour (better camouflage/doesn't stand out)
- wears a partial mask that covers her throat and lower face (mouth/nose), in the image of a snarling beast (following the theme, xenomorph)
- 'scaled' black clothing, in the style of Giger, looks strange.
- Giger style clothing - looks biomechanical/weird.
- torn black jeans.
- sleeves are ribbed similar to this tattoo
- scruffy appearance mixed with the odd designs/spikes makes her look feral.
- spiked chain hangs from hip, placed on the side to the back.
- clawed gloves, tips can be pulled on or off (when off simply rest over the knuckles).
- worn scuffed trainers.
- wears a black 'wolf tooth' necklace.

- Katana, some knowledge of how to use it, that she had to teach herself.
- two small dragon daggers (last gift from her family, one she had given to A. HUX)

- carries a backpack for anything miscellaneous she might want to keep.
- her backpack contains keepsakes such as a small faded family photo, two worn teddies (a leopard and a wolf) and a small worn pillow.
- she owns a small kitten, who she mostly places in her backpack when moving around, he is a mottled brown/gold/black like dappled leaves - she named him Chief - she saved herself and him from a group of bandits likely trying to eat them.

Re: JUST LIKE SLEEP - - History - Luciferr - 06-03-2018


Six had a rather large family, she had older siblings and while her parents were split up she loved both equally. Six was often picked on for being different as a child, those she thought were her friends were simply pretending to be, it is because of this that she has a hard time trusting people - she wants to but she also doesn't want to be hurt again. After the blackout, things were hectic, a war sprouted up in her country and suddenly Six lost her family - the only things left were a faded photo of her family and a precious few gifts from them that had survived their old house intact (the plushies and the pillow), it was with these precious items that Six left her old home behind in, travelling for 3 years afterwards alone and barely surviving, turning half feral in her demeanour, her only company being her recent addition - a small tortie kitten, she named Chief after a favourite game character. It's been 3 years since she ended up alone and today the half feral teen found herself at a lodge.

- arrives injured at lodge, Soldier 76/Jack helps her, this establishes her trust in the older man.
- finds most people at the lodge agreeable, they leave her be or help her without pressuring.
- A. HUX arrives at the lodge, Six is there to greet him and later on finds herself a friend in him.
- an incident with a kidnapper and 76 provokes much arguments over whether the old man should stay at the lodge, Six is upset about the possibility they'd kick him out as is Hux after both having come to see the older man as a father figure.
- gives Hux one of her precious dragon daggers as a gift for his birthday, this cements the two as siblings pretty much.
- Six is awarded the title of 'Liason' for her help around the lodge with welcoming newcomers.
- Six ended up kidnapped by slavers for some months before escaping.

- Ended up half dead on Blackfall's border,

Re: JUST LIKE SLEEP - - Relations & Relationships - Luciferr - 06-03-2018


PARENTS deceased (good relationship - misses them)
GRANDPARENTS deceased (good relationship - misses them)
SIBLINGS deceased (good relationship - misses them)

ADOPTED RELATIONS A. HUX (adoptive brother since MIA)

- others will be listed here as time goes on.

Re: JUST LIKE SLEEP - - Gallery - Luciferr - 06-03-2018


Six by me - - x

Re: JUST LIKE SLEEP - - Aesthetics, words and quotes - Luciferr - 06-03-2018


Pinterest Aesthetic Board by me - - x

mask aesthetic image - - x
clothing aesthetic image - - x


Re: JUST LIKE SLEEP - - Playlist - Luciferr - 06-03-2018


M4PII - Faunts (And I need you to recover, because I can't make it on my own)
Just Like Sleep - Passarella death squad
Human - rag'n'bone man
Wake - The Antlers.
Ordinary World - Evil Within 2

Re: JUST LIKE SLEEP - - Thread list - Luciferr - 06-03-2018


Joining - -