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walking... walking... walking... a foe. - Printable Version

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walking... walking... walking... a foe. - ??? - 10-25-2022

The days since their arrival had been bland. There was no sense of purpose, nor any command given to them. Activities that were given to them were grueling. Some may even call it torture. With nothing to provide in the work force as a what appeared to be a mute serval, lanky and suspicious, the Pittians tended to use and abuse them.

With each day, new ways to poke and prod at the feline came. Today was no different. Per the usual routine, the serval walked... and walked... and walked... A goal was in mind, but there was no one to command their desire. Calloused paws treaded across the desert sand endlessly, only to kick up dirt in their path onto their fur momentarily. Halted in their tracks, they looked back and down at their paws. Blinking periodically like a robot, they stared. A creak of their neck indicated their resentment in their realization. Their alabaster fur was beginning to stain a tan shade.

For the first time in awhile, the serval leaned down. Their rump collapsed onto the forth carefully as their free paw raised up to their face. A pale tongue appeared out from their maw, beginning to cross paths with the barrier between their fur. No sign of displeasure formed on their soft features as taste buds glided across the ground's contents. Instead, they continued on systematically. Eyes started to close.

A haw of laughter entered their ears and their gaze shot open, ears turning in the direction of the commotion. Distinguished Pittians started to trail over, tails lashing and teeth flashing. Their cackles of mockery did not effect the serval, but to any observer, they were clearly poking fun at the cat for their daily routine. Instead of further acknowledging them, they merely went back to methodically cleaning. No mind. No attention. Only a quick clean.


Another howl of laughter came out as the group grew closer, their leader clearly distinguishing himself with his prodding comments. The large malinois approached with a smirk on their alabaster canines. With a mischievous glint in his eye, the canine leaned down towards their face and leaned into their pointed ears with their snout. Their hot breath ran down the canal, only to be followed by a whisper. "Is anyone home today?" Their comment was only met with silence.

Rounded claws shot up from the floor and wrapped around the serval's jawline. The canine forcefully turned up their head to face the group. "HELLOOOOO?!" He shook the unnamed serval forcefully, wracking their brain, but nothing came and the group only continued to snicker. "ANYONE THERE?"

Unamused, the leader's free paw offered a swift slap to their left cheek. Claws lightly scraped across the surface and blood started to seep. The serval started to lightly squirm while being held and tried to paw at the blood, attempting to wipe it away before it donned their fur. The leader clicked in disapproval. His tight grip released off their chin and the serval went up to wipe away the blood, causing their fidgeting to stop. In turn, they tried to continue cleaning. The malinois' eyes rolled back. His paw gestured another over and, like clockwork, one of his henchmen sauntered over and placed a paw on their back, only to push them to the ground moments later.

A single paw of the leader's pressed down on top of their back. The group encircled the feline, watching as he leaned into to speak once again. This time, not in a whisper, but a shout. "YOU MUST BE SPECIAL TO THINK YOU CAN IGNORE US CONSISTENTLY, HUH?" The loud noise did not cause them to flinch, but their blue gaze redirected up towards the screaming figure for a moment. Pain radiated in their chest. A note was made to address that, but no acknowledgement was made to their consistent abusers.

His lips pulled back, teeth clearly gritting in disgust. With a snarl, he looked back at the others. "Seems like today's not the day," came his disdain. Paws lifted off their back. "Do what you want with them. Make them talk."

And, as always, the group started to grow close. Claws unsheathed, teeth bared, and fur standing high. The inevitable was growing near and, once again, the serval was going to be a victim of their torment again unless someone stepped in.

Information on '???:

Re: walking... walking... walking... a foe. - Casphian - 10-25-2022

Whispers and rumors circled a lone hybrid, the callous words ringing loudly in his ears everywhere he turned. There was talk of a strange feline wandering into the group, never speaking and seeming to ignore everyone who spoke to them. The canine had yet to encounter the stranger, spending most of his time skittering around the shadows and constantly watching those who go about their day as if nothing was amiss.

Icarus drifted across the territory, light colored paws dragging the larger form silently across the area. No one ever seemed to noticed the canine, his sister the main attention of the two siblings. Yet Icarus didn't mind, he preferred to stay away from the others, keep to himself and stay quiet. He found no use in creating ties with anyone else, bonds only hurt you in the end as he always says.

His ears pricked forwards at the sounds of cackling, curiosity shot through his veins like poison. The demonic canine shuffled towards the sound, stopping once he reached a bush that was close enough that he could hide in. He lowered his body to the ground, not fully laying but instead crouched as if he was ready to pounce at a moments notice. He listened to the taunts of the group, the scent of blood trickling towards him after some time. His hackles raised as anger bubbled deep inside his chest. How dare they pick on this creature, the serval did nothing to them and yet all they do is sit there and torment the poor feline. It was sickening how cruel this group was to those who were different.

Glowing peach orbs peered out from the bush, able to be seen by anyone who paid close enough attention. A low rumble of a growl vibrated through Icarus' chest, ringing out across the area. He pushed himself up, stepping out of the bush as he drew closer to the group that circled the serval. The demon move to attempt to stand over the serval, if successful he would shield them from the praying eyes of the group, if not he would stand next to the serval. "Do you have nothing better to do with your lives than pick on someone smaller than you?" he snarled out to the leader. His gaze snapped towards the leader of the group, orbs filled with hatred and bubbling anger.

The scars on his back itched with the desire to spread out wings to shield the serval but alas his wings had been stripped from him years ago. Icarus ignored the itch, tail lashing out behind him before raising up with a slight curl. "Honestly it's sickening how little care you have from someone else," he snorted out with venom dripping from his tone.

His attention turned to the serval after that, gaze softening as he peered down at them. "Are you alright?" he would ask gently, completely forgetting about the fact that they had yet to speak. "Do you have a name?" the question would follow shortly after before it finally dawned on him his stupidity. "What am I asking, you don't even speak so how would you tell me," he said before quickly back tracking. "Not that you not speaking isn't wrong or anything it's totally fine," he rushed out as he quickly tried to correct himself. "Here why don't I just call you Hyacinth for now, if you are able to tell me a name in the future then I can call you that name then but for now you are Hyacinth."

Re: walking... walking... walking... a foe. - Kold - 10-25-2022

Kold knew of the unnamed animal that had pretty much stuck around for months now. Hell, they made one hell of an entrance the first time. And, despite the anger she held from before, from them ignoring her, she had to push it aside. And a new anger arose, directed at this group of felines. Infighting would not fly within the Pitt.

Wordless she walked over, nodding to Icarus when she noticed him. Holding her head high, she went behind the group of idiots who wanted to start shit, and stood behind them. "What do you lot think you're doing?" She started, cold in her voice and face twisting in mild annoyance. A wing twitched, but she simply huffed, a jet of fire leaving her maw before fading away so quickly you almost couldn't have telled it was there.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
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