Beasts of Beyond
wind in our sails | October Meeting 10/11 - Printable Version

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wind in our sails | October Meeting 10/11 - SHERBET - 10-11-2022

Sherbet...isn't exactly organized yet, he's willing to admit. He's been between rushing from one beach to the jungle to another beach, helping with anything he can (plus, he is awful at keeping time). Tail flicking as he rushed to the bay, his paws scraped from the sand, the Captain let out the call for others, "CREWMATES, GATHER UP!"

Inwardly sighing, he hoped he can keep this short, the tabby was needed to help with going over boat blueprints for their side project, "This past month has been hard with the storm and our own reconstruction efforts progressing slowly due to how damaged our territory is." Pausing, he collected himself, "So, to start with, I'd like to announce that [member=23546]Sorbet.[/member] is now our Quartermaster, and [member=23359]Boots[/member] is now our Dealer. Be sure to congratulate them, and not give them too much of a hard time." His tone teasing as he grinned, chuckling a bit to himself.

"Next order of business, Tanglewood's Luminary, Aesior, visited a few days ago. He asked for us to commission some boats for them to traverse the swamps of their territory." Lightly smiling, the ice cream feline forged on, "I agreed to this on the terms we are given lumber to build the boats, as well as help with our own reconstruction."

Digging his claws into the wood he's standing on, Sherbet's grin turned almost feral, "Lastly, we found something out in the deep blue, mates. We found an island southwest of here, and it's looking pretty fine to set up some operations." His grin sly and full of opportunity, "Keep an eye on it, mates. If any other group sets foot on it while we're working on it, tell to fuck off, ya hear? Don't physically engage, I'm not asking for a war here."

Casting a gleefully sharp gaze at the massive anchored ship in the distance, Sherbet started once again, "Anyone who still wishes to keep exploring, or start trying to set things up on the newly discovered island is welcome to, as we will be claiming it."

The Captain lightly joked as he kept in place, paws barely kneading as he looked at all of his people's faces, "If anyone has any questions, or concerns, tell me now before I'm too busy to breathe."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: wind in our sails | October Meeting 10/11 - Casphian - 10-11-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Crewmate of the Typhoon.
Sorbet looked up from where he rested in front of his home, ears flicking at the sound of his brother calling for a meeting. With a slight huff he pushed himself up and made his way towards where the crowd was gathering. He settled towards the back, preferring to stay away from the large crowd so it wouldn’t overwhelm him.

He listened to the meeting but his eyes wandered around before snapping towards his brother when he was announced as the new Quartermaster. Surprise filled him and his gaze widened. “Thank you for the opportunity Captain,” he said, nodding his head towards Sherbet and now determined to make his brother proud to call him his Quartermaster.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: wind in our sails | October Meeting 10/11 - LOKI FLÓKI - 10-11-2022

LOKI FLÓKI 1 year / cutie pie bio

there wasn't much to note for loki, but she still sat and watched nonetheless. turning with a happy mew as her uncle was promoted to quartermaster. wouldn't it be pretty cool if she got promoted too? to like, baby captain or something! she must speak to her father at once about it, it was a very pressing matter. straightening her back she turned back as he talked about further exploring the islands, and her ears flicked with interest.


Re: wind in our sails | October Meeting 10/11 - Cobra - 10-17-2022

Re: wind in our sails | October Meeting 10/11 - Cobra - 10-17-2022

Re: wind in our sails | October Meeting 10/11 - Cobra - 10-17-2022

Re: wind in our sails | October Meeting 10/11 - Cobra - 10-17-2022

Re: wind in our sails | October Meeting 10/11 - Cobra - 10-17-2022