Beasts of Beyond
A newcomer approaches! | Oak - Printable Version

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A newcomer approaches! | Oak - Cryo - 10-02-2022

Oak gave a cautious glance around the swamp as he trotted through it, Stepping over fallen branches and puddles. “That storm has really done a number on this place” he murmured to himself as he continued on his way. Occasionally he would put his snout to the ground and give a curious sniff. Though as he progressed farther he hesitated, starting feeling eyes on him. Eventually he stopped fully and spoke with hesitation. “Is anybody there?”

Re: A newcomer approaches! | Oak - aesior - 10-03-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
The brute wouldn't be wrong to say that eyes were on him. He knew he shouldn't be in the trees, but he was hunting to fill his own belly, and to oversee the state of damage done to the swamp. His eyes caught on the frame of a canine down below and a silent growl rippled through him. Gods help him if it was another fox!

Slowly the Luminary wound his way to the tree trunk and crept down it, touching down on the swamp floor with a short jump and the sound of air rushing out of his lungs. Correcting himself, the tom cat approached, fixing Oak with a critical look from under a bush. Alright, not a fox, that was better than nothing. Licking his lips, the mute tom stepped out from his hiding place and circled around to a spot where Oak hopefully wouldn't startle upon seeing him. Hesitantly, the tom attempted to reach out to Oak's mind, to pass along the impression of 'Hello.' If he couldn't connect to him, then he would simply sit down on a fallen tree in front of him, claws out to anchor himself on the water logged bark and wood.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: A newcomer approaches! | Oak - Kiara Kokytos - 10-04-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

rising to her haunches the reaper followed aesior on the ground, her species not allowing her to climb trees without putting up a struggle. she had smelt the newcomer too, she liked meeting new people and judging them. the sin winced as a small thorn lacerated her eat but shook the pain off. it didn't matter, somebody new was here. trespassing. she halted as aesior slowed down and mimicked his movements, sitting down. a silent figure in the distance, studying oak.

Re: A newcomer approaches! | Oak - Cryo - 10-18-2022

His eyes widened as he noticed the Feline, He backed away slightly. A unexperienced hound like him nervous from his gaze. He furrowed his brow as he felt as if something was pressing against his conscience. But he quickly shook his head and it faded taking a curious but cautious step forward he sniffed Aesior his keen nose was his best feature and one he relied on heavily. He crept ever forward before he was almost face to face with him. After a few more moments of sniffing he let out a huff smelling something beside the two of them but it seemed farther away he could probably ignore it for the time being Oak quietly began to speak. “Uh- Hello there.”

Re: A newcomer approaches! | Oak - Kiara Kokytos - 10-19-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

he didn't seem to register that it was aesior's voice speaking to him, and with a small 'ahem' made herself known. she stood up, padded next to aesior slowly as to not startle the newcomer, and sat down. "i'm kiara. this is aesior, our luminary. who are you and what brings you here?" as usual, her relaxed demeanor was just a coverup for the alertness she was feeling - the other had sniffed aesior for far too long.