Beasts of Beyond
REMEMBER I WAS WITH YOU ⚘ new body - Printable Version

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REMEMBER I WAS WITH YOU ⚘ new body - aesior - 10-03-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
He'd never seen this part of the forest before. Well, not so much from this angle than anything. His ears were trembling, standing tall, eyes bringing in a wide sweeping view. It felt strange, so strange, to see so much, and it was honestly sort of overwhelming. Ears swiveling as he swore he heard a branch snap, the hare bodied Luminary hopped slowly. All he could think of then and there was Fragglerock, of when he was a rabbit and when he'd discovered the lion body. They had pretty much traded places.

Sitting upright after a quick scratch, he sighed as he looked down at himself. A hare body, huh? he found himself thinking with a big frown, thumping his foot in frustration. Hopping along, he would gaze around himself, looking up at the sky of the clearing he found himself in, shaking out his gray and orange pelt with a huff. Stretching his jaws in a yawn, he hopped out into the sunlight, seeking its warmth before pausing as he swore he heard another branch snap, tense and ready to run.

He hadn't been expecting to wake up in this form, he truly hadn't. How could he when if he shifted, it was always another feline body. He'd woken from a vicious nightmare to find himself in this body, a body where all of his scars felt strange, to put it kindly. The full field of vision is what was fucking with him the most. He wasn't used to seeing this much around himself, it was Making him feel anxious if anything. Was he imagining hearing shit? Or was there really something out there stalking him?

// please wait for Atticus to post first! //

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef