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WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Printable Version

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WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Owlie - 06-03-2018

Perhaps, the Ascendents’ Starpool held a little magic. The spirit felt strongest here- his form was almost whole. Anakin’s Ghost was a sight to behold: it walked across the lake with deliberate pawsteps, light and touching the water with the utmost ease. Its ethereal body glowed a blue hue, its fur in monotone cyans. The ghost’s mane was thick and dark- for lions, this was a sign of age and prowess. It flowed gently, smoky and lush as it trailed down under the spirit’s torso. Ivory, pupiless eyes still expressed direction and all the emotions it needed to- as they, too, brought some sense of power to the being.

The lion was immaculate, his mane perfectly groomed and his skin scarless. Anakin stopped, opening his mouth to release an unneeded yawn, showing clean teeth, and, just for a moment, the sense of breathing. Anakin released a small roar as he did this, turning back and looking in the direction of the other groups.

The lion wondered what they would try to do about him being here. He didn’t particularly have any weight on any matter, his spirit merely felt a strong connection to the Force here, so he was here.

He looked towards the Typhoon. Perhaps.... the Force wanted him to protect this place?

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Roy Mustang - 06-03-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy couldn't sleep. He couldn't close his eyes for five minutes without seeing that abomination that Hughes created in the attempt to send himself back to Amestris. Who to think Roy only managed to get a glimpse of the horrifying creature, and it still has managed to make it's way into his head. It was like a cruel reminder, that he failed on protecting his friend from the taboo. So, instead of laying in his room all night, staring at the ceiling, the melanistic bobcat decided to take a walk. And when he came padding by the Starpool, he felt a moment of déjà vu when his gaze landed on the ghostly, lion spirit.

His ears pinned back to his skull when the lion yawned, letting out a small roar in the process. Surely if Roy wasn't close, if he had been padding elsewhere in the territory- he would hear it. And probably come to investigate it. His blue eyes narrowed as he looked at Anakin, reminding the first time he saw something similar to this. It was when he was a new member here, the same spirit had been padding through the Starpool, as if it was no big deal. And now, here he was again, this time standing on the water. It looked like he was waiting for someone this time around, Roy wasn't sure what he wanted with them.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want with us?" The grief stricken male spoke up, hoping to catch their attention, gaze locking onto Anakin. "I've seen you here before, meaning this is the second time you've trespassed onto our territory. You better start explaining!"

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Character Graveyard. - 06-03-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
This was certainly an odd sight. A ghostly lion with no fur. The female had almost immediately became curious, so she found herself approaching, taking a seat next to Roy, who was given a short nod of greeting.

"Name and business." Luna would say, hoping Anakin wouldn't get offended by Roy's harsh words. The pregnant feline had felt bad for the onyx male, as he had just lost his best friend, yet she hoped he wouldn't scare possible joiners away with his fierce words.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Owlie - 06-03-2018

The ghost’s head turned, pupiless white eyes staring the bobcat down. Anakin’s mane settled, his back turned to them as he spoke.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” He stood tall and mighty. Anakin was no longer concerned with things like borders and territories. He was still aware of them, but he was dead, he wasn’t causing a ruckus, and they couldn’t hurt him. It didn’t matter.

”Starry, Starry night..... paint your palette blue and grey...” He hummed, turning to the side and glancing at the water again.

“They would not listen, they did not know how... perhaps they'll listen now.”

The lion turned and approached, walking on the water of the Starpool. He stopped a few feet from the pair, as if he was unable to cross the plane from water to land. His pawsteps never disturbed the peaceful lake, nor did any reflection show. Just the the glow of Anakin’s body, as the dust and dirt particles collected to form a figure the mortals could speak to.

He almost chuckled at ‘name and business’, looking towards the other now. Something he was familiar with in life, but was pointless to him now.

“Pioneer of the Skywalker family.” He used that to introduce himself. He didn’t think they were on first name basis yet. Anakin’s voice was its commanding baritone, but real and clear- unwavered and strong.

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Character Graveyard. - 06-06-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
"Are you here to join, Pioneer?" Luna would ask as the ghost spoke, as she did not know he was a spirit. Blue-eyes would study the odd-looking male, noticing she could see through his ethereal pelt. How odd.

Luna would then turn her attention to Roy, noticing he was being quiet at the time. A small trace of concern could be seen in her eyes before it quickly faded and she turned back to Anakin.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Owlie - 06-09-2018

Did she think his name was Pioneer? He meant that as a title, not a name. But it didn’t matter.
”No.” He said, looking down at him. Loiter on the pool? Yes. Joining? No. Anakin felt that he didn’t have any material value in the mortal world anymore. Joining was pointless to him. Besides.

”I am already one with the Force. It is strong here, so I am here.”

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Margaery - 06-09-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
If she hadn't been so deeply wrapped up in her own head, perhaps Margaery would have shown a glimmer of emotion as she approached the trio. Instead, her lifeless copper eyes simply fell upon the ghost and she idly wondered if she had jurisdiction to tell it that it could not be here without the interest of joining. Ghosts were not governed by the same rules as mortals (or in her case, immortals). They were already deceased and, in a way, had access to the world at their own will. She really doubted that she could attempt to enforce anything differently but for the sake of her clan, she figured that she had to try.

Expelling a faint sigh, the borderline-ravenous appearing vampire would fixate her dull gaze upon Anakin. [color=#b14767]"Unfortunately," She began in a soft, hoarse voice, waves of nausea generated from her children themselves washing over her, [color=#b14767]"This is clan territory. I'm not sure if it'd be wise for you to remain here without the intent of joining." And especially if you plan to haunt our members. This ghostly being didn't look malevolent though... if anything, he radiated a sort of nobleness- a recognizable prowess that revealed good intention. [color=#b14767]"Or, you could wait for our leader to arrive and allow him to make the decision," She continued, the monotone of her voice breaking a bit as she mentioned 'her leader'. The moment Bastilleprisoner arrived would be the moment she departed. No questions asked. [color=#b14767]"The choice is yours."

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Roy Mustang - 06-09-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
[ retro to major injury! ]

Well, that certainly wasn't an answer Roy was expecting. He was almost taken aback when the ghostly lion spoke up to him specifically- did Roy really look that sad? He knew that his clanmates were aware that Roy was taking Maes death badly, but he thought he at least hid his emotions when he was out in the territory. He has no relation to Anakin, nor does he knew him at all. So it surprised him when he heard those words come out of the lion's jaws, keeping his mouth firmly shut. He wasn't about to say thank you- he does not need a stranger's pity. It was strange that Anakin made a quick poem that happened to have Starrynight's name in it, the male was unsure if it was just a coincidence or not. He decided to make no comment on it, ears pricking up at Anakin's next few sentences.

Neither of Roy's questions were answered. There was no name given, nor was there any real explanation as to why he's currently at their starpool. Roy wasn't sure if he was suppose to recognize the family name Anakin gave to him, but unfortunately there was no recollection in Roy's mind. He's never heard of the Skywalker family before. The explanation Anakin gave didn't make that much sense either. What does he mean that he's one with the force? The Flame Alchemist thought to himself, calculating thinking of any kind of possibilities. Anakin made it sound like it was a common term, as if everyone should know what it is. What does it mean? And why does he say it's strong here? He's not really giving us a great reason as to why hes trespassing- he shouldn't just be able to wander through our territory because 'the force' is 'strong' here.

Thank goodness, someone else arrived. Roy looked over at the sound of paw steps, his gaze landing onto Margaery. She seemed to have the same thoughts as Roy, but she certainly worded it far better than he did. Roy was harsh with his words, which might be a reason why he didn't get a true answer like he hoped for. Maybe this time around, Anakin will actually give some legit answers, Roy won't be pleased if the ghostly lion dodges around her questions with his confusing sayings.

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Owlie - 06-10-2018

Joining somewhere implied he had an attachment to the mortal world. For Anakin, that didn’t fit. Didn’t make sense. Sure, he was still attached to his children here, but he couldn’t directly intervene in their lives or appear where ever he damned well pleased.

The Force wasn’t as strong in Snowbound or the Typhoon, so he could not fully appear there.

That’s why he was here. The Force had not directed him to intervene in their lives or the Emperor’s plan. Sure, he thought the Force had a terrible plan, and not one he approved of, but would accept it for now. Perhaps the Force intended for him to be a helper or a guide... which he could understand, but wasn’t Yoda better at that?

“Let your leader come. I cannot leave so easily.” He said, hoping they would catch of the emphasis of “cannot” over “would not”.

Honestly can’t he couldn’t even concept how they planned to attack him. They would go right through him. So he wasn’t bothered by that.  If they did have a way to attack him, he’d just vanish. Besides, he was still standing on the water and trying to physically attack while swimming wasn’t in their favor.

The way Anakin saw it, he wasn’t harming anyone, wasn’t toying with prey, nor destroying the territory. Yes, he was in their land, but what good was wasting their time on him?

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - BASTILLEPAW - 06-14-2018

Speak of the devil. Bastilleprisoner very, very rarely -- read as: never -- offered his actual title to newcomers or guests unless for whatever god awful reason he had to. He could go an entire week without newcomers actually realized who he was until he got up for the meeting, because he was that stubborn about acknowledging his "authority". Did he think that intense denial and pretending could make his responsibilities suddenly disappear? No. Was he going to continue on in denial bliss any way? Yup.

So, he wasn't exactly thrilled to arrive on the tailwind of someone discussing their leader, even if that someone was very clearly a ghost. He stopped a few paces from Margaery without even acknowledging her proximity, as if it meant nothing to him, and eyed this stranger's aura idly. Well, not stranger -- he too recognized this spirit from before. Huh. Nice of him to visit again, he supposed.

"You're back," he commented, idle. He didn't seem to carry Roy's same aggression or suspicions -- aside from Beck, he didn't really mind ghosts. They were... intriguing things. Carried a lot of memories and so much raw energy, raw aura. Something about them appealed to Grimm, which of course meant that Bast was obligated to take an interest. He cocked his head to the side slightly, and added, though a bit reluctant, "What're you lookin' for me for?"