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SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST // O, JOINER - vvintersoldier - 06-02-2018

The oriental feline padded up to the border of the Typhoon, ears drawn back to her skull. The calico feline was known as Olivier Mira Armstrong, and came from a family of five. Olivier, or Olivia if some prefer, was the oldest one of her siblings. Olivier and her siblings lived far from this land, and were raised by two loving parents. Her parents held a lot of pride for their children- their amount of pride has been apart of their family for generations to come. Olivier was proud to call herself an Armstrong, but it was time for her to move on.

So, the calico cat left her home, leaving her parents and siblings behind. She wasn't sure when she would come back home to visit, but she certainly will. She wasn't about to abandon them all the together, but she has to make her own mark in this world.

The female came to a stop at the Typhoon border, ears drawn back to her skull. Olivier had a look that could kill; there was a harsh gleam in her eyes. Olivier was a force to be reckoned with; while she might look small, others should not try to mess with her. For the past year she has been living on her own, she encountered many dangers. It made her stronger and helped her build character. Her left ear, torn up in several places; and her right shoulder- there is a scar that runs down it. These scars are like trophies- they prove that she survived and must continue forward. Survival of the fittest after all, only the strong survive.

In her traveling, Olivier heard about the Typhoon. She heard how it was a group of pirates, and how it wasn't a group for the faint of heart. She firmly believed she can find her place here, and she will make her presence known. Sniffing the air, the female realized that Typhoon members are nearby. Good; just what she wanted.

"I am Olivier Mira Armstrong!" The calico cat called out with a harsh, commanding tone, making sure people can hear her, even if they are miles out. "I heard about your group known as the Typhoon! I am here to join you!"

Re: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST // O, JOINER - purgatory - 06-02-2018


Cronas is Cronas. How cute.

Roxanne never felt the bond or love of a family, no, she had been kicked out of her own home because she had a deformity which were the things that were on her back. Wings. The winged Siamese had went through starvation and went through her own little battles in life but it never seemed like she could be touched. Sure, she had gotten clawed on the chest several times but that was hidden under all the fluff that wrapped around her throat and chest protectively. She flew over flapping her bat-like wings and landed nearby with a twitch of her whiskers wearing a grin on her maw, she wasn't intimidated by the calico nor did she feel the need to ever be. She had eaten cats like Olivier, they had always put up a fight before she finally decided to stop playing with her food. "Welcome to the Typhoon, Olivier." There was a brief pause before she would introduce herself with a lash of her tail "I am Roxanne Carter."
© madi


Family was a touchy subject for Caesar. For all he cared, he had no family, not after how they betrayed him before their Dimension was destroyed. So he disowned them (as if he had the power to do that) and decided he had no family. No siblings at least; his parents were dead. Because of him. And he kept telling himself that he was proud of that, but that was a lie. It physically hurt Caesar to know he killed his parents, but he truly did feel what he did was the only thing to do. So he had to lie to himself and say that he was proud of killing his parents. If he could convince others that he was proud, then he should be able to convince himself.

"Cronas should apologize for not introducing themselves properly." Caesar commented in a gruff tone as he came over, looking down at the kitten for a few seconds before turning his attention to the joiner. "But, yeah, welcome, as they've said. I'm Caesar Cipher, one of the Strikers here."

Re: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST // O, JOINER - vvintersoldier - 06-03-2018

Surely, the topic of family is different for everyone. Everyone has their entirely different experiences on the matter, so of course while one might have a close bond to their family, the other might have no ties to theirs whatsoever. In Olivier's family, that sense of pride her parents held went down to her and her siblings. Olivier was proud to call herself an Armstrong, even if she isn't currently with them. She can make the Armstrong family name become famous far and wide, have it live on for generations and generations after her time. As she waited at the border, her lime green eyes landed onto the first Typhoon member who decided to show up. Cronas.

She rose an invisible eyebrow at the feline, taking a note on their speech. How peculiar, she hasn't heard anyone speak the way Cronas does before. She couldn't help it but wonder how the feline managed to pick up that way of speech, and how it managed to stick. Olivier spoke in first person, and everyone she knew spoke in first as well. Surely this group doesn't all speak in third person, now does it? Her ears pricked up at the sound of more voices, but they spoke like her. So, it's just Cronas that speaks this way. Strange, Olivier certainly isn't a fan of it. It makes Cronas sound dumb in her opinion, considering he didn't process the way he speaks gives his identity away. Nose scrunching up, the harsh feline meowed, "Why are you speaking in third person? That is not the correct way to speak, and sounds quite primitive."

Olivier turned her gaze over to the next Typhoon member, which was Roxanne. Olivier kept her gaze locked on the winged siamese cat for a few moments, her tail slowly swishing behind her. How interesting, this member has a pair of wings. The wings are big and advanced enough that they can even take Roxanne off of the around. Quite impressive, if you ask Olivier. Surely Olivier would have thought they were flightless, if Roxanne entered by normally walking. Those pair of wings must be some advantage, the feline could only imagine what it's like to have those. "Impressive wings you got there, Roxanne," The ice queen said with a firm nod of her head, before tearing her gaze off of her.

The calico oriental looked over to Caesar next, gaze locking on him for a moment. A Savannah cat- so far it seems like this group is made up of felines. Olivier hasn't seen a canine yet, but she's sure there will be some that she'll meet later. In the past year Olivier has been traveling, she's met people who belonged to several species. What caught her attention with this one is that Caesar is a Striker- that must be some sort of rank. She wasn't sure how high it was though, but nonetheless, it's still a title. A title that one should be proud of, surely. She gave a nod at the welcome, her tail swishing behind her. "Thank you for the welcomes," She replied, keeping it short and sweet. Her lime green eyes looked at all three of them, focusing her attention onto all of them at once.

"Now, tell me where your camp is located."

Re: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST // O, JOINER - Character Graveyard. - 06-03-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Another joiner, it seemed. And she was pretty loud, which was the reason why Vanessa had approached. Icy blue-eyes would focus on Olivier, annoyance clear in them as she ordered a few of her Clanmates around.

"Our camp is at the bay. If you want, I can show you 'round the territory before you head to the camp." Nessa offered, looking at the calico oriental, a invisible eyebrow raised
© madi

Re: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST // O, JOINER - purgatory - 06-03-2018