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do you remember me ;; jasper - Printable Version

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do you remember me ;; jasper - Cobra - 10-04-2022

Re: do you remember me ;; jasper - jasper - 04-27-2023

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MEMORIES TURN INTO DAYDREAMS! -- fae borzoi. cotc.
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it had been a long time since he had seen any of his children, the few glimpses he caught of them in his dreams could never prepare the Lord for how they looked when they were fully grown. tonight found him outside of his home, staring up at the moon in the chill air, listening to the squeaks of bats that were out and about, filling their own bellies. he had been woken from a dream of the past by a drunken groupmate falling into his bedding, pushing them out for the sake of his own sanity. inhaling softly and exhaling, shaking his pelt now as he stood and began to walk along, head down and ears perked.

he couldn't shake off the memory of rastam, one of his mortal enemies, and how he had tracked him down and laid waste to him. lips curling back in an unfriendly grimace, tail slowly swinging side to side as the fae strolled along, lost in thought. there was so much he was missing from this life, his children and his former partners, hell, even a partner for the new time. he hated the feeling of loneliness that hunted him now.

pausing as he heard another's breath, another's heartbeat. lifting his head as he heard steps in the darkness, eyes holding silentstep in contemplation. those eyes. he knew those eyes. lifting himself up, breath misting around his face, "Hello.", he greeted her, mind too muddled to decipher that it was his daughter that stood before him, not another person, not her other parent.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #7A8B8B. -- BECOME A TABOO!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy