Beasts of Beyond
MY JOLLY SAILOR BOLD // Return - Printable Version

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MY JOLLY SAILOR BOLD // Return - Scyllios - 10-08-2022

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── Dreary skies would meet the bleak ocean at the horizon, the waves choppy and mildly uncooperative. The waters were chill, the air cool. Winds pulled the trees around gently; the aftershocks of the storm. Debris lay littered around the sands, once strong huts now lay in ruins. And among the ruins was a blue shape, a wolf-ish shape.

It stirred, breathed in before it's gills fluttered with the outflow of air. The sea-toned creature breathed in again, tentacle tail slowly flexing. It breathed out from it's gills again, then moved a foreleg. It explored the area before it with it's paw, then opened it's pearly eyes. The familiar beach, though thoroughly wrecked to hell by the storm, was a welcoming sight. It exhaled through it's nose, content to simply stay down and rest a little more. It was home. It was finally home.

Re: MY JOLLY SAILOR BOLD // Return - Cobra - 10-18-2022

Re: MY JOLLY SAILOR BOLD // Return - Scyllios - 10-18-2022

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── The noise of debris moving didn't stir Scyllios, but the familiar scent and the gentle touch of a tentacle did. Slowly their pearly eyes opened and ve met Octavio's stare. Emotions flooded the maned wolf until they discerned the Relief and Happiness that was there. With a gentle breath ve smiled and leaned into the touch. He was safe, that's all that had mattered in the moment. "You... you are okay.." Ve whispered, tears threatening to spill.

Re: MY JOLLY SAILOR BOLD // Return - Cobra - 10-19-2022