Beasts of Beyond
MONTHLY MEETING [ OCTOBER 2022 ] - Printable Version

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MONTHLY MEETING [ OCTOBER 2022 ] - Alexandre - 10-06-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
The monthly meeting wasn't really important to Alexandre, but they enjoyed the socialization aspect. It was another place to fulfill his unconscious needs, after all. Unfortunately for them, it appeared the first to arrive was Alexandre. With jaws parted as he stood in the middle of the crater, staring out past the large tree and towards the horizon, the winged feline merely offered a snarl. They folded their wings in disappointment, sliding down onto the floor, and crossed their tail over the paws impatiently. A frown lined their maw.

Growing impatient, a sigh left Alexandre. For a moment, they even considered departing and heading back to The Typhoon for a drink. "Ain't this nice," came a lowly whisper to themselves.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ OCTOBER 2022 ] - Byriath - 10-06-2022

"Damnit." The vampiric lion huffed as he stepped into the clearing, His face sunken in slightly. His folded wings shifted as he spotted Alexandre, and a neutral sigh left him. "Well, at least I'm not first to arrive." he rumbled, walking toward the smaller feline.

"So, which group are you from?" He sniffed, hidden eyes squinting at the salty scent. He assumed the other was from The Typhoon, but the swamp of Tanglewood was bordered by a sea, too.
[color=red]-SOMEONE WHO CARES!
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ OCTOBER 2022 ] - Alexandre - 10-06-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
Another member arrived and, of course, it was a Coalitioner. Alexandre's gaze turned to the other and narrowed, orange eyes observing the other curiously. After Sojourn's hold on them, even after two years, the vampiric feline held a disdain for their kind. Nevertheless, they tried their best to remain neutral. Raising their head, they offered a smile. Alabaster canines glistened in the sunlight above as they did so, purposefully showing off their weaponry if things went south. Even so, their smile was sickeningly sweet. It held some friendliness to it. With a wave of their tail, they tried to beckon the other closer to talk.

That was a simple answer, thankfully. "The Typhoon," they remarked casually. "And you're from-" He looked the other up and down, nose scrunching in disgust. They reeked of the Coalition of the Condemned's stench. "- The Coalition of the Condemned, I see."

Returning to a softer expression, Alexandre's head craned upwards to get a closer look at the other. Their tail removed itself from their paws and began to lash behind them slowly. A singular paw extended out. If accepted, they'd lightly offer a polite shake followed by a cocky, almost sarcastic, kiss down at the other's paw. Bold men like Byriath intrigued the other. "Alexandre, dear," they continued with. "And you are?"

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ OCTOBER 2022 ] - Byriath - 10-06-2022

With a gentle nod, the war god sat down nearby them, head lowered to watch Alexandre. "Ah. Figured as such, but I wasn't too sure." and he snorted at the remark of where he was from. "Was it the smell? Awful, yes." He chided, grinning slightly and showing off his own sharp pair of canines.

It dropped into a soft smile, though an eyebrow lifted at the kiss the other had given his paw when he raised it to shake theirs. "Byriath." He dipped his head slightly, then looked up a bit. "I heard you gave on of my fellow wanderers a little beating. It was well deserved." It really was, in his eyes. "She is still young, it seems. Much to learn." His wings twitched gently, and he shook his head with a dejected sigh.
[color=red]-SOMEONE WHO CARES!
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ OCTOBER 2022 ] - aesior - 10-06-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
"Who got beaten up now?", came the quiet snort as the Luminary took his place as third to arrive, the masked lion walking forward, eyes locking onto the two that had arrived before him. shaking his pelt out, the american lion entered under the arch with a low growl, looking around the area. it had been a few months, since he'd shown in this body, and a month since the last. oh how fast shit could go from good to horrible. padding to the other two, "Coalition is still struggling with a certain troublemaker?", he rumbled in half amusement and half wariness. "It's nice to see you again Byriath. And you as well, Alexandra.", he flicked an ear, feeling a gust of wind sweep through and tangle up his veil. reaching up to smooth it down with a paw, he would rumble as he fixed his gaze at where the leaders usually gathered to share their news.

