Beasts of Beyond
I AM A STONE // joining/intro - Printable Version

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I AM A STONE // joining/intro - REDSHIFT - 11-21-2022

After months of travel with a companion and later on his own, the golden tabby didn't expect to find another civilization anytime soon. During his time he hadn't met a single other soul other than the winged fellow whom he grew somewhat close to during their journey together. Though eventually all good things had to come to an end, and so they went their separate ways. Redshift didn't expect to see him again anytime soon, however.

But after months and weeks of solitude, here he was. He again didn't expect to find any other signs of life, let alone a group that had settled in a territory, but the markers and scent made it abundantly clear that he was wrong. He couldn't say he was happy about it, more intrigued than anything else. It had been a long, long time since he had been part of a group. Perhaps things were turning out for the better?

After careful inspection, the feline tentatively sat down just behind the territory border, careful to avoid trespassing. This was not his land, he didn't know a single soul here, and it was unlikely anyone knew him. He didn't know how many may be lurking just beyond the shadows, in the corner of his peripheral, if at all. For all he knew, all of this could also be a simple illusion brought on by isolation.

But he would try to search for signs anyways.

"Hello?" He called out, tone neutral with a hint of what could easily be mistaken as mild annoyance, "Is anyone here?"

Re: I AM A STONE // joining/intro - Seven - 11-22-2022

[b]"greetings." the tigress rumbled, lumbering slowly through the underbrush. The only thing she saw of the stranger was his outline, making her frown. With a gentle shake of her fur, she tilted her head downward.

"there are probably several beings nearby. You are on the border of tanglewood, after all. My name is seven," she closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them again. "are you here to join?"

Re: I AM A STONE // joining/intro - Kiara Kokytos - 11-23-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she followed seven and stopped a bit behind her, studying the almost-trespasser. wreathed in shadows her light laugh rang clear after seven asked whether he wanted to join, and kiara slunk out to the left of the tigress to slowly approach redshift. "mind if i inquire you for your name?" yes, she was close, but the reaper was also careful. very careful, yet she pushed. pushed and shoved until they bit back.