Beasts of Beyond

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+---- Thread: THE TYPHOON'S SHIP EXPLORATION + AN ISLAND? (/showthread.php?tid=17460)


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So the crew had been gathered and it was time to set sail. With the ship hoisted off the sand, flags raised, and confidence high, they set out onto the great blue ocean with high hopes. The tropical storm may have damaged their territory, but it had yet to destroy Morrison's passion for adventure. That said, the ship was sailing easily across calm waters. Morrison stood at the ship's wheel with a smirk across his face as he directed the boat towards the neverending horizon. So far, nothing appeared out of the ordinary. As the group surveyed the skies, which seemed delightfully bright, they found themselves satisfied.

As they grew further out, the waves began to grow taller. The ship shook as it caressed the waters. A call from a crewmate caused his eyes to turn out to the waters. Amber eyes connected with the debris from destroyed homes, boardwalk, and more. A frown lined his maw as jaws parted to speak back, only to come up empty. What could he do? With a bunch of land dwellers, he was the only one who could dip their paws into the water safely after anchoring. Morrison swallowed his pride and turned to the crew, indicating they'd come back later with another ship to clear the waters. After all, it was their duty to keep the waters clean.

Returning his attention to the wheel, he kept his paws lightly on the wood. Every now and then, he adjusted according to the sun and cloudy skies that were beginning to roll in. His eyes were set on something in the distance. Steering carefully towards the darkness, a shadow in the distance had started to appear. Kraken? No. Couldn't be. A whale? The shape was right, but this was bigger. The canine's gaze narrowed in confusion. It couldn't be... An island?

The male fiddled happily with the wheel beneath his paws, frantically changing direction to land on it's coast.  "IT APPEARS WE FOUND SOMETHIN', LADS!" came his loud cackle. With a call, he directed the rest to prepare for a rough landing. The crew, surprised, worked overtime. Paws and claws finagled with their duties, readying themselves for the stuttering halt of the ship that was to come.

With time, the ship started to slow. The anchor was thrown over the side, sails were drawn down, and the coast breached the front bow. The boat came to a slick stop. Finally, they were here and ready to... do... something... Explore, presumably? Morrison hadn't quite figured out the purpose yet, but he was ready to get off his ass and onto his feet for the first time in awhile. That said, he prepared to leave by stepping away from the wheel. Wandering to the side of the ship, he used the top of his head to flip over the set of stairs that now hung over the side.

Before exiting, he turned to the rest with a cheeky smile. He climbed up onto the wooden edge with his tail lashing excitedly. "Let's explore, shall we?" In a change of plans, the aquatic wolf let himself fall backwards and splash into the waters below. Poking his head above the water, he spit out the liquid water like a hose and offered a call. "Come on now! We'll form a plan once we're on shore." Whether or not they followed, he set out through cold waters and started to move towards the sandy shore.

As he grew closer, it was clear the island was derivative of Tanglewood's land. Those swamp dwellers must have never explored the south. Fools. Finders keepers though! Eventually, he pulled up onto the beach with a shake of his pelt and a look back at the other animals following in footsteps... no... waves? Whatever it may be, they were coming in hot. With time, many gathered on the coast and were waiting to hear a plan that Morrison bullshitted in his head, although it was routine for the old adventurer.

A nod was given to the last of the group to arrive and then he started on his long-winded spiel. Clasping his paws together, he started off on a high note. "As you can see folks, we found an island!" he stated. "Good for us! Right?" He waited for an answer, but decidedly cut whoever spoke off anyways. "WRONG!" A clawed paw pointed out into the shadows of the island where the unknown lurked. "You don't know what lies within it, so we must be C-A-R-E-F-U-L. That's 'careful' for you delinquents." A snort left Morrison. "That means we need a plan."

He lowered his paw back down into the sandy floor. A stern gaze met the others. "Here's what I propose," he continued with. "We split into groups." His paw raised again, circling his audience into groups and hypothetically pairing them off. "One group surveys the border on the east, another west. Two groups survey the inside to the north, the other to the south." Four groups. All directions covered. "When we're all done, we meet back in the middle and then head to the ship." He looked at them inquisitively, hoping for their approval. Speak now or forever hold your peace. "Capiche?"

As a sea dweller, the canine offered his services to the only thing he could imagine doing in his old age and with his bodily condition. "If it's alright, I'd like to survey the east," he offered.


LOKI FLÓKI 9 months / cutie pie bio

she wasn't quite sure what to make of captain morrison but she enjoyed his lighthearted spirit and banter. discovering the island had excited her as much as him and she had found herself pressed excitedly against the sides of the ship, staring out in wonder. as he let himself fall backwards into the water she launched herself off with no hesitation either. she could swim, just wasn't the sleekest in water. her fur dragged but she was strong and powered through, emerging from the waters like a waterlogged rat. she shook out her paws and dried herself as best as she could, then yawned, jaws creaking. she bounded over to the captain with a sparkle in her optics. he wanted them to split off into groups? "cap'n, can i go off west?" she had no clue what the hell she was doing but hey, adventure, right?