Beasts of Beyond
kick up your feet ? Relay Race & Picnic - Printable Version

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kick up your feet ? Relay Race & Picnic - SHERBET - 10-04-2022

Sherbet, ever the optimist (realist really, he'd argue), decided that everyone needed a day to relax and have fun.

So, for the past few days, he'd been carving batons, weaving baskets, and cleaning an area around the bay, the beaches a good place to have a picnic while watching the main event. His eyes shined a bit as he cleaned, and carefully made sure the tide didn't rise high enough to wash anything away. Humming as he began to flatten out the sand, his tail swishing, he wondered how his crewmates would take this. They've been busy so much that he was a little worried they'd see a silly relay race as too much work. When the beach area was (mostly) flat, the Captain took out some black paint and made a rectangular box for the relay, marking start and finish.

Sticking the batons he carved for the race, colored blue & green, into the sand, he trotted back to the just barely back up and running tavern. Having asked in advance, Sherbet had several baskets full of picnic food him and a tavern helper npc carried back to the event area. Carefully, placing blankets and the picnic baskets on each blanket, Sherbet beamed in delight, "Finally, all set up!"

Tail waving, the ice cream tabby yowled as loud as he could, his lungs hurting, "RELAY RACE AND PICNIC DOWN ON THE BEACH!" Grinning breathlessly, he eagerly awaited anyone to show.
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: kick up your feet ? Relay Race & Picnic - NO SIGNIFICANT HARASSMENT - 10-04-2022

Re: kick up your feet ? Relay Race & Picnic - Cobra - 10-17-2022

Re: kick up your feet ? Relay Race & Picnic - Cobra - 10-17-2022

Re: kick up your feet ? Relay Race & Picnic - Cobra - 10-17-2022

Re: kick up your feet ? Relay Race & Picnic - SHERBET - 11-14-2022

Offering a bright grin, Sherbet started, "Okay, so the first race will have NSH as the first racer, Boots as the second, Calypso as the third, and the 4th is up for grabs! Then, for the second team to compete against them is also up for grabs, all slots."

Sending a gentle look at Boots, the Captain smiled, "Just be careful, and don't push yourself too hard, okay?" and the swept his gaze over to Alphonse, "You don't have to participate if you don't want to, you can enjoy the picnic and weather while you watch!"
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: kick up your feet ? Relay Race & Picnic - LOKI FLÓKI - 11-15-2022

LOKI FLÓKI 1 year / cutie pie bio

a relay race? her father had been spotting leaving the house early, presumably to do his leaderly duties and she had simply rolled over and fell back asleep like the lazy animal she was. but his shout reached her ears and groggily she got up and walked to the source of the sound. rubbing her optics with a paw and squinting through a yawn she watched everybody slowly arrive. she offered a purred greeting to the komodo drahon and her dad and watched as others announced they were joining. "sounds fun dad, can i join?"