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OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE // Clove - Printable Version

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OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE // Clove - Kold - 10-20-2022

Kold shuffled along the jungle floor, the pale Lykoi cat staring upward as she walked. It was muggy, but she welcomed it and smiled gently. Sunlight filtered through large leaves, dappling her feline face in shadow.

She continued in a graceful gait, stopping to stare at a parrot flying overhead. It was so strange, she thought, to see birds that weren't vultures or Blackjack's bird. Birds brightly colored and mimicking noises they heard.

She was so entranced by the avian, that she didn't notice anyone else approaching her.

Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE // Clove - Casphian - 10-25-2022

You'll never takes us alive
We swore that death will do us part
The jaglion drifted through the jungle, a soft hum slipping past her muzzle as she carried on her way. A satchel rested against her side, filled to the brim with herbs of many kind. It had been a good day, filled with nothing but gathering to replenish her stock back at home. Her business was booming right now and it made her day's fly by, either delivering orders, making them or out searching for more ingredients.

Her humming ceased when her gaze caught sight of Kold walking towards her, the other seeming to be distracted by something and what that was Clove didn't particularly care to look up and find out. "Ya might wanna watch where you're going there," she said with a slight teasing tone. "Don't wanna end up walking into someone," she mused. The pregnant gal slowed her pace until she finally came to a stop, sarcasm and a hint of teasing shifting across her features.
[div style="background-color: TRANSPARENT; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; height: 20px; max-width: 500px; text-align: right; font-family: times new roman; color: #EC5656; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never takes us alive!


Re: OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE // Clove - Kold - 10-27-2022

The feline heard Clove, which made her panic and hardstop, planting her hind feet in the ground and forcing herself to sit down and look down. A silent "Oh my god-" leaving her before she blinked. "Sorry -- I got distracted by some birds."

Giving herself a shake, Kold looked up at Clove, sniffing. She hadn't seen Clove when the other had joined, but heard whispers from others. Poison and... the lykoi cat let her eyes drift to their belly. Pregnant. "You're Clove, right? I've heard a bit about you."
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]