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i'll be okay tomorrow ;; plot with cronas - Printable Version

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i'll be okay tomorrow ;; plot with cronas - purgatory - 06-02-2018

[align=center][div style="background-color:;border:;width:55%;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;font-family:tahoma;color:#5c5c5c;text-align:justify;line-height:120%;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:13px"]hello and welcome to crona's plotting thread! just a little about them: they are three months old and they don't know how or why they're here tbh. they just woke up on the beach and went with it. they speak in third person and are p much a blank slate bc a) i thought it'd be fun and b) i wanted to challenge myself. so! going more in depth about them, they're a lab experiment and was created, not born. a group of corrupt scientist wanted to play god and create life. sure enough, they managed to do so but were found out by the government before they could finish their project. desperately trying to get rid of the evidence, they tossed out an unconscious cronas on the nearest coast and they've been drifting in the ocean towards the typhoon ever since. they're a bit aloof and distant, very calm and unresponsive for a child and they don't have any known emotions. rather, they have it but it needs to be brought out; they need to undergo the situation that the emotions correspond with. and because they p much lack a personality, as they grow, depending on their interaction and upbringing, they could turn into a kind person or a stone cold killer. maybe both. maybe neither. maybe a huge softie or an asshole. the possibilities are endless.

a couple other things: they don't have a soul as humans don't possess that ability and are unable to understand what makes a soul a soul to begin with. they don't know that they don't have a soul and has to live with this empty feeling inside them that they cannot describe. also, the theme for them is time. why? idk thought it would be fun. it started from the idea of them having an absolutely shitty sense of time and it kinda spiraled from there. their birth name (the one the scientists gave them) is fractured(kit/time) or fract for short and this is because they seem to glitch: their limbs lock up suddenly, their stuttering (that could either be 'h-hello' or h-h-h-h-h-h-hello' and everything in between), starting a thought, pausing, then jumping to the end of the thought (similar to when a cutscreen starts then glitches and you're at the end without getting to know what was in the middle), and on rare occasions, a short attention span and minor memory loss to where they forget why they were speaking to someone and walk off. i'm also going to give them the intangibility and invisibility powers so they could glitch out in trees and parts of their body would disappear to really live up to the 'fractured' part of their name lel. as for why they introduce themselves as 'cronas', one is because the scientists needed a cover name when speaking to others who weren't in their group and came for a visit. 'cronas' was used a lot so they went with it. two, cronus (cronos or kronos. same bro), the greek titan god of time. i just changed the 'u' to an 'a' bc i'm Not Clever (´∀`;)

anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk. more info about them is [ here ].
here's what they're open to:
. friends
. enemies -- will definitely be one-sided until they learn how to hate or dislike others
. frienemies -- same as above
. being taught something/having a mentor in general
. them asking your character a million and one questions
. them following your character around
. going on adventures -- rather, your character asking them to tag along and they go bc why not
. positive and/or negative influences
. someone to eat all kinds of foods with -- they are a huge foodie and never turns down the option to be fed. if it's edible, they'll eat it
. minor injuries
. being adopted -- siblings, parental and/or guardian figures are lit
. long/short term plots
. aus
. suggestions <33

they're closed to:
. death
. torture
. capture
. serious injures/maim
. (romantic) relationships - they bby. also demipan both sexual and romantically but they don't know that yet

Re: i'll be okay tomorrow ;; plot with cronas - Character Graveyard. - 06-03-2018

Vanessa could adopt Cronas? :o

Re: i'll be okay tomorrow ;; plot with cronas - purgatory - 06-03-2018

older sister, mum or aunt? i'm fine with either c:
but yeah! shall they have a thread?
they don't really understand the purpose of a family but nessa could probably teach them a thing or two about it.

Re: i'll be okay tomorrow ;; plot with cronas - Cheeters - 06-03-2018

omgg i love cronas so much, theyre so cute
maybe pinch be a sort of mentor to them while also being foodie buddies and being asked a billion questions c:

Re: i'll be okay tomorrow ;; plot with cronas - purgatory - 06-03-2018

aaaaa they're not that great really but tytytytyty cx
but i'm down for all of that~ would you like for them to have a thread?

Re: i'll be okay tomorrow ;; plot with cronas - Character Graveyard. - 06-03-2018

She'd be a motherly-figure. I can make the thread! ^^

Re: i'll be okay tomorrow ;; plot with cronas - raiden - 06-03-2018

sounds good!
+ ty for making <33

aaaaa wrong account. too lazy to change ^^;

Re: i'll be okay tomorrow ;; plot with cronas - Cheeters - 06-03-2018

i'd love for them to have one, could you make it 00:

Re: i'll be okay tomorrow ;; plot with cronas - purgatory - 06-04-2018

yep! i'll tag you when i finish c:

Re: i'll be okay tomorrow ;; plot with cronas - ARGUS - 06-05-2018

Argus is a very... 'spiritral' person et's say. Being both a soul eater and a shinigami has that kind of effect. She can see that cronas is soulless and offer a good way for the other to gain a soul? Aka soul-eating, (the probability of it working is very minimal/up to you! But it could have an effect of giving the other a brief flashes of personality and feel emotions for the first time?) And teaching them how to harvest souls for themselves. Maybe a low-key mentor ship and possible negative/positive influence? (because soul eating is like x5 worse than a drug addiction and argus does it anyway shh she only wants to help)