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A little bit of poison for the heart || Jaglion - Printable Version

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A little bit of poison for the heart || Jaglion - Casphian - 10-25-2022

[shadow=black,right]Clove Nightlock[/shadow] xx [shadow=black,right]NPC[/shadow]
Clove is a Acolyte of the PITT. She is a jaglion hybrid with a mane mutation and a double tail mutation. Their pelt is a mix of red and orange hues, mimicking that of a sunset almost. He also has orange spots across his body from the jaguar in him. They are non-binary and use all pronouns but typically use she/her or they/them. Clove is an assassin with an affinity for poison making and is almost always seen making a poison of some sorts. Ref
NPC. The father is another jaglion hybrid with a mane as well, they have horns and wings for mutations. The father is a mix of black and grey hues, with splashes of white mixed in.
[shadow=black,right]STORY[/shadow] Clove and the father met one night when she was out on a job that she had picked up. She hadn't meant to bump into him but they had just finished up the job and had been on the lookout for something to do to relax after something that was so mentally taxing to her sometimes. She wandered into a bar where they would meet the father. After one too many drinks the two would wander off to somewhere alone and the rest was a blur.

[shadow=black,right]PLOT(S)[/shadow] N/a as of right now but feel free to suggest some!

[shadow=black,right]GENETICS[/shadow] The litter will be jaglions which is a natural hybrid between jaguar and lion. They are more than welcome to have any of the parents mutations or anything else and are more than welcome to have any power. I do ask that their coloring at least resemble the parents in some way, nothing that is just completely out there and make the cub look like they wouldn't belong to either parent.

- These will be first come first serve!
- They will be starting off at 3 months and will be required to stay within the pitt until they are a year old, after that they can go wherever.
- Clove is not motherly! She has never had the desire or need to care for another so she will not be very great at taking care of the cubs but they are learning and she will be learning to bond with them. If you would like for her to not bond with the cub please dm me on here or on discord! The father will not be in the picture
- If you are inactive with the cub for more than 3 weeks I will reopen the slot. If you feel like you will not be able to continue with the cub please let me know and I will adopt them out or open the slot!

Akira Nightlock — Male — Pitt — @Dio
character — gender — group — roleplayer
character — gender — group — roleplayer
character — gender — group — roleplayer

Re: A little bit of poison for the heart || Jaglion - SirDio - 11-01-2022

Here we go

Name: Akira ;; Nicknames: Aki, Kira
Age: 3 months
Gender: Male
Appearance: Akira, even at a young age, has a sturdy, strong build. His fur is mostly deep grey/almost black, but faded red stripes appear on his shoulders and thighs, hiding under golden rosette markings. His neck and belly are a faint white but large white splotches cover parts of his legs and the left side of his face. His eyes are a brilliant golden color, with red toward the pupil. Adult ref Using Lioden's Lion Wardrobe: Bing bong -- just pretend theres white splotches I'll make a ref soon
Personality: Akira will most likely end up as a moody child, given the fact that his father is completely unknown and his mother is trying her hardest to bond with him and his siblings. Despite this, he's fiercely loyal to his family. He may have some incidents with Clove but he's not going to get into a screaming match or anything like that.

Re: A little bit of poison for the heart || Jaglion - Casphian - 11-01-2022


Re: A little bit of poison for the heart || Jaglion - Cobra - 11-09-2022

[td][div style="border: 4px solid black; height: 200px; width: 200px; background:url(; background-size: 100% 100%;"]space[/td]
[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: #a0908a; margin-top: -16px;"]VALENTINA !
full name. valentina
nicknames. val

sex. female
gender. female

physical age. 5 months
mental age. 5 months
spiritual age. 5 months

group. the pitt
rank. pale blood
titles. none

species. jaglion
appearance. she is on the smaller side of the spectrum. she sports a rather unique look from all perspectives. her back is black in color, but half way down her frame she turns red like her mother. her spots are a soft grey in color. her nose is grey as well. she has her lovely eyes, gold and lovely, with flecks of red and orange swim in their depths. she has twin tails, like her mother, but has her fathers reptile tongue.
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. none

discovered powers. none
mastered powers. none
future powers. none

deep inside.
personality type. esfp
positive traits. curious. loving. helpful. kind.
neutral traits. over thinking. humble. restless.
negative traits. annoying. bitter. snappy. short temper.
personality description. no disorders | very interested in demons and angels.
val is always questioning things around her. she always asks things as they hit her brain. this can be annoying, but that is just her. she is always wondering about the things around her. this has a bad side as she always seems to overthink things. coming up with hundreds of different outcomes to every single thing she does. she is loving and humble by nature. never bragging or boasting and always giving her family gifts and a shoulder to lean on.

she can be bitter and snappy when she feels left out, but she tries hard to hide this fact. her temper can be short, but she tries to walk away when pushed to anger. she has little patients for ideocracy. she is always worried that she will slip up and hurt someone she cares about feelings. she is very helpful and kind with kids. she tends to spend her time watching others kids when she can. she is restless though, and tends to wander from time to time.

mental disorders. none
emotional disorders. none
quirks. humming

goals/dreams. to impress her mom
fears. failing

generation. 2
parents. clove .x. npc
siblings. Akira

romantic orientation. biromantic
sexual orientation. bisexual
crushes. none
love interests. none

romantic partner. none
children. none
best friend. none
mentor. none
apprentice. none
enemies. none

oh death by jen titus
battle cry by imagine dragons

Re: A little bit of poison for the heart || Jaglion - Casphian - 11-10-2022

accepted i'll add to the list

Re: A little bit of poison for the heart || Jaglion - Casphian - 11-22-2022

Feel free to go ahead and starting posting with the cubs!