it seemed he was the first leader to arrive. exhaling, he flicked his tail, "I trust your groups are faring well with the weather? Has anyone heard of the sandy rats?", he queried, tipping his head. oh, seven would have his head for talking this much. he knew his shadow reaper would not wish to hear his raspy voice keeping her up all night again. perhaps, a drink from the tavern was much needed in this situation. as grateful as he was for his mask, it hid his face and the horrible scarring that crossed it from the view of his groupmates and others. sitting down, the grim would peer out, waiting for the next to arrive.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ OCTOBER 2022 ] - Alexandre - 10-06-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
A smirk met Alexandre's lips at Byriath's remark. "Indeed, it was," came their soothed reply. "I'm sure the salty air that closely resembles the smell of blood isn't too pleasing either, although I beg to differ." The vampiric feline enjoyed the beach and the salty smell of a very special crimson liquid. Beauty, exploration, brutality and pleasure in one. Weren't those The Typhoon's specialties anyways? Besides, of course, the pirating aspect. They weren't so fond of that.

So, the big man speaks his name... and his mind. With a widening cocky smile, the feline nods along with his words. "Why, yes," Alexandre remarked smoothly. "That was me." They made no effort to apologize. Their intruder came in with no knowledge of any border etiquette and Inferno, along with Alexandre, held no regret towards their own actions. After all, a threat was made. "I dearly hope I didn't cause your guru too much work." A slight fib, but unbeknownst to them, Byriath was one of the Coalition of the Condemned's medics.

Eyes peered over to a familiar face. The Tanglewood luminary had listened to their spiel earlier on about their issues and triumphs, so Alexandre had nothing else to mention besides a snort at their question. Even so, as the other talked, Aesior clearly caught the succubus off guard. 'Alexandra?' came a questioning thought. Their head dipped into their chest momentarily, secretly flustered. The honor of being acknowledged by a fluid name was pleasing. With their skin growing red behind a confident expression, their head turned up towards the other again. "It's a pleasure to see you too, Aesior," the feline cooed. 

A hum left the other. The weather? "It's been quite relaxed for what it's worth. I hope the same for you...?" The tropical storm had been the height of the atrocities in their lifetime. Alexandre couldn't complain about the cold and rainy weather occurring, considering the harsh downfalls from before. "And no, I have not heard from them."

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ OCTOBER 2022 ] - Kiara Kokytos - 10-07-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she had slowly followed aesior to the gathering, not quite that familiar with where exactly it was. as she arrived she spotted him in deep conversation with two others who introduced themselves from the typhoon and the coalition. she padded up to them, sitting down to catch the last snippets of the gossip. somebody had been brutally attacked by alexandre? a small smile slipped onto the reaper's maw and she tilted her head to study the brute, completely ignoring the large form of byriath. "i know not of who you speak, but i'm sure she deserved every lashing she received." she spoke softly. it was true, should somebody have done something worth punishing she'd be glad to rip into them with wild abandon.


[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

the first of the pitt to arrive there weren't many animals about. nor many that he recognise, either. a small gathering of animals drew him - this may be an opportunity to socialise and make friends, he needed them. sitting down next to a golden-pelted female who had also just got there. somebody got hurt? the italian male let out an approving rumble. "what had happened, alexandre?" he overheard their names, giving a respectful nod to the only leader currently present. "she must have been very foolish."

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ OCTOBER 2022 ] - SHERBET - 10-07-2022

Sherbet, the rainbow sherbet tabby, softly stepped into the clearing. His pelt looking well-groomed for the first time in awhile with bags still under his eyes but bright as he dipped his head towards the group conversing, "'Ello, mates."

The Captain looked vaguely amused, and lightly tired, at the mention of Inferno and the scuffle that happened. He knew he didn't care enough to do much about it at the time, but what was done was done, he could admit that much. Holding his tail high, keeping his posture open, he tipped his head in respect, "Outside of the storm, how have things been, Byriath, Aesior?"
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ OCTOBER 2022 ] - JOSIAH F. - 10-15-2022


Somewhere off in the distance, close enough to see the meeting and far enough not to be spotted, the ugly wolf watched. He was in a tree, somehow, and was limply clinging onto a branch. Josiah was not a day person, his eyes were more suited for nighttime, and yet, he felt the innate curiosity about these other groups. Word of mouth was rare among The Covenant, with their elderly leaders soon to be... dismantled and demoted, though, that would change. His group would know almost everything there was to know. The drama, the treaties, anything that caught on with wanderers and joiners.

But for now, he would be sufficient with simply watching from afar. Observe and calculate.

// Not open to interactions, he is simply spying //