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DIVE DEEP ⚘ Tanglewood Visit - Printable Version

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DIVE DEEP ⚘ Tanglewood Visit - aesior - 10-07-2022

and they saw trouble in my eyes
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
well, he hadn't expected to hear that none of his predecessors had ever thought to expand their territory, let alone go south. truly, he couldn't blame them for it. who would have ever thought that there would be anything aside from endless ocean to the south, when they didn't even have the boats to make the trip? an irritated sigh left the tom as he made his way along the under-water railway tracks, pausing to watch the fish shimmer and gleam in the waters below, gray eyes tracking their movement as his stomach growled. shaking his head, he lifted his head to gaze around and exhaled, scrunching up his nose at the damages that he could see all around himself, his heart squeezing in his chest. was everywhere just as savagely hit as tanglewood was? he hoped that the other group had made it out alright, even if they were perhaps exploring an area that sounded like it belonged to tanglewood. how far did their borders extend onto the waters?

shaking his head with a derisive snort, the tom would come to a stop before the gates and the bell that would summon the members of the typhoon. standing there, he would glance up at the skies and let out a weary breath. he had taken a small patrol with him, of those who had wished to go with him to the typhoon to ask about boats. he wanted these boats to in honesty, go south and find this island the typhoon spoke of, but he'd noticed after the storm, that in their exploration, they'd discovered more wetlands, more open swamp in their regions that they hadn't been able to access before. but he wasn't going to reveal that he wanted them to go south, that was an unspoken thing. reaching up, he would ring the bell with all his might.

they were quick to recognize the devil in me.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- luminary.
credit @/teef

Re: DIVE DEEP ⚘ Tanglewood Visit - SHERBET - 10-11-2022

Basket full of ruined cloth, nails and other such things; Sherbet's ears pricked at hearing the ring of the bell. Locating the closest person, the male gave the npc the basket of waste and told them to responsibly get rid of it (he was worried about nails and other dangers to paws and the environment). Meowing his thanks, he bounded off to the railroad tracks, his tail already high to be show friendliness. Peering through the door, Sherbet sees Aesior...he thinks its Aesior, anyway. He's only heard of the now Tanglewood leader, he hadn't seen him except maybe once. Worry filled him as he approched the feline, keeping his expression pleasant and neutral.

"Luminary Aesior," The Captain gave a small bow of respect, feeling slight annoyance at his charm on his gold hoop earring brushing against his cheek fur, "I hope our ambassador visit went well?"
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: DIVE DEEP ⚘ Tanglewood Visit - LOKI FLÓKI - 10-11-2022

LOKI FLÓKI 1 year / cutie pie bio

somebody new.  smelt different. she trotted behind her father , allowing a brief frown to settle on her maw as he mentioned the abassador visit. how dare he. the newcomer was a luminary of tanglewood, she registered the scent into her memory storage with a small snort, then sniffed. "hello." she said, stepping out from her father's shadow.


Re: DIVE DEEP ⚘ Tanglewood Visit - aesior - 10-25-2022

and they saw trouble in my eyes
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
The damage the storm had wrought was visible in every land he'd made passage through, every territory he had waded through and every person he'd interacted with. They were all struggling and recovering. Gaze trailing the designs upon the Typhoon's gates as he waited with as much patience as he could give, which was in truth, a lot. Too much perhaps. Shaking his head, he set down his basket with its meager pickings, a few packets of dried herbs that had managed to survive the storm, as well as what little dried fish he had been able to rescue from his dry storage high up in a hidden tree nook.

Gaze prying away as his ears picked up on the sound of someone on the other side, automatically making space for the impressive gate to swing open, blinking through at the ruffled sight of Sherbet. Truly, he thought that with his unfamiliar appearance, they must not have met properly before. Something he was sure he was to come across with the other groups. Exhaling in a bit of a startled manner, he would set his basket down and bow his head in return. Luckily, this time, he'd remembered to bring with himself a manner of writing materials. Laying down a piece of soft bark, he took a metal nib quill and gripped it tightly before beginning to write upon it, "Cap. Sherbet. Good visit. Here I visit. Ask for boats. Bring supplies." he was aware of how messy the script would be, watching as the damage to the soft bark turned a darker shade as the veins in the bark became crushed under the quill's weight. It would truly be easier to try and contact him through mental connection but most everyone he came across hated it, and he wanted to keep a good cover with The Typhoon. A young voice reached his ears and brought the tom to look around, eyes lighting upon young Loki, nodding in greeting to her with a smile.

they were quick to recognize the devil in me.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- luminary.
credit @/teef

Re: DIVE DEEP ⚘ Tanglewood Visit - LOKI FLÓKI - 10-26-2022

LOKI FLÓKI 1 year / cutie pie bio

the male wrote something on a piece of bark which quickly for soaked with the ink and she managed to read that he was a visitor and was asking for boats. she frowned - he could use his words - but smiled back at him as he nodded at her. always be polite. "what supplies have you brought?" she wasn't sure whether this was soemone the typhoon were hostile with but she hoped not. she didm't like confrontations at all and wouldn't know what to do if an enemy was standing in front of her.


