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between you and i }} ambassador from the typhoon - Printable Version

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between you and i }} ambassador from the typhoon - Alexandre - 10-06-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
After their wild ride across the seas and the tropical storm rocking the boats, figuratively and literally, of The Typhoon, Alexandre needed a break. The vampiric feline had their fair share of chaos for the last few days. Instead, they set out on a new adventure at the request of Sherbet. After the attack during the meeting, which was 'unnecessarily violent,' the captain sent him to do another task as an ambassador to redeem Alexandre's reputation. As long as they stayed calm, caused no trouble, and played nice, things would go smoothly with the captain. Reluctantly agreeing, reframing it as a much needed adventure, the succubus set out.

Wings flapped silently in the sky as they prepared for landing in the distance. With a singular swoop, paws landed smoothly onto the ground and started to walk towards the scent border with a calm and confident saunter. For a moment, they paused. His nose raised into the sky and sniffed. A gag left Alexandre and they keeled over momentarily, taking in the 'experience' of the muddy and grueling scent of Tanglewood. 

To appear friendly though, the feline readjusted themselves. Standing tall, they let out a call. "Alexandre, if you will, for an ambassador visit from The Typhoon," came their sickeningly sweet request.

Re: between you and i }} ambassador from the typhoon - aesior - 10-06-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
tasks seemed never-ending around the swamps, but even he knew that it was part of a portion of what they must do to recover. sleep was long forgotten in the pursuit of freeing the trapped and tending the wounded. his paws carried him with a numb report against the muddy ground, the sound so common to his ears that it no longer reached him as more than a background sound. breath shaking in his chest as he fought off a sneeze that threatened to steal all of his breath, he stopped to stare up at the sky. spying what he thought of as a bird, squinting at the vibrantly colored wings until the sun was no longer glaring into his eyes, and he could make out the alabaster pelt of a winged feline heading for tanglewood's borders.

some part of his senses told him to get ready, a creature flying towards them could only mean ill to come. shaking his head, he glowered to himself, 'not every rumor you hear is true. not every word of mouth can be trusted.' the tom would console himself as he headed towards the border which alexandre was winging towards. inhaling, he shook himself out, mindless of the mud sticking to his paws. whiskers trembling from the force of his shaking, he pushed himself into a trot, with a mission in mind. coming up to the border, the gray tom would observe the fair pelted other, a small but silent chuckle bubbling in his throat, before he made himself known, stepping out from the swamp and into view. offering him a nod, the mute tom would step forward and after a quick look around, realizing he'd left his well-known satchel and it's books at home, he would give a frustrated breath before turning his head to look back to alexandre. attempting to reach out to the succubus' mind, "alexandre was it? i am the luminary, what can i do for you?. apologies, i am mute. let me know if this isn't comfortable for you." if he couldn't reach him, he would look around for a pliable piece of bark or leaf to write upon with his claws. he supposed that he could change form but the less exertion he had to put his recovering body through, the better.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: between you and i }} ambassador from the typhoon - Alexandre - 10-06-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
The grey tom within the shadows appeared before orange hues momentarily, only to respond not verbally, but mentally. Alexandre, annoyed by their mentality being invaded, was caught off guard by the aspect at first, but came to realize there was no better that Aesior could muster... besides maybe ink and paper. With a relieving sigh, they shook their fur out and readjusted their posture after their subtle spook. "Alexandre, yes," the feline repeated back. "I come from The Typhoon with..." For a moment, the other looked around, expectant of having something to offer. They brought nothing though. Instead, Alexandre feigned a smile "... news and updates, I suppose." Ambassador things.

"The Typhoon sends their regards in relation to the recent tropical storm, as we were hit pretty badly ourselves," the cat continued with. The tinge of a frown started to curl down on his lips, although it wasn't apparent if it was out of boredom or genuine sympathy. "If you need anything, I can gladly report back to Sorbet and see what we can do." Their pleasure was a sham.

Now for their side of things. "In the meantime, a few of us have taken measures ourselves and have assessed the damage to anything south-" Alexandre's tail whipped in that direction to indicate where. They hoped the luminary would know that though... "-even finding an island below Tanglewood-" They unintentionally skipped over that part quickly, thinking no issue would come of such information. "-and found lovely debris in the waters from homes that were destroyed." Some of which may have been Tanglewood's own. The Typhoon did not intend to go out searching for specifics though, but rather rebuild what they could and go from there.

