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how've you been? // asmodeus - Printable Version

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how've you been? // asmodeus - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 10-04-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

it had been a while since he had conversed with his only living child. the others he presumed they were dead. he heard no news, no word. not even a breath. he hadn't seen them in gatherings, either. it was best that he shut them out of his heart before anything else happened. should they return to him he would rejoice but there was no use trying to fight the lingering pain as they went off with aphra. her name left bittersweet memories and he shut his eyes tightly. he wanted to forget, forget her, forget his dead children. forget elsweyr forget merlin forget his father forget his mother. forget the pitt. just him and asmodeus. he didn't have many friends in the pitt - blackjack hadn't spoken to him either in a bit.

his son lived not too far from him and jormungand slowly padded to his house, feeling the warmth of the sun painting his inky black fur golden. rapped on the door with a knuckle, sighing as his gaze fell on the wounds that resided there.

Re: how've you been? // asmodeus - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 10-04-2022

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── his father, his mother. his siblings. he missed his siblings, there was no doubt and everybody had probably heard enough of it to sigh in annoyance every time he brought it up. so he had learnt to shut it out instead, only mourning them in his own time, alone. he confided in his father but not often so the knock on his door came as a surprise to him. he opened it to find icy blues staring back at his, and jormungand's tired face broke into a smile as he touched his nose to asmodeus' forehead.
electricity flickered gently on his back and he buried his head in his father's shoulder, relaxing into his hard frame. jor seemed to relax too, sitting down and wrapping a paw around his back and stroking it slowly. "why the visit, dad?" as' voice was muffled and he slowly lifted his muzzle away from the other's shoulder blade. his father shrugged. "must there be a reason? i am feeling melancholy. i miss them." asmodeus knew what he was talking about. unlike the maurader, as had decided to just miss the rest of his family instead of deeming them dead. but he understood why his father did that, they each had their own way to cope.


Re: how've you been? // asmodeus - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 10-06-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

his son opened the door and the two beasts embraced each other, asmodeus' muzzle pressing tightly into jormungand's shoulder. he questioned the visit and jor simply responded that he misses them. he knew how asmodeus was dealing with both of their loss and it pained him to remind his son of this, but the maurader really didn't know who to talk to about this. he didn't know many people who had been around when aphra had had his cubs since they were in the coalition, nor did he think anybody cared much about him. dante used to, before he disappeared like the coward he was. a sigh left the male - there was another one to mourn along with the rest of his children and his deceased partner. "come, let us walk, asmodeus." asmodeus. what a beautiful name. a sad chuckle and the panther rose to his paws, turning around to pad into the sunlight. his breath hit the air and a chill ran comfortably down his spine. asmodeus followed him with a small bark and he turned to see his son with his muzzle in the air and liquid streaming down his cheeks from shut optics. a bittersweet smile formed on his face as he halted and sat down, turning his body to face him. let him be a child again, let him rejoice. let him think whatever he needs to to be happy. jor bit down tears of his own, mourning was done in his own time but the softest whisper of the breeze and the melancholy song of the birds touched his heart. seeing his son so.. free, had been quite a change for the larger animal. he wished he could just abandon all his responsibilities and walk away. but no, he had so many things to do. now with vale, once one of his best friends, exiled and olalla the new ardent there wasn't a way for him to just abandon his tasks. where would he go? nobody would accept him should they still remember the wrath of elsweyr and the damage he had done to merlin. he sighed, deeper, his entire body whooshing out the breath of air, and dropped to his elbows and lay on the floor. sun touching his fur gently, massaging heat into his muscles.

Re: how've you been? // asmodeus - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 10-06-2022

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── he too heard the song of the birds, the muted, dampened song. their chirps of usual joy seemed quieter, more sad. songbirds, they call them? sing a sad song, for once. his father moved out the doorframe and the sun hit asmodeus in the face, causing icy fingers to run up his bones. he could see their faces, hydroestatic and angelembrace and aphra. he could see them all. there, in the trees. bounding through the clearing without a care in the world. he wanted to join them, but he was rooted to one spot. he grieved, his heart ached and those same fingers squeezed the muscle as he watched aphra approach them slowly. he spared a glance at his father, who was staring off into the distance with an unreadable expression. the sunlight set his scars on fire, the same scars that had been burnt by the claws of the tanglewood leader. he shook his head. that image haunted him, terrified him. he wished hell upon her, and hell hath she received. served her right for harming his father. he looked up again, seeing his mother. paws not touching the ground she made her way towards him, gently touching her nose to his. he shut his eyes as coolness instead of warmth tickled the tip of his nose. he inhaled cold air, not the scent of his mother. a tear slid down his cheeks, then another. and another. he faintly heard jormungand collapse to the floor but kept his eyes shut. his father had his own friends to mourn. he had been alive much longer than asmodeus. but pleas,e just let them see their family. one last time. before they all passed away.
