Beasts of Beyond
It looks like you might be one of us // Icarus - Printable Version

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It looks like you might be one of us // Icarus - SirDio - 11-19-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]that fate had
finally found me!
Kids have a very distinct sense to find out if someone's sad or distraught. And even though Boy was not a kid anymore - heck, he was just about a year now, he had always been a sympathetic kid. It was a wonder he was even alive at this point, he always brought some sort of animal inside Kold's house. His family that consisted of Kold, Olalla on a good day, and Always Dead had gotten a member. Icarus.

He hadn't seen much of his uncle, but he saw how distraught Kold was and wanted to help in some way. And it hurt Boy to do it, but he had killed a chicken from one of the coops and was carrying it around -- more like dragging, trying to find the canine. Maybe some food would help the mood?

Boy Di Angelo — tags — played by DIO

Re: It looks like you might be one of us // Icarus - Casphian - 11-21-2022

Things had been terrible lately to say the least. His random outbursts seemed to be growing more frequent and each one was taking longer for him to snap out of. He needed to do something, to figure out something before he ended up hurting someone. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he ended up hurting what little of his family he had left.

Most days he stayed holed up in his home, curled up in the middle and blocking out the noise of everyone happily going on about their lives, unaware of the torment that raged inside his mind. But that wasn’t their fault, it was his. He was the black sheep of the group, the one who never spoke to others, the one who was seen countless times out of control, hell he was even becoming the black sheep of his family if he already wasn’t one. Sure he could talk to his sister but Kold had enough on her plate he didn’t need to add more to it.

His ears perked forward when he heard shuffling outside his home, the scent of his nephew drifting towards hun. Yet he ignored it, assuming Boy was just passing by in hunt for his mother.