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"you did that to yourself" // p, gawain - Printable Version

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"you did that to yourself" // p, gawain - Kiara Kokytos - 10-11-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she liked new people. she wanted to know everything about them - where did they come from, where did they go, where did they come from, why were they here. gawain was no exception. as soon as she spotted him have a free moment she had plonked herself down next to him, making herself comfortable. "so, i don't believe you were quite clear as to what you were doing here. i'm kiara if i haven't introduced myself, and i don't really recognise your scent." the reaper said, cocking her head and gently nudging his armored shoulder with a paw. "it's not often strangers all decked-out with armor show up at tanglewood's borders." in fact, she had never seen one before. nobody wearing armor.

Re: "you did that to yourself" // p, gawain - GAWAIN - 10-11-2022

we must away, ere break of day
The only reason he hadn't taken off the armor was because he didn't have a safe place to store it. Homes were damaged and he was willing to carry the armor for as long as he had to until he had a secure holding for it. He occasionally took it off to polish it but aside from that, the armor was him and he was the armor.

Kiara's presence made the knight rumble in surprise, and he shifted slightly. Was this how people became friends, now? How long had he really been gone if that was the case. Listening to her questions he kept staring ahead. "I have simply returned from months of wandering the island. Trying to find friends is all, mistress Kiara." He responded to her first question, tail drifting over the grass. To her second one, he glanced toward her. "My armor is from my old kingdom. I was part of the Knight guard."

Re: "you did that to yourself" // p, gawain - Kiara Kokytos - 10-12-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she had wondered about the armor for quite a bit. what was his reason for not taking it off? surely he had settled in enough to remember where his house was, no? should it be still standing - unlikely - he could store it there. he was a wanderer, eh? she wondered for how long, and if he was having fun. her ear flicked and she stared off into nothingness. "i suppose wandering does sound like a fun idea, where did you go, was it exciting?" she kept the curiosity out of her voice, allowing it to trail off in an open question. he was looking for friends, and she lifted a shoulder. "we could be friends, if you would like."

he then talked about his armor - from his old kingdom. she watched him as he spoke, letting her optics occasionally sweep trails down his body to look at the scars that lingered there. he was part of the knight guard, sounded interesting. the scars on his body told stories of war and battle. kiara liked a man with scars. "how was your old kingdom, where was it? it does sound like an interesting place, why did you leave?" she was asking many questions, but if he didn't want to answer them he didn't have to.

Re: "you did that to yourself" // p, gawain - GAWAIN - 10-15-2022

we must away, ere break of day
The dragon knight listened to her speak, staring at his feet. "A place of cold, where snow was common... a few other things, but those aren't worth mentioning." He said casually, falling silent as she suggested that they could be friends. With a gentle surprise in his ruby eyes, he dipped his head. "that would be nice, I think." he wouldn't admit he was lonely, now.

Her questions of his old home were many, but he didn't mind. "It is far from here. I took a boat. It was me and several knights from that kingdom. We went in search of lands to call home. To call our own. Part of the reason I was exploring was to find those other knights. I... only found one." His voice became sour and he thought of it. He only found Lucifer. Merlin was here, yes, but the others were yet to be found.

Re: "you did that to yourself" // p, gawain - Kiara Kokytos - 10-16-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

it was rare that kiara had seen snow. she had always preferred the sun, the warmth that made her almost blinding to look at. he gently accepted her offer to be friends like it was one of the most precious things he had ever heard, and she allowed a softer smile to fall onto her face as she looked at him. he seemed almost melancholic as he said that would be nice, and she let him continue talking about his home.

"what do you think happened to the other knights? they must have been gone for a long time if you were sent out to look for them. i'm happy you found one, though, it must be really painful to not see anybody you recognise.." she tipped her head back, shutting her optics against the sun. "do you like the warmth, gawain? or are you not used to it - you must be boiling in this weather."

Re: "you did that to yourself" // p, gawain - GAWAIN - 10-21-2022

we must away, ere break of day
"They're somewhere on this Island. I am sure of it." He spoke sternly, turning to face Kiara. "We traveled here.. together." As he calmed his temper he turned to look away. "it is.. very painful. I knew someone from here but I haven't seen her." That was genuine pain.

The question of the heat made him blink under the helm. "Knights are trained to endure the worst of weather. I have a personal habit of never taking this armor off until I have a safe place to put it. Hopefully that'll be soon -- I think I've scared some locals." His armor was rather scary, it looked like a giant black dragon.

Re: "you did that to yourself" // p, gawain - Kiara Kokytos - 10-22-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

since gawain was sure that his fellow knight was somewhere on this island kiara became curious. "do you know their name? i might be able to pinpoint them for you if they're on the island.." she trailed off at his stern tone, cocking head head with a slight quizzical expression on her face. he sounded so sad, she could hear it in his voice. see it in his change of demeanor. bolder, she let her paw rest on his.
"i like your armor, gawain. if you want, you can put it in my house until you can find your own." gods know who trained the knights to endure this weather, she had never seen anybody else in tanglewood wear armor like this before but if she had she'd have told him. "if the locals are scared, they're not proper tanglers." a dismissive shrug of her shoulder.