Beasts of Beyond
Living with myself // Open, Bonfire // Nothing but lies - Printable Version

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Living with myself // Open, Bonfire // Nothing but lies - Ares - 10-02-2022

The dinosaur chuffed as she circled the bundle of sticks and logs she had gathered, shaking out her feathers for a second before looking around. A few NPCs had started to gather, seeking warmth and something to keep themselves busy. A few had started guessing things about Ares as well, and she could tell by the way they leaned to one another and whispered. It mattered little. For now, she would grant some fire. Perhaps they could huddle around it and chat.

It took a simple breath into the sticks to start the blaze. And then she started to care for it, occasionally breath more life into it as the fire grew. But as it became a steady fire, she simply laid next to it, basking in the warmth as others had begun to do so.

Re: Living with myself // Open, Bonfire // Nothing but lies - Casphian - 10-02-2022

perfection is found.
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
Serendipity had never been the type to join any of the gatherings, she never really felt like she fit in enough to truly join one. The only time she ever joined was during important meetings and even then she would just huddle in the back and slip away the second it was over. But tonight she decided she would try and venture out. She had seen others gathering around a bundle of sticks and so the cheetah made her way over.

Serendipity watched as Ares started the fire, tending to the small flame before laying down close to it. The cheetah shuffled anxiously as her gaze flicked from Ares to the empty spot next to her. Should she go over and lay down? Or should she just stick to the shadows like she always did.

With a bit more anxiously shuffling she finally made her mind up and padded over to the dinosaur. She lowered her head a bit as she got closer, tail tucked a bit between her legs. “Thank you for making the fire, it’s a nice night out to be able to just sit and relax,” she said softly as she moved to lay down and curling in a bit on herself.

in accepting your imperfections.
the band of arrick. -- cheetah.
credit @/teef

Re: Living with myself // Open, Bonfire // Nothing but lies - Ares - 10-15-2022

The approach of someone like Serendipity made the dinosaur emit a low brrp noise from within her throat. Not quite a growl, but not quite a rumble. She moved her head to look at the other and shifted a little to allow more room for her. With Serendipity's words she nodded, exhaling before speaking.

"Cold, too. Do you think it'll start snowing soon?" She mused, raising her head to look at the sky. Snow. It was a strange concept to her. She'd never seen it, only heard of it.

Re: Living with myself // Open, Bonfire // Nothing but lies - Casphian - 10-23-2022

perfection is found.
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
Serendipity's gaze followed Ares' when the dinosaur looked up to the sky. She let out a soft hum as she contemplated the question that was asked. "Hm knowing the weather it probably will but I hope that it doesn't, as much as I love to see the snow it's awfully cold," she mused with a gently and soft giggle. Her gaze flicked down and looked over to Ares, a smile flicking on her maw. "Have you ever seen the snow before Ares?"

in accepting your imperfections.
the band of arrick. -- cheetah.
credit @/teef