There was more... and Alexandre couldn't help but boast. Perhaps even bitch and moan. "A Coalitioner also intruded on our meeting, which I had to politely escort them out." Their tone was dripping in sarcasm. The escort was not so friendly, after all. "As my reward-" A scoff left them. "-I get to redeem myself by attending to you." A paw extended outwards, claw pointing at Aesior.

Alexandre, known to be selfish, had to lend himself to the task and ask further about Tanglewood though. He leaned in, peering at the other with false curiosity. "What about you, dear? Anything new?"

Re: between you and i }} ambassador from the typhoon - B. Laolong Lingré - 10-07-2022

The bengal tiger appeared at just the right time. "An Island south of here? Shit. Isn't that just nice for you pirates." She chuckled, walking up next to Aesior and shaking out her peach-colored fur. As she listened, her tail lashed at Alexandre's attitude. Certainly didn't seem like they wanted to be in the swamp. But her expression was soft.

"Well, we're alive. Most of us, at least. Laolong, a pleasure." She dipped her head after speaking, then fell silent. It was probably going to be silent for a while with Aesior speaking mentally, but that was alright.
[glow=#ccaa33,2,300]THE CRUEL ANGEL'S THESIS![/glow] — ?

Re: between you and i }} ambassador from the typhoon - Kiara Kokytos - 10-11-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

a soft purr from the sin as alexandre descended from the sky. optics looked on curiously, wasn't he a trespasser too, for entering their territory? she cocked her head with a small ahem. alex seemed quite like her in some ways, and she let her optics scan him curiously. sitting down next to laolong and shooting the succubus a soft smile, eyes calculating. the coyote watched an expression cross his face as aesior must've reached out with his mind, and shook out the silky fur on her back.

Re: between you and i }} ambassador from the typhoon - Casphian - 10-12-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans masc — COTC — Wanderer — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken was definintly late to the party but honestly it wasn't like he cared all that much. He hadn't even meant to join said party but during his walk around the territory the hellhound just so happened to stumble upon the small group that had formed. He listened to the feline, Alex, speak, head cocking to the side at the mention of an island close to tanglewood and how easily it was skipped over. "Honestly you sound as if you don't even want to be here," he huffed as he padded towards the rest of the group. He moved to settle down close to Aesior, a glare directed towards Alex.

"If you don't want to be here then just leave," he snapped. His glare darkened, ears pinning back a bit. He didn't appreciate this visitor and the sooner they left the better. "But if you plan to stay you could at least tell us about the island so close to Tanglewood instead of just skipping over it as if you own it," the hellhound huffed out.

Re: between you and i }} ambassador from the typhoon - aesior - 10-25-2022

and they saw trouble in my eyes
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
Sometimes, it was better to let the others do the talking for him. Somewhere along the line, they all had similar ideas and questions. Exhaling as he settled down, listening to Alexandre's words with a curious flick of his tail, green-gray eyes following every motion that they made, tipping his head slightly as if in thought. Clearing his throat, the tom would shake his head as a few late season mosquitoes buzzed about his head, a few young buds of lavender appearing upon his shoulders over the next few minutes. Tail flicking in greeting to each new member that appeared, he let them speak their minds with a few glances in their directions before settling on Alexandre once more. "I apologize to hear about the damage the Typhoon has suffered, Alexandre. Please let us know if we could offer your people any aid.", he would once more attempt to speak to the other, his interest becoming piqued by the words relating to an island.

All that could belie his interest was a change in his gaze, becoming more ... invested in this conversation, "The one thing that our group would be seeking at this time, would be boats. The storm's rage has further opened hidden passages.", he would attempt. Amusement flickered across the gray tabby's face at the mention of an intrusion upon a meeting, reminding him of his own duties within the swamp. What a ... peculiar conundrum for the Typhooner to grapple with, what with their oh-so-blantant dislike for this trip to the swamps.

His ears laid back and tail flicked in discontent as Solsken raised his voice and snapped at Alex, the tom sending the rescued youngster a quick sharp glance before relaxing the stance of his ears, looking back to Alex and nodding. He was rather interested in this island, the one that Alex had spoken of and that Solsken had asked for further clarification upon. He too would like to know what the succubus and co had discovered thus far, mind already a-whirl with thoughts of this mysterious island just south of their home. He would like the boats for travel along their own canals so recently shown by the storm, and now of course, to travel southbound to this island. What would they find out there?

they were quick to recognize the devil in me.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- luminary.
credit @/teef