Beasts of Beyond
uh sorry about the storm | Juniper - Printable Version

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uh sorry about the storm | Juniper - SHERBET - 10-04-2022

Sherbet raced across the bay, sand kicking up as he cursed under his breath, he was late to meet with Junpier. The female had joined at an awkward time, the devastating storm hitting not too long afterwards, so he had little time to give her a proper welcome. The Capatin kept awful about putting it off for so long, and even worse for being late. He bemoaned his inability to track time well when he's busy.

Panting as he skidded in front of where they had planned to meet at the tavern entrance, the Captain looked very sheepish as he began profusely apologizing, "I'm so sorry I'm late, I got caught up in some last minute helping out and lost track of time."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: uh sorry about the storm | Juniper - Casphian - 10-06-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
It had been very eventful around the Typhoon ever since the storm and even Juniper herself had been running around like a chicken with her head cut off. She had been helping out the group where she could, mostly doing a lot of heavy lifting due to her size and strength but honestly the lioness didn't mind too much. In fact she quite enjoyed the chance to work especially since it allowed her to get to know some of the other crewmates that resided within the group. So it was nice for what it's worth.

But now she was making her way over to the Tavern, Sherbet asking her to meet there so they could chat. She was a bit surprised that the Captain wanted to meet with her but she didn't complain in the slightest. Once she made it to the Tavern she waited at the entrance for the other feline, curious as to what was causing him to run late but honestly it's not as if she cared if he was or not. Juniper quickly spotted the ice cream cat as he came into view and came running up to her. "Oh hush, there's no need to be sorry," she said with a smile. "Ya got a group to wrangle and a storm to clean up after I think anyone with a brain can understand being a bit late," she said with a soft chuckle. "Why don't we head inside and pop a squat somewhere?"

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy