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I SEE THE WAY YOU MOVE ⚘ wildcards meeting - Printable Version

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I SEE THE WAY YOU MOVE ⚘ wildcards meeting - aesior - 10-03-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
open to any tanglewood ocs you play - this is a meeting regarding a new rank that is going to be introduced. feel free to have your oc follow aesior! //

the silence in the air told him more than enough about his surroundings. he'd left camp for the first time in days, but this time, this was a signal for those he had slowly been gathering around himself, for those who had approached him after the September meeting. inhaling, he padded forth, the domestic tom's pawprints easily swallowed back up by the boggy ground, the after-effects of the storm still ever present around them. the joys of living in a swamp - they took the brunt of the storm and absorbed all of that saltwater that the tropical storm had dropped upon their shores. but though the cleanup was among his top priority concerns, he also had this resting in his mind.

with nothing more than a flick of his tail, the luminary trailed from camp, keeping himself to a path that he knew the best, headed towards the junkyard. a place where he'd met a fellow blacksmith some time ago, before zjarr had brought his brood to tanglewood. licking his lips as he padded along, picking the murkiest path that he could, intent on dousing his own scent and keeping away from leaving his scent on his surroundings. ears swiveling, he waited for any sign of his ... wildcards candidates following him. tail flicking as he let it droop to drift on the water, he spotted a large puddle, more like a body of water, and approached it's edge. crouching down, he sniffed it for contamination, hesitating before plunging his body into it. shuddering at the cold water washing over his fur, he held the gasp he wanted to release, righting himself and surfacing slowly without much sound. he was pleased to find that his paws couldn't touch the bottom here, merely angling himself across the pond, relying on the water to hide his scent.

climbing out on the other side, the tom would shake himself faintly, crouching to creep through underbrush, headed onwards before breaking into a light jog. his back protested the movement, but he wouldn't give in this time, pushing on through the agony. he needed to move the muscles, get them used to extended use again. stretching out a cramping leg, the tom found himself before the junkyard in no time. looking back over his shoulder to the trees that tanglewood claimed as part of their territory, he grinned to himself and darted under the chain link fence with little issue. spotting the first car, he observed the state of the junkyard, launching himself into the piles of debris, rooting around until he was sure he'd left his re-emerging scent around the junkyard enough to confuse any tracker before finding one of the more stable vehicles and leaping up onto it, trotting across the hood to jump onto the roof and settle as flatly as he could on his belly to see if anyone would appear. he was testing those who were candidates, those who he wanted to promote to this rank. he wanted to see if they could surprise him.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: I SEE THE WAY YOU MOVE ⚘ wildcards meeting - Kiara Kokytos - 10-03-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she had heard rumors about something new coming. she remembered she was sitting next to aesior when some talks had happened, and she just happened to catch the faintest of murmurings of an exciting thing happening. new names, new ranks.

her breath puffed in the air as she padded outside of her house, stretched and felt her bones creaking comfortably. her muscles were working. she was interested in what she had heard, but wasn't sure how or when this was going to happen. out the corner of her eye she spotted aesior slipping outside of camp. wanting some company for the morning she rose to her paws too, shook her fur out, and followed him.

soon enough she halted, visibly confused. the luminary seemed to be careful, cautious, always looking around and seemingly taking the most obscure of paths. almost as if he was hiding from something. curiousity pricked at her heart and she tilted her head, deciding to play along. she couldn't waste time, however, he was fading from sight, his dark pelt blending in well with his surroundings. if he was looking for them, however, kiara was out of luck unless she could camoflague herself.

this was tanglewood, after all. the ground was muddy and wet, and without hesitation she slipped into a crouch and rolleds, covering her golden fur with the browns and greens of mud and leaves. she didn't fully rise to her paws, she only had a faint direction to follow aesior by. so she stalked in that direction. slowly, making sure she wasn't making any unneccessary noise. she had given up on remembering which direction he was going now and pushed blindly along in the way she had watched him go last.

she came across a pool of unknown depth. faint ripples lingered, and her nose twitched. the water wasn't clear so she couldn't see how deep it was but some faint swirling debris of dirt danced about with the movement of the liquid at the surface. someone had been here. she didn't step into the water, she didn't need her camouflage washing off. softly cursing her hesitation to follow aesior in her mind she prodded on, straight, hoping she would find him. if she went forwards far enough she'd find somebody. anybody. her siblings, maybe?

no, they were never going back. she shook her head to clear the silly thoughts from it and kept walking, pawstep before pawstep. ear flicking as a spider landed on it, tail curling as she nearly stepped on a thorn. paws dragging in the mud. who knew how long she had been walking? an unfamiliar scent met her nose and she stopped, eyes taking in something she hadn't encountered before. a junkyard. she couldn't find any visible way in nor did she want to jump over the fence in case she made noise, so she stalked around through the underbush, trying to find a way in. if not she'd just have to dig, she supposed.

there. a section that was much easier to get into. almost too easy. she couldn't see any other way in, though, and the best thing was to just maybe hide it out and wait and see what happens next. scanning around her she walked a bit and soon was covered in mud again - the effect she wanted. then leaves on her body so she looked like nothing else but a shrub. slowly, painfully slowly, she made her way inch by inch to the side of the fence where she got comfortable, and waited. watched, optics scanning the junkyard for aesior.

//i'm assuming there's a fence around the junkyard and there's a chain area as the 'front gate' aesior went into

Re: I SEE THE WAY YOU MOVE ⚘ wildcards meeting - B. Laolong Lingré - 10-03-2022

What better time to become more involved with the group than to look into this new rank sort of thing. It was something to get her mind off of the storm damage, and she wanted to do things. The tiger was sitting up in a tree when she noticed the two. Aesior walking out first, and then Kiara several minutes later. She herself waited before vaulting down and starting to follow, using Kiara's scent as a guider. Despite her size and color, she kept herself low enough to the ground and kept to shadows in order to slink by, and paused every time Aesior halted or stopped.

The body of water made the transfem stop, considering for a moment before she waded into the pool. It took her some time but before long she was out and headed at a steady pace, keeping to trees for shade. As her eyes spotted the junkyard, and the fence surrounding it, she smirked and started to go at a wide arch. Laolong hoped she was out of sight as she made a running start to vault over the fence, wincing at the noise the chain link made, but making it over nonetheless.

Then the little scavenger hunt began. The tigress again stuck to the shadows and prowled around, scenting Aesior but being unable to pinpoint him at the time. 
[glow=#ccaa33,2,300]i look fantastic![/glow] — ?