Beasts of Beyond
In this time // meeting 6/02 // of great trial - Printable Version

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In this time // meeting 6/02 // of great trial - jacob w.c. - 06-02-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — It felt like it'd been so long since he was here, though he knew he'd only missed one meeting. Between all that had happened with the water being poisoned and the humans coming even closer, Jacob had thought there'd be no end to it all. He was forming some plans but they needed more time than they had with the supplies they had available. It wasn't possible or safe for them to stay here anymore. He just couldn't watch as his clanamtes were attacked by wild animals, had to constantly lookout for humans and do their best to keep them from finding camp, and watch as they fell sick from their injuries or bad food and water. So, he'd come up with a plan that'd give them a little more time to get a more long term solution in place. Not everyone would like it but it was the best he could do. "Snowbound! Come 'ere for a meetin'!" the husky called, his voice more hoarse than usual and holding much more urgency than he generally did for meetings.

"'M gonna' keep this short, we ain't stayin' 'ere. We need a plan ta' get the humans outta' 'ere but we can't do that when we got our own prey attackin' us when we can't even eat 'em. We're runnin' outta' supplies n' strength n' we're gonna need plenty ah' that when we push them outta' the village they're settin' up," he began before taking a deep breath. He supposed that most would agree with that point. These last few weeks had been absolutely miserable for them all but things were going to look up now. He just wasn't sure everyone would agree with his method of trying to get them to a better place. "'Ve talked ta' Pincher n' 'e's agreed ta' let us stay in Typhoon. They'll be helpin' us plan our attack against the humans n' they're gonna' let us use their food n' supplies. This way, we'll 'ave more support with the attack, we'll be able ta' get up our own strength, n' we'll be able ta' get ta' know our allies much better than we do now. There'll still be daily patrols 'ere but we're gonna be stayin' in their camp for a bit. I don' plan for over a week. Please get your things together, we're gonna' be goin' first thing tomorrow mornin'," the husky concluded before quickly adding, "Tha's all for this meetin', I ain't gonna' worry 'bout promotions n' ranks n' all tha' kinda' stuff now. Unless anyone's got some questions, this meetin's over."

//link to typhoon arrival —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: In this time // meeting 6/02 // of great trial - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-03-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash had been wondering when the next meeting would be. It was worrying about how the prey was acting, and she was worried that Jacob didn't entirely know what to do with everything. But luckily the leader seemed to have everything under control. Atbash made her way over at Jacob's call, fidgeting around where she sat down. Jacob starting talking about the situation at hand, and how they were going to stay in The Typhoon and she tensed up. "Ah... Jacob, do you think I could talk to you in private?" She didn't mind if it was here or at The Typhoon, she just needed to talk to him to see if there was another method. Caesar lived in The Typhoon, she couldn't be there. She just couldn't be there with him around.

//I can make the thread, what board do you prefer?
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: In this time // meeting 6/02 // of great trial - Deviantmind - 06-05-2018

Deviantmind wasn't exactly up to date on what was happening to his new clan's home, but he knew he wouldn't fight the leader. Although never seeing Jacob up close and purely talking to him, Dev still had respect for the other.

"Alright sir, I understand." Dev barked, and turned, ready to get his important belongings before he completely goes to stay there with his other clanmates.