Beasts of Beyond
[November News 11/22/22] The Abandonment of Scenery - Printable Version

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[November News 11/22/22] The Abandonment of Scenery - Olalla - 11-22-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla in truth, had not been in his right mind for what felt like months, and it had taken Bai Jing Ai's spreading rumor to finally awaken in from his zombie state. A rumor that he and Kold were dating. Oh, he wanted nothing more than for that myth, that fantasy to become a sick reality. Olalla knew what Kold was capable of, and he knew that Kold had a troubled mind; and perhaps that was what drew him to her in the first place. The rage that she brought forth upon first laying eyes upon each other, the pure, unfathomable rage that burned brighter than the desert sun.

He had locked himself away in his temple, sickness overtaking him like a matador overtaking a lame bull. Olalla hadn't felt this sickly since his birth, and he still didn't feel well but he didn't feel as unwell as he had before. And so, with aching joints, the beast picked himself up and padded slowly through the temple entrance; leaning on a pillar as he hesitated to move any further, to face The Pitt and its wrath. What would they think? Would they have assumed that he deserted them like Vale had done and continued to do? Oh, that wretched Vale.

Olalla took his first paw step out onto the beige sand to find it... Damp? Right, the flood. He had remembered bits and pieces of his sickness. What had happened in between, what had he missed? Too much, he assumed. Too much. The beast sighed and pressed on trying his best to hide his achiness, although hopefully that would go away with time. He reached the Plaza, and inside of it the raised platform where he gave his announcements. Rearing onto his hind legs, reaching up to the sky in an awkward attempt to level himself between heaven and hell, announcing his bugle as he so often did; watching with a comforting gaze as his Pittan's, his family waltz in.

Olalla nodded as the last few stragglers took their seat among the outskirts of the crowd. "In my absence it seems as flood as grew," he examined the last few remaining pools of water that clung to the sands. "And perhaps, in my absence defiance grew as well." Olalla didn't speak of the rumor any further, but he would trust that they knew who they were. He shook his face clear of flies that had buzzed over from the stagnant pools, he'd have to do something about that soon. "The storms and flooding are unfortunate, and the lives of mothers, fathers, and children lost to the flood shall not be forgotten. However, we cannot dwell on what is lost, and instead must continue to move forward."

"The Aviary is complete thanks to Blackjack and his crew; we are thankful for their hard work. But we cannot move anything into that baking dome without proper care," he began again, looking at the empty done that shone brightly from the sun. "Our agricultural group, and those who wish to help, will begin to work with the soil inside of it; to grow plants and trees for the birds to rest upon and feed from. But unfortunately... BlackJack is nowhere to be found. Chernabog, Imperial Hymms, you two will search the area for, at least some sign that BlackJack is alive."

He sat down from his swaying stance, and breathing a sigh of slight relief. "Moving on, the Welcome Centre and Homeless Shelter is-" Olalla looked toward the empty spot within the outskirts of the Plaza. "Not finished. This should be your priority Kold, you and your team. I've given you ample amount of time and yet. Do not mistake my absence for choice, I gave you an order. See to it. That goes for everyone here!"

Olalla shook away the flies that clung to his face with an aggravated growl, snapping at them in the air with a loud CLACK of his teeth. "Mr. Snuggles has brought seeds of all kinds back from Tanglewood, and we will begin to grow them in the cleared spaces of the jungle; constructing raised beds and digging canals that will flow into the root systems." He looked toward the Lung Dragon and nodded. "Bai Shi, you will be digging the canals and will be accompanied by LivingDead."

"Once the canals are finished, Bai Shi, Chernabog, and I will begin the blueprints to the aqueducts." He motioned toward the shopping district of the Plaza. "All shop owners and vendors are to be removed for the measurements and are to be reopened at the wood line of the jungle until the area is clear." Olalla stood up and looked among the crowd with a scornful gaze. "Now, it has come to my attention that The Typhoon planned an expansion and was successful; taking over multiple islands. While this may be good of The Typhoon, it is not good for us. We need to continue to expand East and set up a small village and post there." The beast shook his head, grumbling. "If war should break out between Tanglewood and The Typhoon... We will not engage. That is not our battle."

He looked down among the crowd, brows furrowed. "Does anyone have anything on their mind," Olalla jeered, chuckling in a mocking tone. "Concerns, perhaps?"

Re: [November News 11/22/22] The Abandonment of Scenery - Kold - 11-22-2022

Kold snorted aloud when she heard the call. "He lives! The bastard lives!" She returned, trotting to the gathering crowd. She found herself sitting toward the front, and was listening intently. She wouldn't show it, nor tell anyone, but she was relieved that he was still around.

Her neutral face became a thin frown when he scolded her. With a gentle snort, she sighed and nodded. "I knew i was forgetting something. It will be done, I promise." She ignored glances toward her.

When Olalla had gotten to the end of the meeting, Kold stood and slinked off to the construction crew that had formed for the Welcome Center. It had to be done. And if it was going to be done late, then goddamnit, it had to be good.

First part of the Welcome Center and Homeless Shelter construction //
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: [November News 11/22/22] The Abandonment of Scenery - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 11-23-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

he padded into the clearing with a thoughtful look on his maw, tilting his head and watching kold sit down. he made his way next to the woman who bore his name and offered a small dip of his head in greeting. he had heard the rumors between her and olalla but he hadn't said anything. let them be whoever they wanted to be. his tail flicked and he shook out his fur, listening to the news.
blackjack msising had bothered him too, them quickly befriending each other when they first had met. he missed the bird buddy too, he surprisingly noted. the fact that olalla said they shouldn't engage between typhoon and tanglewood irked him. the pitt had once been great, the panther noted mentally, scanning the clearing with glowing blue optics. had once been bloodthirsty. those optics found damion, the hellhound. he had licked his lips hungrily as olalla spoke and looked as dejected as jormungand felt. he craved violence and bloodshed - look at what had happened with merlin that had brought the wrath of tanglewood upon himself.

Re: [November News 11/22/22] The Abandonment of Scenery - Night of No Stars - 11-26-2022

penned by Cobra
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    each step was slow and calm as she arrived upon the scene. eyes flicking to the face of olalla. taking in their words before offering a sharp nod. digging was not her strong point, but she was going to try. mainly because standing around and doing nothing was not logical. the zombie cheetah looked about herself before realizing bai shi was not here. perhaps she should get started without him. turning on her heal, she flicked her tail in farewell. heading off to start her task.


code by teef