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The fail, the fall below // COTC Visit - Printable Version

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The fail, the fall below // COTC Visit - Byriath - 10-03-2022

Re: The fail, the fall below // COTC Visit - SHERBET - 10-03-2022

The Captain knew the Coalition would respond to the unplanned attack, he wasn't surprised at all that it happened so quickly.

With a wry and tired expression, Sherbet approached the Vicar, his form ragged from stress and being so busy rebuilding. With a neutral look, he started, already feeling tired, "Byriath, Vicar of the Coalition of the Condemned, I'll answer any questions you have."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: The fail, the fall below // COTC Visit - Byriath - 10-03-2022

Re: The fail, the fall below // COTC Visit - SHERBET - 10-03-2022

Holding back a giant sigh threatening to burst from him he had been so up to his ears in work to do, he hadn't time to smoke, he instead focused on the past week's events and began, "Inferno came onto the territory without permission after the storm had subsided, during a small meeting. If she had actually waited at the border, I would've felt more comfortable considering how...well," The male flashed a wry look around the wrecked jungle around them, "I digress, I was stressed between the storm and my new duties. I had only intended to have her escorted back to the boundary line, but I made a bad decision to ask Alexandre to do it, I had forgotten they had bad history with the Coalition. I've...only been Captain for a short time and I'm still getting used to all this."

His tail flicked anxiously as he admitted that, and continued, "I did talk to Alex about it afterwards, but I'd be willing to come to a compromise if there's still any issues."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: The fail, the fall below // COTC Visit - Cobra - 10-03-2022