Re: DIVE DEEP ⚘ Tanglewood Visit - SHERBET - 10-26-2022

Giving a fond sigh at Loki's recent love of shadowing him, Sherbet studied the Tanglewood Luminary as he wrote what he needed. The Captain mentally cursed himself for not asking Morrison for any advice on the other leaders yet, he would've brought paper if he knew. Carefully tracing an extended claw on the words (as he struggled with reading comprehension, he would take numbers over words any day), the odd tabby quirked a stressed smile with a relieved exhale, "I'm glad the visit went well. So, I'm hearing - well, reading - that you're in need of some ships?" Turning the request over in his head, he mentally accounted for how the usual lumber and supplies they used were designated for rebuilding (well...the supplies that weren't washed away or damaged), and most of the usual lumber for building was too wet still to use.

Finally, Sherbet began, "I can agree to our lot here building your group some fine vessels, on the condition we're provided extra lumber, even if it's just a little, any is better than wet warped wood." His words became wry at end as he put down the negotiation offer, "I'm willing to negotiate for anything that may be a bit easier to import. Also, It'd be useful to know what kind of boats you'd be preferring, I don't exactly think you'd fancy having several like our Tempest."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: DIVE DEEP ⚘ Tanglewood Visit - aesior - 01-02-2023

and they saw trouble in my eyes
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
Perhaps it would have been better to have used a different body for the laborious task of meeting with others. A body that he could speak in. Shaking his head at the thought, the Luminary would clear his throat faintly as he observed Loki and Sherbet, listening attentively to them as they spoke. Drawing his basket closer he would lift it and put it before himself with a wave of his paw as blooms of myrtle appeared and grew around the rim of the basket. Giving the plant-life a semi-exasperated expression, still becoming used to the newfound ability that he could grow plant-life on other things than himself. Carefully, he would pull back the scrap of cloth covering the basket to reveal the satchets of dried herbs and fish laying within, writing onto the bark once again, "Meager offerings. Not much left.", he would give a grimace of a smile.

Lifting his head, he pointed his ears forward and tapped his throat, making an 'X' motion in an effort to express that he couldn't talk. Nodding as Sherbet spoke he would write once again, "We give lumber. Nails too. Boats of any kind. Not too big. Enough to stand sea's wind.", he would write. What was the use of having the skills of a smith if they were never used? Clearing his throat with a disgruntled expression, he flicked his tail softly as he settled a bit.

they were quick to recognize the devil in me.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- luminary.
credit @/teef

Re: DIVE DEEP ⚘ Tanglewood Visit - SHERBET - 01-02-2023

The Captain breathed a sigh of relief at the offer as he once again traced the lines on bark, "We'll be more than happy to build your lot some mighty fine ships then, we'll start as soon as possible. I'll send another Typhooner out to meet you once they're ready, Aesior."

Looking at Loki, he encouraged her to hang onto the basket of offerings after gratefully accepting it, the exhaustion weighting on his face, "The Typhoon is grateful for the offering, any supplies at all are better than none." Sherbet interated, his voice weary as he cast a look over his shoulder at the docks, "I hope things return to normal for us all soon."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: DIVE DEEP ⚘ Tanglewood Visit - Alexandre - 01-02-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Tanglewood must have caught onto Alexandre's boasting. Alexandre merely approached at the sight of a gathering near the border, spotting Aesior in the mix and causing them to huff on sight. Rather than showing their displeasure, a sickly sweet grin curled upon their maw as they approached. Their hips swayed smoothly as they wandered over, tail swaying gently in response. A façade, perhaps, one might call it. Although, with their last visit to Tanglewood, their displeasure was clearly pointed out.

Pursing their furred lips, they offered a brow at Aesior. "Aesior, a pleasure," came their thinly veiled sarcasm. "I didn't expect you to return my call so soon. Boats, you say?" A cheap shot flirt and an inquiry tied into one. Teeth glinted in the sun. Alexandre could think of a reason as to why Tanglewood would need boats, but they would having to be daring enough to prod at an ally to even think of it. Staying silent, the feline awaited to see if the leader had the balls. Doubtful, though.

Re: DIVE DEEP ⚘ Tanglewood Visit - LOKI FLÓKI - 01-03-2023

LOKI FLÓKI 1 year / cutie pie bio

she watched with her maw slightly open, entranced, as aesior did something and plants began to grow all along the outside of the basket. he then pulled back the covering to reveal dried leaves and plants that she assumed their healer woudl have use for. her father gestured for her to accept the gift and she hurriedly padded over, careful not to damage any leaves when moving the basket.
alexandre padded over and loki let a frown dance on her maw. it wasn't much of a surprise that she didn*t like him, after the stunt he pulled with the coalition's ambassador, and she skirted out of their way.