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THE DEVIL INSIDE / 200th post, one shot - Printable Version

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THE DEVIL INSIDE / 200th post, one shot - Margaery - 06-02-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
(there's a tl;dr at the end if you don't want to read everything completely!! total word count: 2285)

[color=#C47776]"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who lived in a big castle with her mother and father- the king and queen. She was their only remaining child and so they protected her endlessly, the king ordering his brothers and sisters to journey to their kingdom to provide an extra layer of safety while he ventured past their walls and into the world beyond to protect his queen and his precious, precious daughter."

"The king had vowed to do everything he could to ensure no harm came to the princess and fought to vanquish the many enemies he had made in his long, long life. The king's brother took it upon himself to teach the little princess about her family and her role within it while he was away. The king's sister taught her how to fight, knowing that the king would never rest easy if she could not hold her own. The queen taught her daughter how to be compassionate and caring, showering her with endless love while her husband was fighting wars she was worried he would not be able to win."

"No matter what though, the princess's safety came first and the royal family did everything they could to protect her life until her special powers developed. Always and forever, they promised her, always they would be by her side... forever they were famil-"

[color=#b14767]"But Mommy... what happens when the princess gets older? What if she wants a kingdom of her own? Will they let her have one?"

[color=#C47776]"The king himself had decided when she was born that the keys to his kingdom would be passed on accordingly to her. But you see, Margaery sweet, the princess's family was very special."

[color=#b14767]"Special, how?"

[color=#C47776]"Well, they couldn't die. Blessed with immortal life, the princess's family had been around for centuries. To most they were the villains found in fairytales, creatures that lurked in the night, feeding on the blood of others... but to the queen and princess, the royal famil-"

[color=#b14767]"Mommy... you're talking about us, aren't you? The My-Call-Sons.. right?"

There was a giggle.

[color=#C47776]"The Mikaelsons. But yes.. I'm talking about us, pearl. We're special and you're the most special of us all. You're the child of a great and powerful king... a king who wasn't sure if he'd be able to have children. Your existence is absolutely remarkable which is why your father so desperately wishes to keep you safe. But that's enough story-telling for today! Why don't you go find your uncle and see what lesson he's prepared for you."

Margaery awoke with a start.

A shaky breath would be drawn in, her stormy eyes trying to make out the familiar place that was her room, half expecting it to be the one she had occupied in her family's manor. She did not often dream of anything save an unwavering black and was especially distressed by the sheer innocence of the encounter that her brain had seen fit to show her. Why? Why of all things would she be dreaming about Mother and the stories she once elaborately weaved for her to pass the time? And why were the rest of her treacherous family members painted in such a golden-hued light?

Clear displeasure embraced her features as she abandoned her room in the Observatory, paws carrying her quickly towards the outside world and, further then that, the border. She needed to hunt. She needed to feed. She needed to distract herself from the growing nausea in her stomach and the warm memory of Caroline's beloved story.

[color=#b14767][i]"Mommy! Uncle told me that I speak Latin better than Father! Dicit enim sum copiam!" There was a pause as she remembered that her mother, unlike the rest of the Mikaelsons, was not well-versed in the ancient language, [color=#b14767]"He says I'm fluent now!" A comfortable silence followed her enthused words before that voice - her Mother's voice - filled the air again, [color=#c47776]"Be careful! Your Father won't easily give that title to you." A bright laugh ensued, joined in company by the child's own - Margaery's own.[/i]

[color=#b14767]"Get out of my head."

She snarled the words, claws escaping their sheathes to dig into the ground with every angered step. Beneath her, the earth trembled lightly and flowers almost black in hue bloomed. [color=#b14767]"I don't know why you're choosing to bother me right now but I'm too pregnant and too irritated to deal with supressed memories of my childhood, thanks but no thanks! Find someone else that'll give a shit," Margaery hissed to no one save herself, a fiery rage that was not Suiteheart's for once blossoming in her chest.

[color=#c47776]"Margaery sweet..." Her voice sounded downcast, hurt even. The child turned to her mother with wide, questioning eyes, a frown apparent on her face. [color=#c47776]"Your father just returned home for a bit but I believe it's best you don't bother him. He's a little... ill," Explained Mother tenderly, though the ghost of worry and apprehension in her gaze was enough to tell even Margaery the opposite. Father wasn't ill. He was angry. Probably enraged and keen on taking that out on whoever dared approach him. Mother must have been a victim of that- she looked tired, upset. She'd listen to her simply because she was too afraid to do anything else.

Father was... prone to these sorts of outburst. Usually, they occurred when things didn't go his way. In that, Caroline always teased that he and Margaery were too similar. Only his wife and his brother, her uncle, seemed capable of rousing him from his terrible moods. He refused to even look at her in such a state...

He didn't look at her often.

[color=#b14767]"I'm about ten seconds away from screaming... please... please stop," The Starstruck Guardian demanded. She was almost there... almost to the border. Anyone she encountered past that was about to get a taste of her teeth and claws as she sank her fangs into their neck. Blood would make this go away. Blood would soothe her frazzled nerves and return her once more to reality. Blood would mildly subdue the memories she had repressed all of her life, the memories that even Suiteheart hadn't been granted access to.

[color=gray]"Margaery, I must warn you, soon the urges to kill will set in. You cannot resist them, none of us have been able to in the past so you must give in. But remember, you don't need to make a mess of anyone, a simple puncture wound to the neck will usually suffice. Do not draw more attention to yourself than need be," Uncle explained in a grave tone, his expression apathetic as he studied the suddenly contemplative adolescent. [color=#b14767]"No messes... I believe I understand. I'll try my best."

She had found her first victim during that flashback, so engrossed in her own mind that she slaughtered them without so much of a bat of the eye. She was not clean. She was not orderly. And she certainly did everything in her power to make the largest, most chaotic mess of bloodshed and carnage that she could. Find me... I dare you. I'm still alive, I'm still kicking. What about you all? Are you still so deeply immersed in the darkness? Perhaps I'll join you. Perhaps I already have.

Margaery kicked the corpse away at that, the blood that stained her maw nearly the same shade as her eyes. Her hunger tonight was insatiable and she barely spent another second looking upon her mess before she was continuing on into the shadows of the unclaimed territory, ravenous and completely consumed by her own beast. She needed more. She needed more.

[color=#b14767]"Oh my god, I'm dying! I'm dying!" Margaery sobbed as she stumbled into the common room of her manor, covered head to toe in blood that was not entirely her own. Mother had been upon her in a second, checking that claim and sitting back in tense relief when she discovered that her daughter was far from death. [color=gray]"Margaery, what happened?" It was her uncle that spoke to her first, seemingly materializing from the shadows and no doubt lured in by her claims. She could only stare at him, shaking, trembling.

[color=#b14767]"I was so hungry."


The voice brought her back to reality and she instantly released the being from which she had been so fervently draining the blood from. A figure stood her opposite, copper eyes gleaming in the pale moonlight that fell upon them. Margaery could only stare, breath catching in her throat. This was not real.. she hadn't actually been successful in ushering one of her parents forth from the shadows that they lived among. They were too caught up in each other to even remember her. She was sure of it. More sure of anything else in her life.

But only a few feet from her in the very flesh was Caroline, a look of concern touching her features. [color=#c47776]"Margaery... It's me... Your mother," She continued on softly, looking as if she didn't know what else she could even begin to say. Years had passed since their last encounter with each other. They were different entities all together, not meant to cross paths. Fire and water. Shadow and light. Day and night.

[color=#b14767]"You abandoned me," Was all she could choke out, tears now brimming once-more stormy gray eyes, [color=#b14767]"You chose my father over me and you left me. So much for 'always and forever'... those are just garbage words you used to lie to me! I've been killing and killing and killing and hoping that I could draw one of you two pathetic beings here to see what I've become and now that I've succeeded I don't even know what to say to you! You're terrible! You're a monster! You made me a monster! You always told me that I was special... a miracle! If I was so special to you, then why did he leave me? And why did you follow him?"

Tears, hot and angry, spilled over her cheeks with reckless abandon now, a sob strangling her.

[color=#b14767]"Mommy? Will you and Father ever leave me? Will Uncle and Aunt Emilia ever leave me?" The inquiry was delivered carefully. The instant it left her lips, her mother had moved to embrace her. [color=#c47776]"Hush, Margaery, hush. You know that I'd never leave you. You're my daughter! My last daughter! You're the most important thing in my life! I'll be by your side always and forever and if there one day comes a time where I perish, I'll still be with you in spirit, I promise you that."

The child pondered her mother's response for a moment, finding it adequate enough. [color=#b14767]"I love you, Mommy," She purred, appeased, [color=#b14767]"You're the most important thing in my life too."

The most important thing in her life.

What a humorous joke.

Her mother was far from even significant to her anymore.

[color=#c47776]"Margaery, love, please let me explain my reasoning. It's not as bad as you thi-" Caroline was cut off abruptly, shocked now to find her daughter on top of her, all hot anger and teeth as she growled in her face. There was desperation in her eyes though, clear as day and still shining brightly from the tears that continued to fall. She was hurting, Caroline wasn't foolish enough to not realize that. She had destroyed her relationship with her remaining child in favor of a husband who she had lost to time so long ago.

[color=#b14767]"I can't live knowing that you're still here, basking in the light of day just as I do," Margaery half-shouted. Her attention was momentarily caught by the ring she wore on a chain around her neck and with a fluid motion, she ripped it off. [color=#b14767]"You have done nothing but inflict pain upon me. You realize that, correct? You realize that you've absolutely ruined me, correct? I'm pregnant with children who could possibly take my life..."

She hesitated, fear, agony, distress, and a million other emotions passing over her features.

[color=#b14767]"I need to kill you."

A sort of grave understanding touched Caroline's own features. This would not be a permanent death and the both of them knew that with astute clarity. Rather, this was a way for Margaery to truly escape her past, to finally sever all ties with her brutal family, just as she had desired. Reconciling... restarting a relationship... it would be an impossible task, not after the chocolate point had dedicated her life to despising her parents.

Perhaps Margaery was making a bad decision as she lifted a claw and slit her own mother's throat, watching with some sort of demented pleasure as her blood stained her paws. As she stepped off the struggling body, she realized that she was completely covered in blood, her chocolate fur stained red. How... tedious.

Fetching the necklace that she had ripped from her mother's neck, she quickly added the ring to the chain that bore the rose Suite had given her. She wore it like a trophy as she returned to the Ascendants border, seemingly unfazed as she made her slow walk to Starpool.

She'd no doubt garner some sort of attention smelling as strongly as copper as she did and covered in the sticky stuff but she didn't care. There was a part of her - arguably the coherent part - that was still in that clearing, weeping over the broken body of her Mother that she had absolutely destroyed before taking her leave.

This Margaery currently lived in a state of shock, her expression forgoing none of the atrocities she had committed that evening.

[color=#b14767]"Always and forever, Mother," She whispered to herself, finally reaching the shores of Starpool, [color=#b14767]"Always and forever."

- margaery has a dream about her childhood and wakes up pretty distressed by it
- she immediately decides to hunt but is met with a TON of flashbacks on her way which only succeed in angering her
- after she leaves the territory, she slaughters two loners but is interrupted by her mother whom she has finally succeeded in luring in with the messes she's been making off territory
- she confronts her mom, essentially telling her that she's the reason why she's a monster and that she can't believe that she left her
- eventually, margaery realizes that the only way to overcome this is to kill her mother so she does
- after caroline dies, she grabs the ring she wore on a necklace and adds it to the chain that she wears
- margaery then goes home absolutely COVERED in blood and just got to starpool
- she's still covered in blood and is pretty out of it, it hasn't really hit her what she's done yet)

Re: THE DEVIL INSIDE / 200th post, one shot - Suiteheart - 06-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Luckily for Margaery, Suiteheart had been on the opposite side of the territory when all of these events were playing out. The white feline was sitting on the shoreline of the beach, eyes glued to the horizon as if searching for answers there. The gentle lap of the waves were lullaby-like, and she had fallen under their spell easily. Within thirty minutes, she had fallen asleep. Her mental and physical exhaustion had finally caught up with her, and the beach was bound and determined to give her rest.

Her dreams were odd.

Though she slumbered, her heart beat in time with Margaery's and her soul took each step with her wife. In her dreams, she caught glimpses of what was occurring, but it could not stir her awake. She saw kind eyes - Caroline's, she recalled from having met her just once. She heard whisperings of someone that sounded like Ilijas. Latin phrases filled her sleeping thoughts, trickling into the strange dream her mind created. Anger seeped into the strange peace she had happened upon, and if someone were watching Suite sleep, they would see her twitching. Her paws moved in jerking fashion, and she growled softly.

Some haunting scarlet color washed over her senses then. What she assumed was blood filled up every part of her being. She could smell it, taste it, feel it. The sensation became overwhelming, and she opened her eyes. The dream-turned-nightmare clung to her, clawing at her chest, not leaving her side, and she had to check to make sure she wasn't painted with blood. Her breathing was ragged, and she couldn't get enough breath into her lungs.

"I need to kill you."

That line of dialogue burst forth in her mind, and her lips moved to shadow the words so that she mouthed them. Concern and confusion darkened her baby blue eyes as she pressed to understand what the fuck was happening, but Margaery was concealing everything as best she could. Suite tried, prying into the bond, but she only experienced flash images: she was Margaery pinning someone to the ground, felt the cold words drip for her wife's lips, and she saw Margaery slitting someone's throat. And then, it was gone. There was triumph and relief. There was some sick sort of happiness bubbling up inside of her, and Suiteheart felt her fictional eyebrows draw together. What the fuck was happening?

Able to understand her wife was headed for Starpool, she took off in that direction. It took only a few moments for Suiteheart to burst in milliseconds before stopping abruptly. That beautiful chocolate point pelt of Margaery's was stained with blood. Old and new blood alike covered her wife's fur, and that horrible scent of carnage reached her nose immediately. "M-... Margaery?" the Ecliptic Admiral began, at a loss for words. Baby blue eyes were alight with some strange emotion, and she shook her head. [color=#99182C][b]"Wh-what... happened?"