Beasts of Beyond
rigil/polaris' biography - Printable Version

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rigil/polaris' biography - Orion - 10-04-2022

name — Rigil
nicknames —
origin —
roleplayed by — Orion

current rank —
past ranks — Rigil has no previous ranks.

current alliance — The Typhoon
past alliances —

sex / gender— CIS Male
age —
species —
breed —
eye color —
fur color —
posture — Rigil's posture is often hunched over when non-attentive, but upright and stiff when needed.

possessions —
powers —
injuries —
illnesses —
handicaps —

accent — His voice is often gruff, strained, and has a grumble to it with a tinge of an English accent.
languages — Rigil's main language is English, but has quips in other languages from travelling. 
voice volume — His voice is low and rough.
common phrases —

personality description goes here

mbti personality type —
moral alignment —

strengths —
likes —
weaknesses —
dislikes —

quirks —
hobbies —
beliefs / religion —
goals —

family name —
parents —
siblings —
other direct family —

sexuality — Bisexual, preference to females. Closeted sexuality-wise.
martial status — Single
spouse — None

best friends — Nansen
enemies — Morrison
mentor — N/A
apprentice — N/A

astrological sign—

accomplishments —
secrets —
regrets —

history — Insert Kraken fight, stranded, meeting Nansen, etc.
plots — Finding Nansen, relationship with Morrison, etc.