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athletic automaton | disco hijack's joining thread - Printable Version

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athletic automaton | disco hijack's joining thread - discohijack! - 10-24-2022

disco had been lost on this fucking island for days now. the stench of sulfur swam obnoxiously in his nose. it must be the lava from the black sand beach he had passed--however, he dared not set foot on it. something told him that swarthy enigma was bad, bad news. in contrast, the crackling and hissing and sludging sounds of the magma and the scratchy rustling of the sand being displaced by the wind were soothing sounds and served to ground him in his search for civilization. they paid close attention to it, trying to pick out any sort of cadence or harmony, but all they found was pure cacophony. it felt supremely doomed in its chaos.

the towering doberman padded on for what felt like hours into a velvety, oppressing nightfall. every now and then his double set of ears would perk at the slipping of a leaf or a beetle buzzing frantically behind him. he quite enjoyed this environment, rich with life and smells and sounds...oh, the sounds. the singing of this humid jungle is what made him keep going. around every three trunk he seemed to encounter a new sonic texture. and soon, he began to hear the babbling of what sounded like drunks. soft at first, due to his distance, but as they followed the noise it took on an incredibly lively tone. people were singing, laughing, flirting, all the things people do when they drink.

he could definitely use a drink after several days of exploration. disco began to make out the shadow of a tavern in front of him, the windows lit canary yellow by oil lamps and candles. warmth emanated from the building and seemed to draw him closer. at once, he sprinted to the door, nudged his way in, and stood proud albeit apprehensively as many animals of different kinds turned their heads to see who came in the door. he was the new guy, and no thanks to his curled lips and bared teeth, disco was greeted with a mocking sneer or indifferent eyebrow raise from many patrons. hiding his maw, he relaxed his shoulders and made their way to the bar, weaving through dancing couples and chairs leaned back in joy. as they took a seat next to a stranger, their cold blue eyes made one last round around the room before they locked eyes with the bartender and ordered simply: "whiskey." a pause as he contemplated his still gently shivering haunches--the night was tight and cold. "neat," he added and looked down in wait.

/tldr hes in the tavern LMAO

Re: athletic automaton | disco hijack's joining thread - sabbath - 10-24-2022

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There was something intoxicating about the bubbling activity usually found within the tavern, something so ... exhilarating about the different kinds of people and stories that they could tell you all about. They'd been drawn in from riding warm drafts out above the ocean, the hankering for communication and the familiar warmth of a drink all but driving the Icarian back to shore and the familiar faces of their groupmates. What they wouldn't give to have a new friend, even better if they had wings, to go about the territory with. An excited screech left them as they dove through the air in a head-first plummet south to the sandy beaches below, wings folded close before snapping open at the last second. Drifting down, they closed their wings when it was a safe distance to drop to the sands, shaking out their dark and pale fur before trotting into camp.

The sounds of the tavern all but leaked out of the building and pulled a twitch of their whiskers. What was going on there? They were all but drawn into the hub-bub and excitement of their fellow pirates, the hybrid chirping as they tripped over a passed out NPC. Righting themself, they headed for the tavern, just seeing the last of Disco Hijack disappearing into it's entry. Flicking an ear, the feline trotted forward, wings folded to their sides to give others space as they padded in, mindless of the pause in sound, smiling and laughing along with some of the younger members, tossing out a few flirtatious comments to those that winked or smiled at them.

Smoothing down ruffled fur upon their chest and shoulders, they shuffled towards the bar, drinking in the scents and sounds with delight. It was lively, and they were happy for it. It wasn't so long ago that a storm had threatened them all and their happiness here, the damage could still be seen in places but recovery was more apparent. Padding up beside Disco Hijack, they offered the other a smile, "Same for me, boss!", they echoed his own order, sitting down and shaking out their wings with a shudder, "Well 'ello there! Are ya' new to these parts? Don't think 've seen you're pelt around, yet. Sabbath, pleasure to meet ya'.", they offered him their paw to shake, a pleasant smile on their face.

[align=center]credit @ teef

Re: athletic automaton | disco hijack's joining thread - discohijack! - 10-24-2022

as he bubbled in a brief concentration, reviewing his days events, he couldn't help but feel a sort of deja vu as he sat. of course, maybe it was the intense strength of the ruckus in this bar--one he was painfully familiar with--that was setting him off. two sets of ears made many places a challenge, no less a tavern full of swashbucklers. they pretty much had it down pat, and that he could appreciate. it had been a long few months since he had last spoken or touched a living being, and today was his emergence from a panicked and searching breaking point. his old home had showered him with safety and kinship, something he had craved for so long. and it began to suffocate him. he was losing himself in others, taking pieces of everyone he had loved and adding them with glue to his mirror. but then, the air got hotter. glue melted... bridges blown up. he was being crushed until he combusted. he simply couldn't take it.

however, gentler, among these sounds, was an off-hand swishing of feathers that he was sure he could place earlier in his trek. flying above him, perhaps, stupidly mistaken for a quetzal or a parrot. the way these feathers touched and played with the air was surely not avian, due to their quantity and size.

disco was pulled out of his near stupor with a snapping up of their ears and lifting of their eyes. turning to the amicable voice, he took their hand standoffishly and paused before giving it one shake, a sure one, an apology for his peculiar manners. "uh, yeah! hello. yeah." he stifled an uncharacteristically nervous swallow. "i made it my way up that wet ass railroad and then... just some exploratory ventures. i've been staying quiet, checking it all out." they paused before assuming eye contact. "you have a sweet, beautiful home." he broke out a small smile and nodded very gently. "i'm, uh, disco, disco hijack. it's nice to meet you." when he finished, he averted his gaze, head turning to the bar slightly.

the mellifluous pouring of drinks was followed by the gentle slip of napkins before the bartender presented them with two angular crystal glasses, filled halfway with liquid gold. disco's expression lit up as he lilted gratefully, "thank you." the foggy canine indulged a long sip and clanked his glass back onto the paper cheekily. "that hit the fuckin' spot," he exhaled as he turned back to sabbath, refreshed.

Re: athletic automaton | disco hijack's joining thread - Alexandre - 10-24-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
A vice of Alexandre's was drinking. Maybe some alcohol, but the crimson liquid. The feline had tried to cut back on rations, but eventually gave in, bringing forth the beast that their parents tried to monitor. Well. Now they were gone. Alex was left to fend for themselves for the last two years, so when coming across the tavern, they found the area to be quite lively. Even today, the area seemed bustling. With bodies present, there was surely someone inside that would lend themselves over to Alexandre in time.

A curious glint appeared in the domestic cat's vision when noticing Sabbath and a stranger from across the tavern. Getting up from their spot, paws cascaded across to the feathered feline and the domestic dog with a sickly sweet smile, nonchalantly showing off his sharp canines. They pushed between the two confidentially. A tail attempted to whip against Sabbath's back in a loving greeting while he offered the stranger a look up and down. Alexandre had briefly heard their name. 'Disco Hijack,' was it? Sounded like a prostitute pseudonym, but they were not one to judge.

Instead, they leveled out their gaze to meet with the other's. "Pleasure to meet you, Disco," came their coo. As they spoke to the other, his tail politely waved for the bartender to come over after serving their other patrons, hoping for a slight buzz. "Alexandre." That was both for the bartender and other. Anyone knowing Alex's name gave them pleasure, especially since they presumed they would be a regular around the tavern and around Disco, hopefully.

An interested hum left the other as he looked down at the glasses. The musk of the caramel colored liquid wafted into his sinuses, causing them to narrow their gaze. "I see you have an exploratory taste in alcohol." Sarcasm. Whiskey. Definitely wasn't Alexandre's preferred, but it'd do. In the meantime, the bartender came over to grab their own order. "Cosmopolitan, yes?" An impatient paw tapped on the table and then they leaned back, although it would never make the bartender work any faster.

Eyes reconnected with the other two, looking back and forth between the two as they sat in the middle. Two intriguing individuals indeed. A bulkier feline lined in feathered wings of a neutral color palette with a slight burst in colors. The other was a lanky canine, somewhat dirty, but held chiseled and pointed features that caused Alexandre's mind to run. The vampiric succubus wished for their attention, as he did with most, and wanted to sink their fangs into their throats with vulgar pleasure. After all, a two in one package of beautiful beings never hurt. Nevertheless, they just kept smiling as if nothing was happening in their head and awaited their alcohol.

Moments later, the bartender arrived back swiftly with a glass. Rimmed with sugar, the cherry-hued liquid swayed as it was set down with a clink. Alexandre shot a pleased grin in their direction, only for them to turn and go back to their job in return. With a paw starting to wrap carefully around the glass' stem, the feline looked at Disco curiously. "To new beginnings?" they questioned. The glass raised slightly, looking for a toast.

Re: athletic automaton | disco hijack's joining thread - discohijack! - 10-25-2022

as another feline approached, disco felt the vampire's eyes on him. confused, he straightened his posture, blinking rapidly and allowing his ears to twitch and right themselves. what was that look for? it felt... predatory, and he was familiar with the feeling of being hunted. maybe he should keep an eye on them, and keep an eye on himself. he wasn't particularly presentable right now, being caked with sand and dust and dirt and all, but he still held his head proudly, defiantly. "nice to meet you as well," he barked with a grin. "alexandre."

as the vampire questioned his drink, disco couldn't hold back a giggle. what could he say--he was a simple guy. "i know what i like." while the other waited for their order, disco raised a paw to his snout to fiddle with his piercing. nasty habit that was, especially with paws as dirty as his. it was crusted with lymph and dust and he felt his stomach simmer in frustration. he knew how much of a task it would present to keep clean in the jungle but his piercing being defaced just felt like an insult. oh well, he thought, returning his gaze back to alexandre while the bartender dropped off his fruity little concoction. disco snickered again, but not in condescension. it did look like it tasted yummy, but what would he know--he was a whisky guy. at alexandre's presentation of a toast, he lifted his paw containing the drink and tapped it to his with a sly smile. "to... new beginnings," after a second, he added, "and to my finding a place to rest. i'm fucking exhausted." disco ended his sentence with a breathy, nervous laugh. "you guys got a place a guy like me could stay?"

Re: athletic automaton | disco hijack's joining thread - Scyllios - 10-25-2022

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── the maned wolf walkes up to the trio, nose wrinkling at the scent of alcohol. Vey never did like the stuff. vey attempted to speak into disco's mind for a moment, "The tavern has room upstairs. I am Scyllios."

Ve pointed at a glass and nodded to a thing of fruit juice, smiling to the bartender as he poured it.

Re: athletic automaton | disco hijack's joining thread - SHERBET - 10-30-2022

Hearing whispers of a new person in town, Sherbet made post haste to the tavern (by any god out there, he was glad the tavern was among the first few to be rebuilt). His pastel green eyes narrowed as he skidded to a halt in front of the tavern. His mouth watering at the thought of alcohol, but he knew he'd have to either cancel his current tasks or drink with the newcomer and his crewmates. Shaking his head lightly, he relaxed, and walked into the almost rebuilt tavern, deciding to see how things go before he makes a choice.

"I'd forgotten how lively you lot are." The Captain smirked, pointedly avoiding touching any bodies in the crowd dancing (he had a wonderful husband, thank you very much). Sliding into a place at the bar, the ice cream tabby scanned the newcomer, and grinned, "'Ello there, mate. Names Sherbet, I'm the Captain of these ragtag fellows. And, yes, don't worry, mate, I heard your name on the way in, just don't expect me to remember it. I'm shit at remembering names." Letting out a laugh, Sherbet turned to the bartender and the drink was already sliding his way.

Taking his shot of whiskey, he studied the others nearby, giving a nod of acknowledgement as he accounted for Scyllios (the relief he felt seeing vem, seeing vey weren't dead), Alexandre (as always, giving dual feelings of respect and wariness), and Icarus (a welcome face, fun and serious when need be). He decided he'll stay for a spell longer. It wasn't like he had any meetings for a bit to attend.
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: athletic automaton | disco hijack's joining thread - discohijack! - 10-31-2022

disco, startled for a moment at the appearance of voice not sounding to be his inside of his mind, whipped his head around in a somewhat frantic attempt to see who the hell said that and... how they did it. although the dusty grey doberman had been blessed with the advantage of an elevated sense of hearing, he absolutely unaware that this ability was supernatural. he could only assume it was the maned wolf because everyone else who he was conversing with was actually talking to him. turning to vem, disco sputtered out, "shit, thanks. nice trick you have there."

turning to the scent of ice cream--something he hadn't enjoyed in a long time--disco's gaze was met by an ice cream cat. how curious, he thought, his eyes taking in the captain's countenance flitteringly. disco offered him a sly smile. "it's nice to meet you."

/muse=low yikes

Re: athletic automaton | disco hijack's joining thread - Cobra - 01-17-2023

crewmate of the typhoon
"brawling brute"
penned by cobra
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    lumbering after the others, the brute would stop short of the gathered and offer a soft hum. flicking his tongue as he studied the new face. eyes scanning them before he offered even a simple word. names alphonse. pleasure i'm sure. if you ever need a hand let me know. be it fighting, hunting, moving heavy things. the komodo was good for it.


code by teef