Beasts of Beyond
He reached for the sun...and then he fell || Kold - Printable Version

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He reached for the sun...and then he fell || Kold - Casphian - 10-25-2022

Anger... that's all the that wolf hybrid had felt for days now. It started sometime after stumbling across Hyacinth, the thought of how cruel that group was being seemed to set something off in Icarus. Now it seemed like every small thing seemed to tick him off. He was walking on eggshells with his own mind.

The anger bubbled and raged deep inside his chest, his veins flowing with a demonic blood that seethed beneath the surface. Icarus seemed innocently unaware of what was happening to him, the only thoughts that were raging through his gentle mind was that he was broken or that something was wrong. But did he go to anyone about it? No of course not, he wasn't meant to seek others out for help he had to deal with this alone as he always had.

He traveled through the groups territory with no real destination in mind. Each step he took seemed to be pure agony as his veins felt as if they were on fire. A soft whine slipped from his maw as he stumbled forwards, tripping over his paws and falling to the ground. With a huff Icarus pushed himself back up, dragging himself off in a mindless direction once more.

Soft whines and growls continue to drip from his muzzle, ears pinned back while his head tilted towards the ground and the fur atop his head hid his gaze from view. His motions seemed almost robotic, as if his brain had some mission yet forgot to relay the message to everyone else other than "just keep moving."

Re: He reached for the sun...and then he fell || Kold - Kold - 10-25-2022

Kold had started to pick up the signs that Icarus wasn't well. His irritability was a dead giveaway granted his usual nature. Concern dug at her mind and she wordlessly tried to follow him. It wasn't right, the way he was acting. Moving, reacting. It felt all to familiar. She hoped beyond hope that he wasn't...

She had stumbled upon him when she saw him fall, and for a second she wanted to call out and ask what happened. But she watched him get up and move more, and she quickly followed in suite. His movements made her uneasy. Despite that, she tried to get closer before speaking. "Icarus, you doing alright..?" There was an unusual tenderness in her voice, coming from someone as bulky as her.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: He reached for the sun...and then he fell || Kold - Casphian - 10-25-2022

A single ear swiveled in the direction of a familiar voice. It took some time but the dragging paws finally ceased their movements and the canine came to a stop. But he did not move anymore than that, his head was still tucked and his tail lowered to the ground as it dragged behind him. Finally..Finally his head lifted and turned towards Kold, the fur atop his head falling away in strands. His orbs peered her down when he finally looked up.

His eyes. They were not the normal loving and gentle ones the other may be used to. No these were unseeing and harsh in their gaze. And no longer did they hold the warm peach but instead they were back as night, the color taking over his entire eye and leaving nothing to peek through. The soft whines he made before no longer tumbled out, now his chest vibrated with deep growls that steadily fell from his muzzle. He took a step towards Kold, head lowering a bit as his lips curled back in a snarl.

Re: He reached for the sun...and then he fell || Kold - Kold - 10-26-2022

She stopped in her steps when he turned to face her. Eyes wide and glassy with fear. For the first time in a while, the girl felt fear. Mouth parting in a silent gasp as she stared into those black eyes, she refused to move. "Icarus." She started, voice hardening but immediately crumbling into worried tones when she continued. "This isn't funny, Icarus!"

Not funny. Not funny at all. She took a step back, tail between her legs. She saw this happen once before. Despite the years, the memory held strong. She didn't want to lose him and was hoping and begging that he would snap out of it.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: He reached for the sun...and then he fell || Kold - Casphian - 10-26-2022

His thoughtless body followed after Kold, drawing ever so closer to her. His gaze was ever so cold as he stared down his sister, her pleas for him to stop falling on deaf ears. Black filled his maw before spilling over, dripping onto the ground beneath him. Finally he seemed to snap, his maw ripped apart as a loud snarl ripped itself out. Even more of the black blood like substance fell onto the ground, leaving a small puddle underneath him.

Icarus was gone. Anyone with a braincell could see that the he was no longer occupying his brain. But who was this that stood in his spot? Who was this monster that now resided in his place? No outsider could give you an answer to those questions, no one truly knew except for two people. The two who stood here now, the sister who carried so much on her shoulders and the brother who had been dealt a loosing hand by life herself.

Re: He reached for the sun...and then he fell || Kold - Kold - 10-26-2022

Kold audibly gasped as the scene unfolded, brief strikes of yellow lightning leaving her paws. It tickled her throat and she swallowed the shocks down. She tried to Steele her resolve, her courage, her strength, into her words as she spoke. "You know me, Icarus. You know me."

The wind whipped around her as she breathed, feeling electricity crackling in her lungs. "You know I wont hurt you. You know this." she could feel herself getting smaller and smaller, shirking away and lowering her head with a pleading whine.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: He reached for the sun...and then he fell || Kold - Casphian - 10-28-2022

Swift paws stepped closer and closer to Kold even as she lowered herself. “Nescio vos” he spoke, voice low and void of emotion. Lips curled back to release another low growl, gaze staring down the sister that was in front of him. The scars on his back itched with the desire to stretch out wings, wings that were no longer there.

Icarus pulled back, lowering his body to the ground before pushing himself forward and lunging towards Kold. He landed right in front of her, his head lowering down close to hers so he could whisper in her ear. “Cari non utamur, nam surdis auribus utamur.”

Re: He reached for the sun...and then he fell || Kold - Kold - 10-28-2022

Kold crouched, ears pinned back as he spoke, somehow managing to understand his words. Wings unfurled and resting at her side, she averted her eyes. She shook her head fiercely. "Nein. Nein, du kennst mich!  Ich bin deine Schwester, Kold." she repeated this several times, growing more and more fearful.

"Ich liebe dich, Ikarus.  Ich könnte dir nie weh tun." she spoke gently in response to his words. But electricity started to crackle in her white fur, tears staining her fur.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: He reached for the sun...and then he fell || Kold - Casphian - 11-02-2022

A snarl ripped from his throat while his jaws tore apart before snapping shut next to Kold. He pulled away from her, stalking off in the other direction before stopping and turning back around. “Minime! Minime! Minime! Non sum Icarus!” he roared out while shaking his head. He harshly turned back around, body tense with bubbling anger.

Dark orbs stared at the ground before fluttering close tightly and head lowering to the ground. The itch in his scars grew stronger, leaving him to pin his ears back as another growl rumbled in his chest. The only black substance continued to drip from his muzzle and pool onto the ground, but it didn’t seem to bother Icarus. “Mortuus est! Mortuus est! Icarus non est amplius!”

Re: He reached for the sun...and then he fell || Kold - Kold - 11-02-2022

Kold gasped and flinched, veering away from Icarus as he roared and hollered. The electricity buzzed in her ears, danced in her mouth and around her teeth. "
Wer bist du dann?"
She spoke lowly, walking a little to keep him in her sight. Lightning spiraled up her foreleg, faint and tiny but surely there.

A low snarl left her, hesitant but defensive, and she seethed. "Er ist nicht!" at that, she attempted to zap Icarus. It was hardly anything powerful, just a tiny jolt. She didn't want to hurt him. "How dare you assume that? How fucking dare you!?"
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]