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I wrote my // weekly tasks 6/3-9 // own deliverance - Printable Version

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I wrote my // weekly tasks 6/3-9 // own deliverance - jacob w.c. - 06-02-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — With the move to Typhoon approaching and much work left to be done here, Jacob decided he'd give out tasks himself but this week they'd only be to do with protecting the camp and with making sure their allies were helping as well. It was time to get real work done here if they wanted the humans to leave any time soon. "If anyone wan's a weekly task, come on over 'ere! I'll be givin' out ones that have ta' do with our current situation with the prey n' all tha', along with gettin' ta' know the Typhoon n' makin' sure tha' they're bein' shown where they need ta' be 'elpin' around 'ere. They'll also be visitin' our territory throughout the week so any Typhoon member tha' are already 'ere can' feel free ta' ask for tasks as well," the man called. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: I wrote my // weekly tasks 6/3-9 // own deliverance - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-03-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
"I'll take one." Atbash said as she came over, looking up at Jacob.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I wrote my // weekly tasks 6/3-9 // own deliverance - guts - 06-05-2018

Aizawa steps up after Atbash, giving their leader a nod before speaking. "I'll take one as well," he just wanted something to do to help get his mind off of recent events.


Re: I wrote my // weekly tasks 6/3-9 // own deliverance - jacob w.c. - 06-05-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob offered a light smile to both Atbash and Aizawa arrived. He thought briefly of what he needed done before speaking, "[member=597]ATBASH CIPHER.[/member], I'd like ya' ta' hold a meetin' 'bout what to do 'bout the humans. Try gatherin' ideas n' resources n' really anythin' ya' think we might need. [member=445]aizawa[/member], I want ya' ta' hold somethin' that'll take everyone's mind of ah' all this n' let 'em relax for a minute. It can be any kinda' fun event, like a game or some kinda' craft or whatever ya' want. Ya' can feel free ta' be creative with it. Both ah' ya' can do the tasks wherever ya' want, either 'ere or in Typhoon," he stated. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: I wrote my // weekly tasks 6/3-9 // own deliverance - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-06-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Oh, right, the humans were a thing. Atbash gave a nod at Jacob's words, taking note of what he said. "Sure thing." She chirped before turning around and heading off to figure out things.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I wrote my // weekly tasks 6/3-9 // own deliverance - arcy - 06-08-2018

Izuku is -- a little bit late, he finds. His head had been hurting for a while, so he hadn't been around a lot again. Which he really needs to fix. He has duties, thank you. He can't just be going to hide away the instant something went wrong. That ... couldn't be healthy, for one. For two, again, duties. Seriously, stuff was in hell right now.
"I'll take a task, too," Izuku offers as he trots over. He hopes he can get himself to do it -- he hadn't missed one so far he doesn't think(as far as his knowledge extends, at least), and he doesn't wanna start now. Especially since these were intended to be. You know. Useful. Helpful. Izuku wants to be helpful. Not that he was great at that, being a mess of a cat not really particularly skilled in his own opinions, but -- anyways.
what was i worth

Re: I wrote my // weekly tasks 6/3-9 // own deliverance - PIERCE - 06-08-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Pierce was extremely anxious about their current situation, despite the Typhoon's gracious offer to take them in. Perhaps it was his past experience with humans, but whatever it was, something about this whole thing set him on edge. The least he could do, for Jacob and to take his mind off of it, was work. He'd always been good at that. So, approaching after Izuku, the effeminate serval offered a gentle smile and a soft, "I'd like one too, please." He was willing to help with whatever necessary.


Re: I wrote my // weekly tasks 6/3-9 // own deliverance - jacob w.c. - 06-09-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — "[member=183]izuku[/member], I want you ta' talk ta' everyone n' make sure they ain't experiencin' any symptoms from all the infected prey n' herbs. If they report anythin' n' ya' don' feel confident treatin' it, ya' can feel free ta' ask me since I know you're still strugglin' with your eyes n' all,"[/color] he stated first. He knew that was a bit of an understatement. Izuku's conversations would hopefully help him filter out who he really needed to look at and who was, mostly likely, doing alright. The husky then directed his attention to Pierce and spoke, "[member=124]pierce[/member], do ya' know how ta' cook? If ya' do, cook some ah' the prey that ain't been infected n' we'll 'ave a nice meal. We'll need one 'fore we go off ta' chase out the humans. If ya' ain't familiar with cookin', jus' come talk ta' me n' I'd be happy ta' give ya' some ah' my books or show ya' how ta' do some ah' it." —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP