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let is sink in ;; power discovery, new body - Printable Version

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let is sink in ;; power discovery, new body - Cobra - 09-29-2022

Re: let is sink in ;; power discovery, new body - SHERBET - 09-30-2022

The recently made Captain was walking the beaches, his paws sore, graphite smudged somehow on them, and a pencil was tucked behind an ear. With a withering sigh, Sherbet took a long gaze over the ocean before catching a white feline with purple fading on the paws and a mane made of some rainbow substance.

Deciding that, no he doesn't have the energy to be even slightly intimidating, the male approached cautiously, but with an open posture, "Hullo, there, mate."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: let is sink in ;; power discovery, new body - Cobra - 10-02-2022

Re: let is sink in ;; power discovery, new body - SHERBET - 10-03-2022

The Captain didnt even bat an eye, just taking in the new form of Boots while giving a sympathetic smile, "Huh, well that's kinda neat! I take it you aren't faring too well with it, mate?" Pausing for a second, he careful asked, "What pronouns would you prefer, would you like if I still called you he/him?"
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: let is sink in ;; power discovery, new body - Cobra - 10-03-2022

Re: let is sink in ;; power discovery, new body - SHERBET - 10-04-2022

Sherbet hesitantly stepped closer and ran his tail gently acorss the other's side, and offered, "If it becomes too much, we can set our noses to the grindstone to figure out how to change you back."

The Captain gave a small snicker at the question, slightly teasing, "I ask myself that everyday Boots, am I really made of ice cream or am I just a weird breed of cat with ice cream fur?"
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: let is sink in ;; power discovery, new body - Cobra - 10-17-2022

Re: let is sink in ;; power discovery, new body - SHERBET - 10-17-2022

Shoving his worry down, since Boots was waving it off for now, the Captain meowed, "Well, if you need any help, even if you're just overwhelmed, I'll do my best to help."

Then, he smiled softly, Sherbet's eyes lit up with a purr, "I thought you'd never ask." Lightly kneading his paws, he continued with a grin, "But, yes, I'd love to, Boots."

[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: let is sink in ;; power discovery, new body - Cobra - 10-19-2022